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Everything posted by jericho

  1. Can the gorillas sue, If they can use evolution as a theory then it's basically murder. If that family sues after they got their kid back safe and then the way she thanked God, then go and sue. she should be ran out Of town.
  2. A 3rd party otjer than Johnsn only goes to show the Eliteist are crapping in their pants and shaking in their shoes that they are about to be exposed and lose the power they have held for so long. Go Trump.
  3. Hate to ask but with so many cameras out there, is there a video of this?
  4. ^^^^^ That's not what everyone is upset with. It's the stupid mom who can't watch her kid.
  5. In all honesty the gorilla was taking better care of her kid than she was.
  6. Was told the mom name is Michelle Gregg Ran or runs a daycare Had Facebook but since this has taken it off Been sued before for negligence
  7. I don't know if anyone questions the decision to shoot the animal as much as it shouldn't have ever had to happen.
  8. I know, it just makes me mad that for 38yrs nothing had ever happened like this and now we lost a beautiful animal due to human problem.
  9. How do we know they were even there watching or how do we know they even had a clue it was their kid. Obviously they weren't watching their kid to begin with as we already know.
  10. I'm still waiting on a profile of the parents and an interview claiming how they were not at fault.
  11. 15 Years Ago Today: Gorilla Rescues Boy Who Fell In Ape Pit
  12. Any video of the parents who should have been at the exhibit, or were they off wandering around somewhere else.
  13. Where is Happy Gilmore when you need him.
  14. Now that would be an awesome sight. Bet I would never go near the water for a ball.
  15. No way I marry that thang. I could never get over the thought of what used to be down there.
  16. The zoo should sue the family for the murder of an endangered species. Did the crowd there see the gorilla get murdered with the shot or did they make them leave? What will be done with that poor animal that was murdered. I hope stuffed and put into a museum.
  17. Are dead people eligible. I may vote this time for my grandparents, I know who they would want.
  18. Agree. I'm sorry but it I can't find anything wrong then there probably isn't. I Do hate the bombs killed so many innocent Watch white light black rain as a documentary and you will understand the horror so many kids suffered.
  19. I just curious to see. Just wondering what a parent looks like that couldn't stop their 4yr old from bein the first person in the 38 year history of the Gorilla exhibit to allow their kid to do that.
  20. I would like to hear from the parents what happened and see their picture.
  21. It takes a village to raise a kid. It the other peoples fault the kid climbed under and fell in. I hope the kid is ok. I hope the parents have to pay a lot for allowing this to happen. Their incompetence just cost the world an endangered species and may have cost them their kids life. 38 years and this has never happened. It's for sure parents fault for not watching their kid.
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