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Everything posted by OhYeaYouThink

  1. American Idol is on and I can't turn it off. Id like to see the Hero performance though. On a side note, can someone please find me a rent freee apartment lol.
  2. I don't know what bat my brother uses, I BELIEVE it's the exo. But he loves it, as did his teammates. He also likes the wooden bat.
  3. This season is making me want to try out. So the first girl they sent through tonight is crazy. She may have had a decent voice, but what a total nut job. And I like Jesus, so far. His kids are adorable.
  4. Still don't get the hype on the Hunter Jones kid. Haven't seen anyone other than him and Luke to say anything about the rest.
  5. I thought his exit was classy and I hope that he is well recieved back home in Texas. People always need someone to blame and unfortunately Bush will be that scapegoat for a while.
  6. I see the same thing. A lot of people screaming change is coming are the reasons we need change in the first place.
  7. I agree on the Thelen assessment. If he develops an outside shot and learns that being aggressive isnt a bad thing he'll be fine. But I think he was going to get there before the injury. But we won't know now. As far as Arnold, that's great that schools are looking at him. As I said, I don't see a D1 caliber talent, possibly if he progresses in the next year or so, which I'm sure he will. Don't take offense to this ETA, but the same can be said for YOUR opinions . You seem to think the more you push your opinions on other people the more it makes you right, which is very innaccurate. No matter what, youre still just another poster on BGP. It's all good.
  8. Please don't try to tell me what my opinion should be. It doesn't matter how many times I've seen him, my opinion is based on that, and it's all I have to go on. And I'm telling you he did not impress me all that much. I honestly don't see a D1 caliber kid in there yet like you say all these "scouts" you talk to do. I mean to be honest, before Thelen got hurt, I think he was starting to break his way into being the top sophmore in NKY.
  9. I think Hugh Laurie is just..a handsome devil It really is a great show though.
  10. My dad would love this question. I buy him books on the Presidents constantly. I believe Thomas Jefferson is one of his favorites too, if not the favorite. He is ready Lincoln books now.
  11. It's impossible to rank anyone aside from Holmes lol. Good win for Newport.
  12. So I lost 3 pounds last I checked. I don't know how though cause I haven't really started my excercise stuff cause I HATE excercising if it isn't playing a sport [which I dont have time for right now]. And I eat like crap.
  13. Oh yeah, they definitely all have very good teams. I'd say Elliot Co. does as well though. I don't know who out of those you pick as your top, but having seen Homes I'd put them at one, because I just don't see anyone being better at this point.
  14. That part was cool but thats also when it kind of hit me too. I don't know ha..emotional almost.
  15. lol, my Democratic grandmother is convinced Hilary would have been the best option. And she is out her darn mind! But I see what youre saying, and I understand some people honestly believe that crap, but as I said before, I would never even think to act that way at that ceremony.
  16. I'll be honest, I put Elliot at number 2 because of what I have seen through here. I have seen Scott Co and I don't think they are number 2 in the state.
  17. I don't understand? Are you saying they irrationally hate him and have because they think he stole the race [because of the voting issues?]. I am shocked purely based on how disrespectful some of our citizens are. I expect booing, but it still shocks me. I'd NEVER go to the ceremony and even THINK to boo, let alone sing a song.
  18. Wow, it's so weird to hear "former President Bush". lol, he has to feel SO relieved though. I'm really nervous for the next 4 years, but I hope it goes well. I don't agree with some of the things President Obama [wow weird lol] has said, but he seems like a stand up guy, so hopefully this turns out well.. As for him stumbling over words, I missed it, but if he did, I don't blame him. I'd have peed my pants knowing what I was about to take on. And if people did indeed sing "Hey Hey Goodbye" to Bush, that is shameful and it's shocking how disrespectful some of our citizens are.
  19. I wish him well, as it would do no good for any of us if he does poorly. I just hope that IF he does not do well, the public can see that.
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