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My house is haunted- I think


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I'm a believer when it comes to this type of stuff due to personal experiences.

I've got a few stories that I will share later, they are much too long for me to get into tonight.


I've got one for tonight though.


My grandpa died a little over a year ago. Shortly after he died, my grandma was put in the hospital. My cousin, Wade (he just turned 4) was in the hospital room visiting my grandma. He kept talking in the direction of a wheel chair that was beside my grandmas bed. My grandma asked him who he was talking to and he said he was talking to Pop (that's what we called my grandpa).


He's been caught doing this a few times since then. Carrying on conversations with nothing but thin air and then when asked about it, says he's talking to Pop. It's very strange.


We've asked him what Pop says to him. Wade just tells us that he says Hi and watches him play with his toys.


He's too young to make up something that elaborate as a joke. That's proof enough for me that spirits do exist among us...It's all very strange.



Much of what I have read has indicated that children tend to be more sensitive to that sort of thing than adults. Their minds are stilll developing and the centers of the brain that would respond to that kind of activity are still active. By the time most of us get older though we have stopped using that part of our brains and we shut it out very easily.

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I said I would share some of my stories, so here they go. This will probably be quite lengthy, so I'm going to use headings for each story.


The Basement Stairs

This one happened when I was about 10 years old. We were living in a house that had been built in the 60's. My bedroom was near the back of the house and it had a window that look into a hallway. This hallway had a stairway that led down to the basement of the house. My TV stand was positioned in front of this window because I never really liked having open windows in my room, still don't. If I have windows, they have to have curtains closed at night. Nevertheless, I am watching TV one night and from behind my TV I see feathers rising up the stairs...coming from the basement. Soon it's not just feathers, but an Indian in full Native American headdress walking up the stairs. The top of the stairway was out of view, but after a few seconds he walked right across the window...this led to the kitchen. I was scared out of my mind and just laid there staring at the window. I finally got the nerve to get up and tell my parents whose room was across the hallway from mine. I remember telling them what had happened but neither got up to investigate. It was more of a poo-pooing the idea and saying it was just my imagination type thing. I went back into my room and got a baseball bat. I don't know why I felt that I had to go investigate, but I did. I walked into the kitchen, where the door led to the stairway. I quickly swung open the door, but no one was there.


3 years later I was talking to my elderly neighbors. We were about to move into a new house so it was more of a last visit for me. During the conversation they mentioned how when the builders were laying the foundation of the house, they came across a lot of arrowheads and bones. They unearthed an Indian burial ground. They said building stopped for a while and some of the bones and arrowheads, etc. were given to museums and other places of the like. It was after they told me this that my experience began to make a lot of sense. It should also be noted that the entire time I lived there I always had a strong fear of the basement. I'm not sure why, but I never liked going down there alone, even during the day.


There was another striking incident in that house. Twice we came home to find the glass door on the oven completely shattered. The first time my mother had been baking Christmas cookies and we left for a few hours to come back and find the glass to the oven door all over the floor. The heat was turned off so we're not sure why it happened. We replaced oven door, but only a few months later we came home to find the glass broken again. No one had been using the oven and we're still not sure what caused it.



The Grandfather Clock

This story occurred when I was about 12 years old. I was at a friends house for a sleep-over. He only lived about a half-mile from my house so I spent the night over there quite a bit. We were both in my friends room, he was on the floor and I was in the bed. We had stayed up talking for a little while and everyone else in the house had gone to bed. Finally we had both gotten tired and I was just starting to doze off when I heard the sound of a grandfather clock. It rang out approximately 4 times. This woke me from my daze and I turned to my friend (who was already asleep) and said, "hey man, your grandfather clock is loud." He rolled over and said, "Huh? We don't have a grandfather clock." I told him exactly what I heard and we both sat up. It was probably 15 minutes later that we heard the clock again. This time it rang out 6 times. He looked at me with fear in his eyes because he had just heard exactly what I had heard. He said, "dude, I don't know what that is, but we don't have any clocks in the house that make that sound." We got up and he led the way to his parents room where he told them what had happened. His mom said it couldn't have been a grandfather clock and that maybe it was just a train passing by. No one wanted to get up and investigate, so we wandered into his kitchen where the noise seemed to be coming from. We looked all over and there was nothing to be found. The clock in the kitchen also said it was only midnight, so we're not sure why we heard the ringing 4 times and then 6 times. We tried to come up with explanations until we both dozed off again, but we have never figured out what caused those sounds.



