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TheDeuce last won the day on May 29

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    "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." -- MLK, Jr.


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    Sports, sports, and more sports.


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  1. Same. I've defended her on numerous occasions but this is childish.
  2. Are we sure these guys really applied? Looking specifically at Thelen's resume, outside of him being an alum, why would he want this job? Would be quite a step back from his current role. He also is not a teacher from what I can tell, does that factor in? Others have pointed out that Sully would have to leave a pension and probably take a pay cut. That's not realistic either, IMO.
  3. 100%. She's going to have to stand up for herself, regardless of the optics. Now, she can also help herself by stopping the flopping and whining to the officials.
  4. The players in the WNBA are ungrateful, envious and immature. Plays into my opinion that women don't support other women, in general. I'm all for physicality, and a little rookie hazing, but that's not what CC is experiencing. Cheap shots, lack of calls and lack of team mate support is what's going on. There have literally NEVER been more eyes on the league. The one that really bothers me? Her sorry team mates. If you did my team mate like players have done CC just ONE time, I'm head hunting. I wish you would cheap shot one of my team mates...
  5. Agreed. That's why I'm not a fan of unions, in general.
  6. Facts. Like I said I didn't watch very much of him at all but a rookie averaging a 20/10 double double speaks for itself.
  7. That's my point. It seems like all departments and unions should want to protect the good guys and get rid of the bad guys. That does not seem to be the norm, unfortunately. We agree 100% LMPD tolerates it and that it's systemic.
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