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Everything posted by Theoldman12

  1. What about Tom Herron from Holmes. I believe he held a lot of records until Beal broke them. I am way to young to have seen him play but I would say he played in probably the late 50's maybe earlier. Has anyone heard of him because I am of course just going off of what I have heard.
  2. I meant Bellevue, but thanks for the info.
  3. This game is on December 27 at 9:45. First round game from the Lloyd tournament. I think Holy Cross's experience will prevail over Walton's inexperience.
  4. The pitchers name slips my mind, but he does throw well.
  5. I think EVERYONE expected more production out of him though. At least not dropping so many balls.
  6. Sounds good.. They will be tough this year.
  7. I forgot about Shuttlesworth, he was solid last year.
  8. I heard transfer rumors a while back, don't know if they ever developed.
  9. How so? Beechwood lost alot of talent, and there is word Slusher isn't playing. HC will be tough this year. With Dixie I think Smallwood and Koors could take that team far, also Chamberlain will contribute alot.
  10. Should be alot of talent and good teams this year. What your top ten teams be? 1. CCH- Return alot of important players, and have Maile. 2. NCC- Have Conner throwing for them and will win a substantial amount of games. Plus the Kelly bros. will be good. 3. Holy Cross- return 9 seniors, and Have thier ace Roenker, now only if they don't over use him. Will be a very sound ball club. 4. Ryle- will have a solid team, still have Estcheid (sp)? and always put out a quality squad. 5. Beechwood- Young at spots but Smith will carry the pitching staff along with Larimore. 6. Dixie- Have a solid staff with Smallwood and Koors as the anchors. Lesley also is a solid lead off man. 7. Conner- Brake and Pugh should be the catalyst to the Cougar offense. Prolly should be higher than 7. 8. Bellevue- If Jones is still there they will be a contender. 9. Brossart- Don't know much about them but they were tough last year. 10. SK- lost some talent last year and they might be good toward the end of the year. Thoughts..
  11. Maybe Smith, but I would take Conner from NCC over Larimore.. JMO.
  12. So UK got more out of losing to VMI than beating TSU? I'm not buying that..
  13. Thats a point I forgot to make. I understand the the players help raise the money so they get paid, but I mean families I know live on 60,000 a year with two kids and aren't begging on the streets at all, so I don't by any of the "I am trying to feed my family" stuff put out by athletes these days. I mean don't you think it beginning to get out of control.
  14. I will agree that the MLB needs a salary cap like the NFL, this is a baseball problem more than a Yankee problem, even though I HATE the Yankees. Also, Bob is far from an idiot I for one think the Reds are on the right tract to start contending. Mike on the other hand.....
  15. But the A-10 is way up this year...:ylsuper:
  16. Dude X is a final four team... Duh..:sssh:
  17. UK should be 11-3 heading to that city west of Lexington..
  18. Yes, HA, the bank were open tonight for HC. Trimpie played a nice game against some athletic players, I hope he can continue that for the length of the season. Shina is so fast the ball and broke thier half court trap very easily. Not many players that can gaurd him legitamately man up.
  19. Fuller is a good athlete. Broering and Allen on JV are going to be very nice players. I also think Arlinghaus is going to be good.
  20. UK big again.. Cats- 94 Owls- 61 Meeks and Patterson light it up again.
  21. Yeah, Im pretty sure. Sorry Wireman and the guys did my homework for me... Next..
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