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Everything posted by Asher2012

  1. One name that would be interesting is Dave Simpson. Phenomenal coach and relates well with kids. His effect at Scott has led to kids leaving Covington and playing in Taylor Mill.
  2. Rumor and just a rumor, was the handling of the Peterson kid. Several times he "babied this kid and his grades so he could play. Now the kid is not even in school. Also, over heard a very, very respected official said that his team was very dirty and disrespectful. Once again, rumors that I over-heard. I have no dog in this fight and wish Holmes the best of luck in finding a coach.
  3. I was in the front row. He deserved a "T" on the ball throwing incident. His second "T" was out of frustration that the Guards from Brossart were being physical with him and they were getting their "Humps" blown off. i spoke with one official and he said that the ball throwing was overlooked because off the intensity of the game and that he felt he was not showing anyone "up". In regards to the game, might have been a different outcome in McGovney is 100%. If he does not get back to at least 90% then they will be the 3rd seed in the district and be eliminated in the 2/3 game. However, great atmosphere and both team play so bad that it hurts. Good luck to both teams!
  4. it was bad both ways. Walter take off your blinders!! Bolden threw the first elbow and #2 responded. Any elbow swing to the head is automatic ejection. Like I said, Walter, officials fault for not controlling game. Both teams were playing with heart and passion. I never blamed the kids. Officials control that.
  5. The officials lost control of this game. #3 from Holmes, on 3 different plays in the fourth quarter intentionally threw 3 elbows and the head of #2 from Scott who was trying to attempt to deny him on every possession. A good crew would have ejected him and he would not be making the trip to Florida. I don't blame the players because if the "stripes" would of taken control of the game then it would of never got to that point. He has amazing potential and this team does as well. However, the difference between this Holmes team and the 2009 State Champion is leadership from the players and composure.
  6. SK is #1 now considering they beat Walton and Walton beat Notre Dame
  7. Couldn't agree more!!! Plus Hayes' team won a State Championship and dismantled Beechwood
  8. I said in week 2 when they lost to McNick that they would win 2A. I am not a fan of NCC since my team loses players to them every year but I respect them!
  9. Lorenzen was a first team freshmen all American at UK in the SEC. he was all conference two times.
  10. Like Poynter but they better talk to Chad Montgomery
  11. Hefty Lefty. All American in H.S. and College. He played professionally and won a Super Bowl. Also, the best basketball player of them as well. Towles was second but Gino billing on his heels and then Matt Mason. Maybe McCoy passes him next year.
  12. Ok here is what Raiderbird wanted me to state on here: Donovan McCoy Zac Harris OL from Highlands Seidl (rb) Highlands K from Highlands
  13. Because I am bored and I like stir the pot. Why do you have comment on everyone's post. Ok, I am not as smart as you, does that make It better?
  14. Now the Top 5 for next year: because its 7:52am and the family is nestled in bed and Thanksgiving dinner is now haunting me: 1. Drew Barker- no reasoning needed 2. Brennan Kuntz- UK fan will tell u why & a D1 talent 3. Josh Castleman- Scott's best player, ran for 1300 yards, averaged 13 yds. per touch and best safety in NKY. 4. Jonathan Scruggs-Holmes- maybe fastest and most elusive kid in NKY. 5. QB. from Dixie who's name escapes me.
  15. Now my Top 5 based on their importance to their team's success; meaning if their team lost this particular player how their season would turn for the worse: No Highlands players because McCoy and Harris are phenomenal but their depth is like no other and. that shows.the greatness of their program at.its current state: Tyler Dunham Dylan Hayes Max Nussbaum Brennan Kuntz Drew Barker
  16. Here is my revised Top 5: in regards to talent and not importance to their team. Cameron Fogle Drew Barker Donovan McCoy Blake Bir AJ Collins
  17. I was just making a statement that good players get you a great record, but great coaches win playoff games. If someone wants to start a thread on top 5 coaches then I will comment. But I bet Trosper is not on many Top 5,
  18. Not your pal. team with best athletes win, right? Not so fast, team with best coach wins.
  19. Kuntz can play but he is Top 5 next year, not this year!! However, what does it say about Conner that they have 2 players on Top 5 and cannot make it to State or Regional Final? Just stating.
  20. It will always be like this because in baseball and basketball everyone plays in the post season. How is this any different? In basketball you could be 0-30 and you still make the districts. And in most cases if you could pull of an upset in round one and lose it the district final and advance to the regional. This is the KHSAA's case!!
  21. I think we can all agree that there is a lot of very, very good football players in NKY. Lots of quality football and individuals.
  22. Barker-Conner Fogle- Conner McCoy- HHS Collins- Cooper Bir-CovCath a very close 5th-Dunham of the Camels
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