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Everything posted by HardWoodFan

  1. CoachO..had some coffee and eggs with crow this morning. SK outstanding at the free throw line which will win you a lot of games if you attack the basket and get to the line a lot. Congrats on a solid win!
  2. Congrats to HHS for a great road win. The balanced scoring is a testament to great team play. When you combine this win with the Bulldogs and Indians victories, 9th regions top 3 teams have started out strong. It's going to be a very competitive season in NKY..let's all enjoy the ride!
  3. Sounds like a great early December game. Congratulations to Bowen and Kennedy for great nights and congrats to Gallatin on nice win!
  4. According to 1apr.com, Ryle will not have 4 returning starters on the floor; has the shortest frontcourt in NKY; can't play great defense; doesn't have a strong bench support well tested from AAU experience and doesn't have several players capable of double figures that are used to playing together..Therefore Madman's blow out prediction is likely...#itmightbeoppositeday
  5. Based on the bold above, can't imagine you saw Ryle vs Assumtion..All scrimmages are the game within the game..First 7 to 8 minutes of each half saw Ryle jump out to 14 to 7 and 15 to 8 lead..they moved the ball well and played stand out defense, including holding a 6'6 D1 committed senior scoreless in the "first quarter".
  6. Agree...I'd give HHS the edge in this one and I think you've captured the 4 key reasons they are a top tier team this year.
  7. Impressive...93 points is getting up and down the floor a lot.
  8. Louisville Male travels to Ryle this Saturday for a noon tip off. Should be an interesting scrimmage to see where the Lady Raiders are at.
  9. Been an interesting thread and sometimes we people just have different views. I think the original point was solid and that's this: It's not an even comparison (in the context of NKY Girls basketball) to look at SK Freshman/JV win loss record and correlate it to varsity success..Why? SK has moved players up and down for positive impact on win loss record..just no way around that fact if three predominantly JV players show up at a Freshman tournament but have not been a part of the rotation that "got em there". . Not stating that's bad..just stating it's the case. Some other schools have done similar things while others look at Freshman/JV as developmental in nature. That simply means it's not an even comparison. SK will likely have a successful year as they have good coaching and talent, though they lost A LOT due to graduation.
  10. Thanks for doing this! It is greatly appreciated by the basketball community!
  11. Hard to not have a lump in your throat after that one...prayers to Lauren and her family.
  12. Your example makes perfect sense. Since the "Boone County Verbal" sparked some of this, let's look at that. The unwritten policy for basketball is that you can move middle school players up but only if they make varsity. That precludes the scenario of stepping up to Freshman (which makes since in many cases) or even JV. It also creates a situation where it appears the middle school players talent was at the level where they were needed to be a varsity player immediately when in fact the coaches hands are tied..they have to put them on varsity in order to move them up at all. That doesn't make a lot of since. I do think it's problematic that schools or systems set their own individual rules on this as it should be governed by KHSAA.
  13. Maddie is going to be a great player and so is Juliet and Lauren and all three can make contributions now. Please let's not put undue pressure on these outstanding young ladies by starting to recant our 3rd 4th and 5th person interpretations of how a practice session did or did not go. RC asked for some Union input..here ya go: 1) There is no written rule on Boone County middle school players moving up..therefore it's subject to the interpretation of the person relaying what they heard. Henry..if you analyze your own statement you could deduct it makes no sense. Ryle has two 8th graders and a 7th grader that have made the varsity team. If what you said were accurate, all three would start or be the 6th, 7th, and 8th player in. C'mon man. With that said...any of the 3 or all 3 could contribute. 2) Ryle's four returning starters are as solid as any team would want and here's the beauty...NO returning starter should think their spot is owed to them based on anything other than their "bringing it" every day in practice and showing their leadership on and off the floor. Lady Raiders are blessed with 10 upper classman (9 Jrs and a SR). 7 of the 9 Jrs had intense AAU experiences over the summer and all improved their game as did many others in the 9th 3) When you add #1 and #2..here's what ya get: 4 returning JR starters of Lang, Jump, Jones, and Schwartz with several other solid upperclassman and 3 outstanding middle school players...all capable of stepping in. Look for a very competitive team coming your way from Union!
  14. I agree with the bolded part so would think none of us should speculate nor imply.
  15. H Poe did not return. Think she is focusing on soccer as she is already one of the best soccer players in the region as a soph.
  16. I think that's a pretty solid list and certainly a conversation starter. It will be very interesting to monitor the match ups as these teams play each other and revisit this list in FEB. agree with Budman as well on Schwartz who can be a legitimate threat at 2 spot at Ryle..in fact all three Ryle players mentioned may be best suited 1 position up at college level...Jump as 4; Lang as 3; Scwartz as 2. But overall a great list.. My change would be Tibbs as #1 Center
  17. I think you have a strong list there and there are no doubt many others. As the Raider Cheerleader, you might be combining two players at Ryle as Jump has the length at 6'2...strong inside defender that can score in the paint.. Jones sees the floor well and can knock down the 3 as well as drive.
  18. Thanks for all of the hard work that goes into this!
  19. Agree with you on this...the future is now for the Lady Raiders...last year brought a new coach, new offense and 4 soph starters. They have the ability to be standing tall at the end of this race, literally. Depending on game situation, Ryle can put a front court of 6'0, 6'1, and 6'2 on the floor along with solid guard play and one magic word .."Chemistry"
  20. Just so you will sleep well...bulldog&onlybulldog.com reports 9th region top 10 as 1. Holmes 2. Holmes 3. Holmes 4. Holmes 5. Holmes 6. Holmes 7. Holmes 8. Holmes 9. Holmes 10. Holmes all kidding aside... Original pole did hurt its credibility a bit by not having Holmes in top 3...Highland Holy Cross & Holmes ...order could be reversed but those 3 start the season in close race for top billing
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