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Everything posted by CoachJ

  1. Flattering, but I'd have to agree with most others on here that there's one name on there that should have many others above him in terms of what they've accomplished. ...maybe one day; but it takes some hardware to get on lists like these.
  2. I usually don't get involved in the quibbles on here about our "unproductive :lol: and too-predictable;) " offense, but one slight correction... The two "big plays" in the 4th quarter that actually stretched the lead and one VERY good drive we had in the 3rd in the driving rain were BOTH from our shotgun set. Above all, an offense in football today needs to be FLEXIBLE and able to adapt to differing conditions, strengths of opponents, or injuries to key players. Thus, we have a way to go Full-House Power both under center (better for bad field conditions and in the red zone) and a way to go Full-House Power in the gun (allows for more passing flexibility and misdirection); in addition, we can also run a complete SPREAD offense if needed (vs. stronger run defenses, end of halves, etc.). So, with WET and/or MUDDY field conditions, one consideration as to whether you're in gun or under center has less to do with what can get the most YARDS than it does how you can most easily get the BALL in play (we'd MUCH rather have been under center the way it was working with the wet field, but once the rain became a DRIVING rain at the start of the 3rd quarter, we had three straight errant under-the-center snaps). Here's why: a snap to a qb under the center actually slides the ball THROUGH the mud some...a shotgun snap is more of a "lift-off-the-ground" action so the ball is less sloppy. Combine a WET BALL (driving rain) with MORE MUD and just getting the ball IN PLAY becomes the most important consideration. (We had a pretty good, time-consuming, yardage producing drive late in the 3rd quarter out of shotgun, and as I mentioned, the 2-play "drive" in the 4th quarter was completely out of shotgun). When the rain subsided in the 4th, we went back UNDER CENTER and Harmon reeled off his last long run. The offense we run may "look" simplistic or predictable, but trust me, EVERYTHING we do play-calling wise, whether we're under center or not, what personnel we have in, and what we do with motion is by DESIGN and VERY thought out ahead of time...often, with consideration given to the same things military generals consider in battle (there is a VERY good read for football coaches called "The Art of War" that has nice parallels between football and war strategy in terms of terrain, enemy positioning, etc.). And as far as punting from their 30...with the field conditions what they were considering the TYPE of offense they were able to run (ball control running basically), the way our defense had been playing to that point, and the fact that it was 4th and TEN to go, to back them up and make them have to get even TWO more first downs than if we'd turned it over on downs right there made a LOT more sense. (Now, had we been able to predict that we'd miss the snap and actually LOSE more yards, no, we wouldn't have done it...but if we could predict things like that, EVERYTHING would be better for us!
  3. Historically (see post above), that number for 4A appears to be 800 boys or more in the school. ** Well thought-out analysis, by the way! Only thing I might differ with is that whatever the "diminishing return" is of having "more than enough" to play at each position it isn't nearly as negative as not having that CAPABLE BACK-UP when that critical injury to one or more of your key players happens...which, in a COLLISION-SPORT that extends more than 15 weeks is almost inevitable.
  4. AMEN and THANK YOU!!!! When we were at Oldham Co. (enrollment 550 boys and playing in 4A), this was our ONLY argument with having to compete for a championship (notice: I didn't say play) with X, Trinity -- both of whom had enrollments over 1200 boys -- along with about 20 other schools that had 800 boys or more in their school! The main issue wasn't public vs. private; Not "R-word" vs. no "R-word;" not great facilities vs. not-so-great. It is also one of the main reasons I didn't remain there (simply looking at the history and playing the odds: in the 30+ years there's been 4 classes, NO school with fewer than 800 boys in the school at the time has EVER won the Ky. 4A State Championship...and only THREE have even made it to the finals!). I know many of you that aren't directly involved in HS football on a daily basis or those that cheer for teams WITH such an advantage just think this kind of thing is "whining" or "excuse-making," but until you have to deal daily with scout team abilities in practice, special teams personnel considerations, depth at ALL positions for up to 15 games a year, etc., you just don't realize how much NUMBERS TO CHOOSE FROM DO MATTER IN FOOTBALL! And, incidentally (to my good friend with the red tie on tonight;) ), IS the only real reason I supported any kind of different class/realignment structure.
