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Basement Barbers

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Everything posted by Basement Barbers

  1. for the same reason that Dixie should have dropped this year..... numbers. Class sizes very greatly every year at Beechwood. Last years Freshman team had 6 8th graders... just so they could make a roster. Without numbers we cannot play the bigger schools. Just a fact. We have 21 freshman this year and 1 8th grader. we should have moved back up. it was short sighted on our part.
  2. The invite has been out there for some time. Beechwood is looking for a game for the next two weeks. I said that there was no championship game this year..... I was wrong. The UNBEATEN team from the 'large' school division will play the UNBEATEN team from the 'small' school division. Would you then agree the winner was this years freshmens' best team? Good.... it happened last Wednesday. Even if we did get lucky and get a game....say with Highlands.... and win. Campbell Cty people would still say, 'well, we can beat you". People cannot do math.
  3. We are working on both of those and also Simon Kenton.
  4. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. No team changes divisions after the season starts or request to do so. Also, you voted 'NO' that beechwood shouldn't be able to play in a championship game, 'big school' division, that doesn't even exist. So, the 'stunt' is what you tried to pull here.
  5. I understand your point. College football and NFL has rankings. Each team does not play all of the other teams, but they still rank them. Covington Catholic would beat Ryle 10 out of 10 times. They would beat Highlands 9/10, Campbell County 10/10, Simon Kenton 10/10, Conner 10/10, Lloyd 10/10, Boone 10/10, Cooper 10/10 and Beechwood 5 out 10 times. They only reason I ranked Beechwood over Covington Catholic is because the one time they did play... Covington Catholic botched an extra point. As close as you can get.
  6. Any other details for this game? I would have like to watch this.
  7. Yes. Providing that a freshman does not take one snap at the varsity level... and does not play any other varsity sport, they can transfer. Smart schools, at the end of the year, will move up all of the talented players and get them in for a game. That's how they 'lock up' at kid. lol....but true.
  8. There is no 'big' school championship. There is only a championship for the froshmore division, or small school division... and that appears to be canceled this year. Every school can decide to move up or down depending on their numbers for that given season. Beechwood in the last several years has been blessed with large numbers in (2) classes. This years senior class played in the large school division (went undefeated) and this years freshman class (which should have been moved to the large school division). Had Simon Kenton known that this years freshman class could not compete with the larger schools they could have moved down.
  9. Not sure about Wade. They did have a decent RB. It was at the first scrimmage of the year. I know that Camp (QB/LB) did most of the carries and nearly all of the tackles. That kid is a stud. Hopefully he doesn't end up at Cov Cath.... him and McGinness would be a force.
  10. a valuable lesson as a kid... Punch the biggest kid and the smaller ones will learn. So learn.
  11. ....but Covington Catholic did beat Highlands. Keep your hypotheticals. lol.
  12. There will be a Froshmore championship on Oct 29th. Teams and location TBA. As noted on an earlier thread, there will not be a Freshman championship.
  13. Are you saying that 6 starters didn't play for CC against Highlands in the first half? Wow... that would make a difference. What was the halftime score?
  14. The game is out on Vimeo "Beechwood Football" if you wanted to watch it.
  15. Amended. 1. Beechwood 2. Covington Catholic 3. Highlands 4. Campbell County 5. Ryle I thought this would be an odd year, having a Freshman 1A team doing this well against larger schools.... but heard this years senior class went undefeated their freshman year.
  16. Not sure why the other thread was closed... but allow me to reshuffle the top 5. 1. Beechwood 2. Covington Catholic 3. Ryle 4. Highlands 5. Campbell County Cov Cath plays Ryle on the last game of the year... so this may change. Thoughts?
  17. This was a fun game to watch. I would credit both defenses. I was pretty far away, but can't wait to see film and see the trenches. Loved watching #54, Bowman, get after it for Cov Cath. Hit or rushed the QB a few times. McGinnes is a special athlete. Glad to see that he wasn't hurt too bad, when he came in for the last play. Dayton Baugh #71 and Adam Derry #65 for Beechwood did very well. There were a lot of solid hits throughout the game. This was the hardest game BW has had this year. Credit CCH staff and players.... I heard the head coach say to the boys, at the half, that we were just a "1a" school.... but coach.... we are Beechwood.
  18. That's him. Great kid. He has been running tail along with Jake Sherron. Also, he plays DB on defense.
  19. We were not good. Much like Newport we had a few athletes, but just not enough. Also, at that time it was still the 4 class system so we never made the playoffs. I was talking last night about this and did forget a very important point.... back then the coaches could put their hands on you. It was nothing for a coach to kick a kid in the butt when he messed up. Several times I remember getting smacked in the helmet. Our coach had bowl ring, i assume, and when it hit your helmet it made your head ring for a minute. I don't condone this, but it was a major difference from then and now. I definitely feared my coaches.... not for just the physical punishment but because I never wanted them disappointed in me. Much like kids with dads didn't want their dads disappointed. Maybe kids today just don't think like that.
  20. I was an inner city kid. Went to Holmes, played football for a strong coach, learned life lessons and moved on. Quit giving these kids excuses to hold on to. You acted up, our coach would ask you to take your jersey off and head to the locker room or the bus. The game is not about 1 boy or 2. A strong coach would tell those kids that anytime you pump your chest, take your helmet off, make a scene, or talk back to any adult... you make the game about you.... and the game was never about you. So you ask me to have sympathy for the kids and coaches? I don't. There are many coaches out there willing to coach the right way... not only teaching these kids the fundementals but the life lessons they desperately need. Find them. Lesson 1 from my old coach.... in a very southern draw "if it was easy, everybody would do it."
  21. Newport has problems. They allow kids to throw tantrums, throw their helmets and act up on the sidelines. I could care less about how bad they played, they made the coaches look very bad. IMO they need a new culture at Newport. I would fire every coach and bring in a new staff that would not put up with that crap. I saw coaches trying to coddle players and talk them down from tantrums. I saw players take their helmets off and talk to people in the stands! They are in bad shape..... and they are bad at football. Props to the Newport Cheerleaders. There were a large number of girls, they were good and enthusiastic... a pleasure to sit in front of.
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