Frozen Creek

The summer between my freshman and sophomore years in college, me and a group of friends took up ghost hunting. Hey, there's not much else to do where we lived. We had heard stories of Frozen Creek, in Breathitt County I believe, but I had never been. So we took a cheap video camera and a camera with us and we went out to find a ghost. Literally nothing happened on this trip. Other than the general spooky feeling of the area, none of us saw anything or heard anything out of the ordinary. It was not until I had gotten home and was loading the pictures to my computer that I noticed something odd. One of the pictures that was taken in the gym area had an apparition. Standing in the doorway on the opposite side of the gym was a black mass, roughly shaped like a human figure. There were no discernible features, just a black mass that looked oddly like it was in a human shape. I sent this to my friends who went with me that night and they were as shocked as I was. We decided we needed to go back the next weekend and investigate again.


This second investigation didn't have much to it. When we got there, we were getting the flashlights out of the trunk of my car. We had three large maglite flashlights that all had brand new batteries in them. We had just bought them before the trip and just put the batteries in them so they definitely had fresh batteries. But when we got there and tried to turn them on, none of the flashlights would come on. We decided to go ahead and walk around by the light of our cell phones but this got old. I had gone back to the car and was trying to find some way to get these flashlights to work. Surprisingly enough, at this time, I managed to get one to turn on. I was excited that it was finally working and was about to go in and rejoin my friends when they came running out of one of the buildings. They both ran straight to the car and got in. I knew something was up so I got in the car and asked what had happened. Neither of them said anything. It wasn't until we were about 20 miles away that I finally got one of them to speak. I said, "Dude, tell me what happened in there." He replied, "We, um, we saw something."


That's the last and only thing I have ever been able to get either of them to say about what they saw that night. Neither will talk to me about it and I've yet to get a description of what they saw.


On a related note, a friend of mine and his girlfriend were visiting Frozen Creek one night. They were alone, I was not on this trip with them, but I was told about it and figured I would share it here. He and his girlfriend had been walking around and he said he kept hearing the sound of little girls giggling. When they were walking back out to his car he said he heard the rustle of a bush next to them and again, giggling of little girls. When they got back to his car he said there was a single white rose on the hood of his car.



A dream?

This incident happened about a week after my grandmother had died. I was at home watching my little brother, who was probably only a year old at the time, and I had started to doze off in the living room. I was awakened, or at least I thought I was awakened, by the sound of heavy footsteps running down the wood floors of the house. I looked up to see my grandmother (she had already passed by this time) run into the doorway and looked at me angrily. She shouted, "You need to take care of him!" and vanished. It was at this point that I suppose I really woke up. My brother was sitting right next to me watching TV like nothing had happened. That was one of the most shocking things I have experienced. I have never seen nor dreamt about my grandmother since that day for whatever reason.



The library

Now I won't mention the name of this library, but I used to work for a library on a college campus while I attended school there. For those of you who don't know, libraries often have "special collections" sections for the really old books that are too frail for the public to handle. I always liked going in to the special collections area of our library because it was kept at a cool 65 degrees all year round. This especially felt good during the summer months. One night I was supposed to be closing the library with another student. We didn't close until 11 PM, but the rest of the staff left at 6 PM. Before my supervisor left he said that I needed to finish up shelving some newly donated books in the special collections are that night. I was happy to do this, because again, I liked the special collections area. At about 8 PM the library was pretty slow, so I left the other guy (a grad. student) to man the front desk and I went in the back to finish shelving. We had just received around 100 old books donated by a library patron who had passed away. He left these books to the library in his will. Most of the books were dated from around 1840-1900. I was in between one of the shelves (electronic collapsing shelves) when I heard the shelves click as if someone were trying to move the shelves at the end of the aisle. If you don't know, electronic shelves have a safety feature that don't allow the shelves to move or collapse on themselves if someone is standing in between them. Instead, it will make a clicking sound and shake a little bit. This is what happened. I thought nothing of it until it happened again about 2 minutes later. I thought someone must be trying to access the shelves, so I walked out to the end but no one was there. I thought maybe the other guy had come back there and was trying to find me, so I went out and asked him if he had moved the shelves or come near the special collections area. He said no, that he had been at the front desk the whole time. I walked back to the special collections area and unlocked the door. When I walked back to the aisle where I had been shelving I saw a man hunched over the box of books I had been shelving. He then stood up and vanished. It was only a split second that I saw him, but I could have sworn that he was dressed in a Civil War Confederate Uniform. This shook me up quite a bit, but I had to shelve these books or I would get in trouble. I basically threw the rest of the books onto the shelf as fast as I could and got the heck out of there. When I got back to the front desk, the other guy working that night asked if it was hot back in the special collections area. Puzzled, I said no. He pointed out that I was sweating profusely. At about 10 PM, he asked if I would mind if he left early. I told him that would be fine, but it also meant that I would have to close the library by myself.


