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The Walking Dead (Season 3...Possible Spoilers)

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Closed the old thread because of its length & started this one as Season 3 kicks off this Sunday night at 9:00 pm. Very excited, as most fans are, about the additions of Michonne & The Governor. If the television show follows some semblance of the comic book's storyline, we're really in for it with these two. :lol:


Here's an article from USA Today that previews Season 3:


'Walking Dead' welcomes new faces among the living


And here's a trailer previewing Season 3:




Finally, here's a link to the previous thread which encompasses the first two seasons:



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I've never read the comics, but I am pumped for this season just based on how last season ended. A ninja with pet zombies and a huge manor/fort looking thing? Love it.


Ninja with pet zombies. :lol:


The "huge manor/fort looking thing" is a prison. And again, if the show resembles the comics in any way, there will be a lot going down there. For my money, the best section of the comic books is the considerable time spent at the prison.

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Concerning Season 3...there will be 16 episodes, as opposed to Season 2's 13 episodes. But like the previous season, this new one will be cut in half--8 episodes starting Sunday night & then an intermission. 8 more episodes starting at some point in late Winter/early Spring 2013.


A list of the announced episodes for Season 3:


1- "Seeds" (October 14, 2012)

2- "Sick" (October 21, 2012)

3- "Walk With Me" (October 28, 2012)

4- "Killer Within" (November 4, 2012)

5- "Say The Word" (November 11, 2012)

6- "Hounded" (November 18, 2012)

7- "When The Dead Come Knocking" (November 25, 2012)

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AMC really knows how to do television.


For those who have read the comics, how did the last two seasons compare with the literature? I'm sure it was discussed in depth in the 40+ page thread, but I don't have time to read all of it. :lol:


Agree on AMC. :thumb:


Some of the comic book content translated to the television show--mainly the settings (Atlanta, Hershel's farm, the prison for season #3). Shane turning zombie & dying by Carl's gunshot also happened, except a little bit differently. In the comics, Rick & a fully human Shane are fighting in the woods when Carl takes Shane out with a gunshot. Shane is buried & then Rick returns a considerable amount of time later, digs a zombified Shane up & then shoots him in the head.


Most of the characters are the same. I think the one TV character that most reflects how he is in the comics is Glenn.


A lot of differences though--enough that you can't use the comics to determine specifically where the television show is heading. For example, Dale dies in the comics, but not until much later. Also, Dale & Andrea are romantically involved with each other; not a father/daughter type relationship as portrayed in the TV series. And as of 102 comic book issues, Sophia is still alive, as opposed to zombified & dead in the TV show. Carol, at least thus far in the TV series, seems very quiet & level-headed. In the comics, she basically loses her mind at the prison.


I think the biggest difference is Daryl from the TV series. He's not even a character in the comic books, yet is probably the most popular of all the TV show characters.


I really like both the comics & TV show, mainly because while there are similarities between the two, the two are distinct stories. So you get to follow these characters in both worlds, but with different outcomes in a lot of instances.

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Agree on AMC. :thumb:


Some of the comic book content translated to the television show--mainly the settings (Atlanta, Hershel's farm, the prison for season #3). Shane turning zombie & dying by Carl's gunshot also happened, except a little bit differently. In the comics, Rick & a fully human Shane are fighting in the woods when Carl takes Shane out with a gunshot. Shane is buried & then Rick returns a considerable amount of time later, digs a zombified Shane up & then shoots him in the head.


Most of the characters are the same. I think the one TV character that most reflects how he is in the comics is Glenn.


A lot of differences though--enough that you can't use the comics to determine specifically where the television show is heading. For example, Dale dies in the comics, but not until much later. Also, Dale & Andrea are romantically involved with each other; not a father/daughter type relationship as portrayed in the TV series. And as of 102 comic book issues, Sophia is still alive, as opposed to zombified & dead in the TV show. Carol, at least thus far in the TV series, seems very quiet & level-headed. In the comics, she basically loses her mind at the prison.


I think the biggest difference is Daryl from the TV series. He's not even a character in the comic books, yet is probably the most popular of all the TV show characters.


I really like both the comics & TV show, mainly because while there are similarities between the two, the two are distinct stories. So you get to follow these characters in both worlds, but with different outcomes in a lot of instances.


I agree. In most cases if you have a how based on a comic you will have a ton of repeated content and basically know why's going to happen and where. Not with this show you won't. I love the comics because even though its the same as the show its totally different at the same time.


Right now, where I'm at in the comics, they just left the prison. In really excited about going forward and seeing what happens next.


The show is amazing as well, probably the best show on cable right now.


It'll be very interesting to see how season 3 compares to the comics because of the amount of gruesomeness and just overall bad things that happen, namely between The Govenor, Michonne, and Rick. Can't wait until Sunday when it all kicks off. I could talk about this show all day.

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It'll be very interesting to see how season 3 compares to the comics because of the amount of gruesomeness and just overall bad things that happen, namely between The Govenor, Michonne, and Rick. Can't wait until Sunday when it all kicks off. I could talk about this show all day.




I've been wondering how far they'll go with The Governor. And yes, I could talk about this show all day long as well.

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T-Dogg looks like he has been hitting the weights hard in the off season. Has some big guns in the preview.



Maybe they decided to give him bigger arms since he never gets any lines?


I am interested to see how Andrea bonds with Michonne in the first episode (along with all the other action).

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These may be considered spoilers to some, so read at your own descretion. A site that I frequent about WD, says that the opening credits are completely new this season, the Governor and Merle don't appear until Episode 3, the CGI is way,way better than season's past(AMC appears to have dumped some money into this season), the writing is way better,less talk and more action and moving the story forward quicker. The first 8 episodes season ends on Dec. 2 and picks up again in February. Also tonight's last four minutes are incredibly tense.

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