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I'm hoping mine is there when I get home this evening. I've never been the head-of-household during a census so I'm looking forward to doing this. But I'm a bit of a nerd in the fact that I love filling out stuff like that. Always have!

I'm hoping mine is there when I get home this evening. I've never been the head-of-household during a census so I'm looking forward to doing this. But I'm a bit of a nerd in the fact that I love filling out stuff like that. Always have!

This is my third.


What's the penalty for not filling it out? What if you only fill out the number of persons in your household and leave the personal and private questions in the survey unanswered?

I'm hoping mine is there when I get home this evening. I've never been the head-of-household during a census so I'm looking forward to doing this. But I'm a bit of a nerd in the fact that I love filling out stuff like that. Always have!



I love filling out this kind of stuff too! :lol: You know that junk mail you get? The one specifically where you fill out this long survey and you're supposed to get this insane amount of coupons? I always fill it out...I never have gotten the coupons though. :lol:


Oh..and I got my census packet last night, filled it out and walked it up to the mail box when I walked my dog! :D Hopefully I'm the first to get mine back in. :D

What's the penalty for not filling it out? What if you only fill out the number of persons in your household and leave the personal and private questions in the survey unanswered?


No penalty, a PRIZE! You win a home visit from a census worker, identified by his official census bureau photo identification card!:dancingpa

No penalty, a PRIZE! You win a home visit from a census worker, identified by his official census bureau photo identification card!:dancingpa
:lol: And if you refuse to answer them?


I'm just curious by the way.

Our's came today. Good thing we got that warning letter last week, or I might've been terrified and gone screaming into the street. :eek:


Me, too! Thank God I knew it wasn't a bomb in my mailbox!


And BTW, with 7 people in the family, it takes a while to fill that sucker out! :lol:

:lol: And if you refuse to answer them?


I'm just curious by the way.


I'm not aware of any penalty. But, all in all, it's really innocuous.

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