  5. I'm sure I speak for Coach Forrest on this one, but DONTA SMITH made me look like a MUCH better coach when he played for me at Oldham County (helped us very nearly pull the upset AT Trinity during a regular season game in Brohm's Sophomore year). Stick1 is right; he obviously had the bball talent (NBA draft pick) but how many people out there can say Frank Beamer thought they were good enough that he flew over the DAY BEFORE NATIONAL SIGNING DAY to do a home visit with you to talk you into choosing college football over college basketball? Though I hope all his NBA dreams are fulfilled, if they're not, I'd say if he got serious about it, he could pretty easily pull an "Antonio Gates" and make the transition to BIG-TIME NFL receiver. (His play reminded me a LOT like PLAXICO BURRESS.) And, as much as I like coaching, I'd be GLAD to be his AGENT if that ever happened!
  6. Toos, If you're looking for info about which stats program would be best for you guys, call the AD at Pikeville College. They have a great computerized stats program that compiles great halftime reports for coaches AND gives basically a play-by-play run-down of the game afterwards in narrative form (similar to what LexCath's program does). Not sure the brand name of it. We have a different program, so it was more cost-effective for us just to upgrade it...but what PC has is better than ours.
  7. Pikeville was working with several schools about playing in the remaining open weeks we have before we heard that Bell needed games. Once things are confirmed or things fall through in those discussions, we've told Bell we'd get back with them. So there MIGHT be a regular season game with Bell if one of the other teams we're working with can't make the home-away work out. Invitations had been extended to a couple of schools for the Pike County Bowl a while back. One school showed the most interest and they get "right of first refusal." If that happens and Bell is open week 1, it would be great to discuss PCB with them. I believe it's great to play well-coached teams with good tradition that are REALLY good to expose your weaknesses early in the season.
  8. Never meant to "intimidate" or disparage in any way any OTHER coach -- a few of whom I KNOW also spend 90+ hours a week away from home with their teaching and coaching duties in-season. I stated up front I realized it would come off as "defensive." But I'm not sure how it came off as possibly disparaging to any other coach...was only responding DIRECTLY to one person's implication toward ME that I was wasting time on a message board rather than doing what I should as a coach (wouldn't want my players thinking THAT now!). Only REAL point of mine originally was to get message out to fans and players that read this board (from the people that have the most influence over the direction of the program) what we would hope their attitude toward any "in-season" polls would be. Once again, to our players and fans: if our playoff position was based on polls (as it is in the NCAA), it would matter. Since it doesn't, use them for what they're most useful for...print them off and use them as a liner for your birdcage.
  9. Sorry; my fault that I took the following as an implication that I was wasting my time looking and posting on here: And thank you for the compliment. ...with all the smilies and such on my previous "defensive" post, I hope it was clear that no "ill-will" was intended on my part toward you. Maybe there can be a JC/PHS match-up in the future? Coach Matney called for one a while back but our schedule was full. Since then, few teams have backed out on us...maybe we can make it happen now and start up a good "big-school/little school" rivalry!