So 11 PM comes and everyone is out of the library. The front doors are locked to keep anyone else from coming in. I went upstairs to check to make sure no one was left and to close down the computers. No one was upstairs and everything had been straitened and all lights turned off. I go downstairs to do the same thing. I was done with everything and was about to leave when I heard clicking coming from upstairs. It sounded as if someone were trying to move the electronic shelves again but the shelves were catching and wouldn't move. I was upset because I thought someone had been trying to sneak around and stay in the library overnight. I turned the lights back on and went upstairs to find this person. I walked the entire area but couldn't find anyone. I even went into the women's restroom, but there was no one to be found. I talked myself into believing that I was just imagining things again and went back downstairs. Again, right before I was about to walk out, the clicking started to occur again. I stopped and stood there for about 2 minutes and listened to the clicking. It stopped for the time being and I was freaked again. I said screw it and locked up and got the heck out of there.


I worked there for another year and a half but never had anything happen to me like that one night. I tended to stay away from closing the library by myself but one night I was closing with another girl who had been working there for 3 years. She made a comment that she hated closing the library at night. I agreed but asked her why she hated it. She said, "Well, I just don't like it when I turn everything off right before I do the final lockup. Sometimes I think I hear noises upstairs and it freaks me out."


I was shocked but also relieved that someone else had experienced what I had. I told her about what happened to me and she said that the same thing happened to her a few times.




Alright guys, well that's it for now. If I can think of any other experiences I will share them and thanks for taking the time to read mine.

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My sophomore year of high school I didn't play football. I was at my little brothers football practice and I was walking to the shelter area to throw away my skyline cup when I heard someone call my name.. I ignored it and started to walk away and he called me again and called for me to come over.


I get over there and he goes. "How's the family? Is everyone good?"


I'm a little creeped out b/c i've never seen this guy in my life. We sit and have a 5 minute conversation about the family and my brother, which he somehow knows a lot about. Much more than any regular person who knows my family would know.


So I'm getting ready to walk away and he goes, "are you playing football" I proceed to tell him no and he tells me how it will be the biggest mistake of my life if I don't play.


So he tells me he has to leave now, and continues to walk around the track and vanishes..


Now the unusual part, he was young, but looked old and faded. He was dressed in an older style military uniform and had a little old lady in a southern style dress holding his hand. She was very faded and didn't say a word the entire time I talked to the man.


As he walked away, I run to my moms car and tell her how that was the most awkward thing I've ever been through and how I think he was a ghost. We get out of the car and try to walk over to the track and there is no one to be found..

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My sophomore year of high school I didn't play football. I was at my little brothers football practice and I was walking to the shelter area to throw away my skyline cup when I heard someone call my name.. I ignored it and started to walk away and he called me again and called for me to come over.


I get over there and he goes. "How's the family? Is everyone good?"


I'm a little creeped out b/c i've never seen this guy in my life. We sit and have a 5 minute conversation about the family and my brother, which he somehow knows a lot about. Much more than any regular person who knows my family would know.


So I'm getting ready to walk away and he goes, "are you playing football" I proceed to tell him no and he tells me how it will be the biggest mistake of my life if I don't play.


So he tells me he has to leave now, and continues to walk around the track and vanishes..


Now the unusual part, he was young, but looked old and faded. He was dressed in an older style military uniform and had a little old lady in a southern style dress holding his hand. She was very faded and didn't say a word the entire time I talked to the man.


As he walked away, I run to my moms car and tell her how that was the most awkward thing I've ever been through and how I think he was a ghost. We get out of the car and try to walk over to the track and there is no one to be found..



Not questioning you, just curious, but was anyone else around you to see the conversation? Makes me wonder if you looked like a crazy person talking to yourself or if others might have seen the same thing you saw.

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Not questioning you, but was anyone else around you to see the conversation? Makes me wonder if you looked like a crazy person talking to yourself or if others might have seen the same thing you saw.


I really have no idea, I think there were a few people around because practice had just finished up but this was 7 years ago so I have no idea. I only remember what he looked like, her dress and what he said to me..


My mom says I was pretty freaked out.

