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Chick Publications

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Every so often these things show up on my car in the public parking lot here in Bardstown . I'm sure many of you've received these cartoony pamphlets in your town when those folks pass through. And, I'm fairly certain a number of you are true believers in their schlock.


One showed up a few days ago on my car titled "Why Is Mary Crying?" and inside it featured an elaborate slam of the Catholic belief system with relation to the Catholic concept of Mary and the saints as intercessors/advocates. Sounded an awful lot like a much more mean-spirited (and very, very fanciful) version of the attacks many of you Protestants engage in against Catholics and their relationship with Mary.


Just to show that the Chick Publication folks are equal opportunity bigots, another showed up on my car a few months ago titled "Allah Had No Son."


Kind of interesting from a timeliness standpoint vis-a-vis the recent study released that found that Protestants no longer enjoy a majority in this country. Folks like those at Chick Publications seem dead-set on making sure those percentages keep dropping. Interesting that their "mission" work doesn't include face-to-face challenges of those they attack, instead stealthily leaving their materials for you to find.

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Here is how the publication Christianity Today describes Jack Chick:


Christianity Today described Jack Chick as an example of "the world of ordinary, nonlearned evangelicals," . I would say that is quite telling since Christianity Today is an evangelical periodical.

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Here is how the publication Christianity Today describes Jack Chick:


Christianity Today described Jack Chick as an example of "the world of ordinary, nonlearned evangelicals," . I would say that is quite telling since Christianity Today is an evangelical periodical.


Basically take every myth you have ever heard of about Catholicism and roll them up in a ball and you have Chick Publications.


It seems lately that he is targeting Islam more. I sure his accusations of Islam are just as ignorant.

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Chick Publications is nowhere even remotely close to mainstream evangelical Christian churches, and I personally take offense at the ignorance of being lumped in with them merely because they label themselves "evangelical Christians." If you believe that they represent educated and mainstream Protestant thought then you are as ignorant as they are.

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Chick Publications is nowhere even remotely close to mainstream evangelical Christian churches, and I personally take offense at the ignorance of being lumped in with them merely because they label themselves "evangelical Christians." If you believe that they represent educated and mainstream Protestant thought then you are as ignorant as they are.


I don't believe you are interpretting my comments as assuming Chick Tracts represent mainstream, educated, evangelical Christianity but just in case, trust me, I know full well they do not. To me they represent extreme, ignorant, minority evangelical Christianity that really needs to open their eyes.

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I don't believe you are interpretting my comments as assuming Chick Tracts represent mainstream, educated, evangelical Christianity but just in case, trust me, I know full well they do not. To me they represent extreme, ignorant, minority evangelical Christianity that really needs to open their eyes.


I was using the general, universal "you," rather than "you" in particular. I would have been more artful by saying "one.":thumb:

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