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Everything posted by OhYeaYouThink

  1. Hmm, maybe Ill watch it. I heard you had to be in a certain state of mind to really find it funny..but eh
  2. People are talking, talking about people I hear them whisper, you wont believe it. They think we're lovers, kept undercover I just ignore it, but they keep sayin We laugh just a little too loud We stand just a little too close We stare just a little too long Maybe their seeing something we don't darlin... FINISH IT!
  3. Holllleeeerrr! I have been in a rotten mood almost the whole day and I'm feeling an itsy bitsy better..
  4. I have had a cold since mmm, I think it was the second week of December. It's finally getting better, *knock on wood*...but I literally was miserable for a month. And I refused to go to the doctor which I should have done, so I'd go if I were you.
  5. oh gotcha. That still is crazy. I've been sick where I could work for 3 days in a month.
  6. 3 strikes, like as in, if you get sick three times and have to call in youre let go? EW.
  7. No it's fine, lol I just really have a lot of homework and not much time to do more than surface posting right now.
  8. Honestly I COULD, but I have far too much homework to look into it right now, and class at 9 AM, AND this is a thread to respect former President Bush, not rehash all the names and other disrespectful things he's been through. It's Obama's turn to deal with all of that. [Not that I want him to, just saying it's no longer a crusade against Bush].
  9. Yup, and I stand by what I said. Obama and ANY President should expect their past and personal lives to be hashed away at, but the disrespect Bush was shown was unbelievable. Obama has not been disrespected the way Bush was. Not yet anyways.
  10. I agree that all of those things have been discussed and hashed out, but none of it was to the disrespectful extent that Bush had to put up with.
  11. I really don't see this. You must live in a Obama hating town. The only people I have come across are the Obama supporters who are gung-ho behind him, and the people who voted Mccain, like myself, who want him to do well and support his journey as President of the United States. Obama has not had the kind of stuff thrown at his character that Bush did.
  12. That is so exciting! Congratulations!!
  13. Coming from the south, I saw a lot of racism directed towards interracial couples. One of my best friends dated a black guy for a while and the crap she had said about her and to her was sickening.
  14. When I lived in Northern Virginia, I got the chance to visit all kinds of places of historical significance, and Williamsburg was the best experience of them all. I'll never forget it, ever.
  15. I have no interest in entering into a back and forth debate with you tonight, way too much homework for classes tomorrow lol. But I will say, I don't think anyone is saying he did a fantastic job in office. I think he did a fine job, and made a few mistakes. Who hasn't? For what was thrown at him in his first term I think he did great. His second term is where things went a bit off path. But he is still a classy guy, and no ONE person/man put us in the situation we are in today.
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