  10. :laugh: I know this is going to come off as "defensive," but oh well...since you brought it up: I'll put the time I spend watching film, making practice plans, monitoring study tables for our players needing academic help before and after practice and on Saturdays, etc. (including the 9 hours yesterday and the 4 hours already this morning) up there with any high school coach in the country. And add to it, it's where -- unlike SOME schools in Eastern Ky. -- the head coach teaches a full-load of classes and has 3 different academic daily. As was proven in "The Shining": "All work and no play makes Jack want to slice people up with an axe." But it's funny that you point out I'm "wasting time" when the ONLY break this coach has taken on the weekend before he gets his team ready to play Phelps HS is to get on the most highly trafficked website in the state about his profession. :lol: I look on BGP often as part of my job...not for "fun." 1) I check out whether or not our players are posting garbage on here and 2) to address with my team any posts that -- knowing they read this site -- could serve to hurt our team (like a lot of talk worrying about our TOTALLY SUBJECTIVE "ranking" right now and monitoring opposing fans' one-sidedly disparaging our players by pointing out "classless" behavior by only our players). Sometimes, it's appropriate for me to post something for all to see; most of the time, it's best not to post anything and address it solely with my team. Now, back to film grading for a few more hours. But I'll be back to "waste" more time later. (PS...don't want to burst any bubbles, but there's maybe one or two other coaches in the state that monitor this site for what's said and :sssh: even post once in a while:eek: . BUT...they're :sssh: not openly telling YOU who they are...probably for fear people will call them out for "wasting time" looking at a website about HS football.)
  11. Thank you. Well said. My request to all Pikeville fans, players, coaches, etc. Watch WYMT for it's great news coverage, Survivor, CSI, and what may be the top Friday night HS sports coverage in the state (and I've seen all the ones in Lex and Lou.). It's GREAT for an area like this to be blessed with a LOCAL major network affiliate that really cares about it's local area enough to pre-empt "the great" David Letterman every night to get a longer newscast on the air. BUT...when the "Mountain Top 10" comes on: CHANGE THE CHANNEL TO SOMETHING ELSE! Until the last game of the season is over, the 2 minutes or so it's on is as valuable a way to spend your time as watching a "Richard Simmons on How to be a Real Man" infomercial.
  12. Like I'd said in the earlier post... ...and like I'd also said...
  13. :lol: :lol: :lol: I was afraid this might have been thought by some to be the case; let me explain... We'd bought new away jerseys for our team last year and had kept them a surprise from our guys. When we got there, we had to SNEAK the jerseys in on hangers to the locker room without any of the players knowing. So, I had to get them as far away from our locker room as possible AND facing the other way while they were "trojan horsed" in. To do that, I sent them down to the other end of the stadium and talked to them with them facing me (so I could see exactly when our jerseys were all in the locker room). What's ironic, is that some thought we were trying to INTIMIDATE Belfry -- 2 time state champ -- while down there; when the basis of my talk with them was REALLY about how IMPRESSIVE their program was ("just look at this complex, look at their indoor workout area and locker rooms here, etc. To win HERE would mean so much more...to be the best, you have to BEAT the best"). There was no attempt or instruction to "stare down" any of their players, stomp on any kind of logo (none of our players were positioned in their endzone even during the talk). It is LAUGHABLE that a coach would be STUPID enough to come into the stadium of a POWERHOUSE with a TREMENDOUSLY respected head coach and a community that loves and respects the game and try to somehow "intimidate" them as a 3 or 4 TD underdog.:lol: :lol: :lol: I've done some dumb things before, but trying to INTIMIDATE Belfry at THEIR place, sorry. Trust me, I/we have nothing but ABSOLUTE RESPECT for what's been done at Belfry and would NEVER disrespect a great program that does things the right way like that. (But I know how fun CONSPIRACY THEORIES are to some; so I'm sure the beat will go on). As for THIS year's game, looks like both teams are improving and both are close to full strength...ought to be a great night of football in the mountains!
  14. Clark Jeter is BY FAR the best ALL-AROUND receiver at Henry Clay...and they have TWO OTHER legit D-1 receivers. I hope a technique-perfect kid like that gets as much notice by the next level guys as the guys with "name-connections" on his team.
  15. I knew it would work...THANK YOU! Still going to be some "working through" things until everything is totally "back to normal" though, so your continued prayers on this matter are still appreciated.
