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Everything posted by corndog23

  1. Well, you don't wear white to a funeral. Black is the mournful color. I think it was a sign of mourning for Mr. Wildcat. They will not be worn again. It was a great tribute.
  2. You could really see the checkerboard pattern, even in the stand from where I was. I'd LOVE to have a pair of those shorts.
  3. :flame: :banana: Your'e the banana...on FIRE! :lol:
  4. What do you guys think about the black uniform tribute to Mr. Wildcat, Bill Keightley? I thought they were MAGNIFICENT. Thoughts?
  5. Im sorry, but I wouldn't call picking a win over Miami "outlandish". And honestly, IU is B A D. 41 points is not out of the realm of possibility. Do I believe it will happen?? Not really. But it is not "outlandish"
  6. Looks like you made the right call. I would have sat TO, and I think it would have been fine either way. Berrian's QB got hurt and that's something you can't predict.
  7. I haven't been on this site long, but since you like pointing out other posters flaws, when was the last time you were wrong??
  8. You know, I think a large percentage of our UK brethren have some sense of entitlement. Like the University, or the players OWE them something. I dont get it. If things don't go our way sometimes, some of our fans sit and pout about it like a bunch of spoiled teenage brats. It's discouraging to see an old man sit beside you and CHEER when Michael Porter comes out of the game or boo when he comes in. Sickening.
  9. You know, I pull for UL throughout the year besides one game. I don't understand why you can't pull for your own state. I mean, UL has players from KENTUCKY. That's enough for me to pull for them when not playing UK. I dont know why UK and UL fans can't get along better then they do on here sometimes.
  10. Why not?? You said yourself that there is parity in college basketball. All it takes is one great PG (Liggins next year), one great big(Patterson next year), One great scorer(Meeks next year), and 2 good role players who can score and rebound when needed(Harrelson and Miller next year). Add in the pieces of some hot-shot, dynamite freshman(Orton, Hood, and Vilarino next year) and some veteran leadership (Stevenson, Harris, and Porter next year), And maybe a bombshell transfer(Pilgrim next year) you might have a final four team in the making. That is a team that can contend, I dont see why that is so hard to understand. In a game full of parity (you said it) why can't a turnaround happen in a single year like I believe it will next year???
  11. I was at the game and Miller was playing pitiful help defense, drifted off his man, and let four, count em, FOUR, wide open threes get knocked down to let the deficit grow. Miller was killing me tonight...I was more upset with his play then anyone on the team, even the whipping boy.
  12. First of all, congratulations, but dont hurt your shoulder patting yourself on the back. Secondly, Liggins has been the best option at PG for the team from the get-go. Porter is not a PG, he is a SG playing out of position. I actually like Porter, unlike most UK fans, and think he can be a contributor to this team at the SG backing up Jodie Meeks. I don't think it would hurt to let him spell DeAndre at the PG for 3 to 5 minutes a game either.
  13. Not trying to pick a fight or anything, but what makes you think they have the better team?? Is it because they are ranked? From what I have seen of Miami, they are about the same caliber of team as we are without the big guys to play Patterson, Harrelson and company down low. And with it being at Rupp, I dont see the Cats as the inferior team tomorrow night.
  14. I know this is going to be tough for you to do...but you gotta sit TO.
  15. Mike Teal?? Wow, I guess the Big East IS that bad. Embarrassing game for UL on their favorite day to play football...
  16. I figure the game will be back and forth throughout. McClinton makes things interesting. He is clearly the best player they have to offer, and since he is in the lineup the Canes have a good chance to win this game. I still like the Cats in this one since it is a home game. UK-78 The U-72
  17. That's where I thought we would be after the UT game. I want to say disappointing, but how can anybody be disappointed with a bowl trip for the Football Cats after losing all that firepower?
  18. I wouldn't say spanked, I mean, they only beat us by 5 more then Western beat UL.
  19. I once received a power rangers 12 inch tall action figure complete with his robot from my cousin. I was 20.
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