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Me and a buddy we're in my room sleeping and he heard footsteps so he kicked me and woke me up. He is a little freaked out so he tries to get me up and I ensure him it's nothing to go back to bed. A couple minutes later we both hop up to the sound of foot steps.. It's more of a pacing walking, and they get louder as they get closer to the door..


He finally talks me into getting up and turning the hall way light on, nothing. So we go back in the room and about 5 minutes later the same thing happens and as were getting back in bed we here them again.


By now we're both freaked and decide whatever it is is playing games with us so we leave and go to his house..


I have no idea if that was someone playing with us or what but we both were pretty scared over that one.

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I really have no idea, I think there were a few people around because practice had just finished up but this was 7 years ago so I have no idea. I only remember what he looked like, her dress and what he said to me..


My mom says I was pretty freaked out.


I would say so, very cool.


I don't mind seeing the ones who look like people so much. Generally if you see someone/something in the form of a human it's pretty comforting in my experiences. It's the things that look like little shadows or black masses that bother me. Random noises can be scary too because you can't see who or what they're coming from.

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I would say so, very cool.


I don't mind seeing the ones who look like people so much. Generally if you see someone/something in the form of a human it's pretty comforting in my experiences. It's the things that look like little shadows or black masses that bother me.


Yep, needless to say I played football the rest of my high school career.


My house has so many stories to it it's hard to say whats real and what people made up..

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Yep, needless to say I played football the rest of my high school career.


My house has so many stories to it it's hard to say whats real and what people made up..


That's how Frozen Creek is. There are so many stories that you don't know what's a true story and what's something someone just fabricated.

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Wow, these are some crazy stories. Especially the indian story from above and the library story.


They can be scary, I think shocking is a more fitting word. Like I was saying before, if I see a person it's more shocking than it is scary. It's something you just kind of aren't expecting.


But I have never liked seeing shadowy figures (some call them shadow people) or black masses. I think there is something inherently evil with those things. JMO.


I'm also not a big fan of Ouija boards. I don't think they are inherently bad, but it's the act of inviting someone or something to take over your body that I don't like.

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That's how Frozen Creek is. There are so many stories that you don't know what's a true story and what's something someone just fabricated.


Yep.. Not so much scary, but we went out ghost hunting one night..


Old Garvy Rd..


So we get to the place that is "haunted" and we go into the field, and it goes from crickets to no sound like that, and all of the sudden a motorcycle comes up out of the field..


At the time there was no new road there like there is now and it was all farm, well this guy is on a street motorcycle and has purple lights on the bottom of his bike..


We we split, he slowly comes out of the field doing no more than 10 miles per hour. He slowly drives past like we're not even there and dibs around the bend and we no longer see or hear a motorcycle..


It had nothing to do with the legend of the place but what in the world was the guy with the purple under lights doing in the field is what I wanna know. :lol: Not even a joke

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Me and a buddy we're in my room sleeping and he heard footsteps so he kicked me and woke me up. He is a little freaked out so he tries to get me up and I ensure him it's nothing to go back to bed. A couple minutes later we both hop up to the sound of foot steps.. It's more of a pacing walking, and they get louder as they get closer to the door..


He finally talks me into getting up and turning the hall way light on, nothing. So we go back in the room and about 5 minutes later the same thing happens and as were getting back in bed we here them again.


By now we're both freaked and decide whatever it is is playing games with us so we leave and go to his house..


I have no idea if that was someone playing with us or what but we both were pretty scared over that one.


This reminds me of another story of mine.


I was at a friends house, staying the night with him and his brother. He claimed that his large walk-in closet was haunted and we ended up in this walk-in closet telling ghost stories. He had wanted to use the Ouija board, but I absolutely refused to do so. It became a dare among all of us to try and stay the night in this haunted closet. We all had our sleeping bags on the floor and we turned out the light. I laid there, admittedly a little scared. After about 5 minutes something on the other end of the closet (this was a relatively large closet) lit up with a green glow. I was scared and tried to just lay there and ignore it, but the other guys noticed it too. One of them asked who had done that, the other got up to try and find the light switch. We were all close by so I know that none of the other guys had gotten up and turned anything on...basically, I don't think they were playing a trick. His brother could not find the light switch in the dark, and we all froze staring at this green glow. I could not tell what it was coming from, just that it was very bright but growing more faint. My friends brother was really freaking out and he eventually found the door knob in the dark and swung open the door. We piled out of there as fast as we could and locked the door. We even moved his dresser in front of the door to make sure nothing else would come out, lol. :lol:

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