  16. ...for a few good kids on our team that need some help coping with a difficult situation this evening. Can't divulge details, but these are good kids; so would appreciate the help of the big number of BGPers that care about kids and know that prayer has an impact.
  17. nothing great about what we've done against the best teams. But, it's early. Coach Smith at Boyle's first two teams didn't execute great at first either (I believe they had a losing season or two at the beginning of his tenure). It takes time...patience...and kids willing to WORK and BELIEVE. We've got those things INSIDE the program at Pikeville...and the kids and coaches believe enough, it doesn't matter how much DOUBT exists outside it. (Good fans SHOULD expect a lot more...that's not "heat" toward me...that's EXPECTED).
  18. I'd say you can pretty much count on, by week 5, that we'll be running the "lonesome polecat" formation 90% of the time along with the "Notre Dame Box" 10%.
  19. I agree. We've got to do a better job getting the ball to some of those kids.
  20. Many "knowledgable people" thought the wishbone "wasted players." Many more thought the I formation "wasted players." etc., etc. The fact that those worked despite opposition to them doesn't mean the offense really "wasted players," nor does it mean those opposing it weren't "knowledgable." They just didn't have the total picture as to what you get out of it, why it's run, etc. As to players being "wasted," if a fan would like to see the ball thrown more because that's more exciting, that's understandable. But if their team doesn't have a "natural passing qb" but does have a stockpile of good running backs and strong offensive linemen, wouldn't forcing your team to work on throwing more be "wasting" those good backs and linemen? And wouldn't forcing those plays to be run in games be futile and a "waste" of time when you could be "honing" what your team's strengths tend toward? As a coach, you 1) evaluate what you've got as strengths and try to run an attack that MAXIMIZES those; 2) you evaluate what would be weaknesses and try to LIMIT those. Finally, 3) you work on it to the point where it hopefully gets EXECUTED the way it's designed. We're pretty sure we're right on about 1 and 2...3 still needs quite a bit of work; but it's VERY early in what is a LONG season. And, these are YOUNG KIDS; we're going to be PATIENT with them (would hope the "fans" do the same, but can completely understand that they won't be). This year, we've played two pretty high-quality 3A and 4A defenses (EJ had only ONE TD scored on them in their scrimmages and 1st game) and still churned out good, long-drives -- but you're right, people SHOULDN'T be positive since it takes converting drives to POINTS to win games. And, we only ran "this offense" ONE SERIES last year (vs. Somerset). LSU -- Thanks...ditto back to you. And I know I probably shouldn't be on here responding to fans' concerns...but I always had a lot of respect for the college coaches that had to have a "coaches call-in show" and the professionalism with which they (usually) handled criticism. I heard one of them say one time to the host after an especially brutal caller called in to berate the coach that if they were that upset about a bad performance, it just showed how much they loved the team. That's what we have here. I would NEVER expect hugs and kisses from the football-knowledgeable fans of PIKEVILLE after going 0-2...even when it IS to two teams of the quality we played. AND, I don't want the kids of ours that do read this to see some of the POSITIVE (things based on stats and film-analysis) along with the almost total-negative comments.
  21. Many "knowledgable people" thought the wishbone "wasted players." Many more thought the I formation "wasted players." etc., etc. The fact that those worked despite opposition to them doesn't mean the offense really "wasted players," nor does it mean those opposing it weren't "knowledgable." They just didn't have the total picture as to what you get out of it, why it's run, etc. As to players being "wasted," if a fan would like to see the ball thrown more because that's more exciting, that's understandable. But if their team doesn't have a "natural passing qb" but does have a stockpile of good running backs and strong offensive linemen, wouldn't forcing your team to work on throwing more be "wasting" those good backs and linemen? And wouldn't forcing those plays to be run in games be futile and a "waste" of time when you could be "honing" what your team's strengths tend toward? As a coach, you 1) evaluate what you've got as strengths and try to run an attack that MAXIMIZES those; 2) you evaluate what would be weaknesses and try to LIMIT those. Finally, 3) you work on it to the point where it hopefully gets EXECUTED the way it's designed. We're pretty sure we're right on about 1 and 2...3 still needs quite a bit of work; but it's VERY early in what is a LONG season. And, these are YOUNG KIDS; we're going to be PATIENT with them (would hope the "fans" do the same, but can completely understand that they won't be). This year, we've played two pretty high-quality 3A and 4A defenses (EJ had only ONE TD scored on them in their scrimmages and 1st game) and still churned out good, long-drives -- but you're right, people SHOULDN'T be positive since it takes converting drives to POINTS to win games. And, we only ran "this offense" ONE SERIES last year (vs. Somerset). LSU -- Thanks...ditto back to you. I always had a lot of respect for the college coaches that have to have call-in shows and deal with criticism in a USUALLY professional way...win or lose. I know I probably shouldn't come on a public forum and discuss this stuf with "fans," but I really DO respect the fact that they care about this team and think they deserve some answers to their questions. Also, I know our kids read this negative stuff and that's maybe a coach's biggest battle to fight within a team. If ALL they read on here is just the NEGATIVE about the offense and they never see the POSITIVES in context along with the negative, they are likely to become negative themselves. (I think what many of the BOYLE CO. fans have posted in response to a bad loss was very interesting, by the way.)
  22. That's okay...CovCath, LexCath, and Highlands all hated it too. (But for a different reason!) Good points about some things here...and, it's actually GREAT being in a place where the fans actually care enough about the football to have strong emotions about it and be critical of it! The offense has actually been fine. Our O-line has done a great job at the point of attack. Our backside pull has gotten the job done MOST of the time (and when it hasn't, our "contingency" for it has worked unless their angle was bad). We moved the ball better against Henry Clay than even perennial 3A power Boyle Co. did. Moved it consistently against EJ as well (though losing our QB in week one caused some expected miscommunications about who was to receive the snap -- those will get better as he gets more experience running it). We've had FIVE drives of 10 plays or more in the "Heavy" offense (the "Single-Wing" stuff that people aren't used to) against two VERY good football teams. We break down every drive and try to pinpoint the "drive-killers" on each. We've found that for these VERY good drives (that consume the clock, wear down the opponent, etc.) have been due to THREE things...1) twice: bad play-calls once in the red-zone (completely MY fault...not necessarily "the offense;" we would've been fine if I'd kept running what was working rather than trying a change-up) and 2) an unfortunate fumble (on which, our RB's mouthpiece was ripped off his facemask and his chinstrap torn loose) and 3) twice: miscommunication on who was to take the direct snap. Again, that's a risk of this offense (but one I've seen from experience basically doesn't happen with an experienced QB and is MORE than made up for in what you gain with LB's being "frozen" not knowing who's getting it for one second -- something you can't appreciate watching full-speed). The rest of the offensive drives that haven't been successful have been in the "traditional" style of spread, which most teams in the state our doing. But on those drives, we've been trying to rest our top linemen that play both ways and are doing a GREAT job opening holes in "Heavy." Those other guys are getting better too. And by the end of the year, I think we'll have two VERY formidable attacks that teams will have to spend a lot of time on each week to stop. Just as we're telling our kids, relax; don't get negative. It works and has worked against some of the best teams in the state at the 3A and 4A level. Don't make excuses about why something's not working, but CONSTRUCTIVELY criticize what's happening to cause the problems and work hard to correct them. With the quality of the kids we have and the work-ethic of the coaches on our staff, I have a LOT of faith that the "problems" bogging us down now will get better. Playing HIGH quality football teams to test it may not make for happy fans NOW, but it is the BEST way to EXPOSE the weaknesses that are there to allow us to FIX problems we might not otherwise know exist...and maybe make for "happier" fans later. Hang in there.
  23. Pre-season rankings are solely for fans and media members. Trust me, players and coaches care ONLY about POST-season rankings.
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