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Everything posted by LC99

  1. No doubt Rush is still running stronger then ever, all you have to do is read on here and you know it.
  2. And if the site was around when Clinton was President, there would have been more then two dozen threads bashing Clinton. Bashing didn't start with Bush as much of the right believes, and it won't end with Obama. Much of the right wing radio pundits started getting more popular bashing Clinton.
  3. Did you or do you have a problem when Bush goes to Texas every other week it seems, and calls it the Western White House, and has signs up for that. There is no such office out there?
  4. I think the big key will be the playoff experience that LCA has, they know how to win this time of year. They are expecting to win, while Williamsburg is hoping to win. Williamsburg will need to do a good job talking Haydan. If they hit him high like Lynn Camp did last week, then forget about it. If the weather is pretty good this has the makings of a high scoring game. I like LCA in the end. LCA 52 WHS 34
  5. Paris and Lynn Camp might have something to say about. Never good to look ahead in the playoffs.
  6. I have heard John Kerry for Sec of State, Bill Richardson for National Security Advisor, Caroline Kennedy Ambassador to the UN. RFK JR, something to do with the environment. Jesse Jackson Jr name has been mentioned. Colin Powell has been mentioned for Sec of Education. I'm sure John Edwards is kicking himself now I think he would have been the AG.
  7. I miss them and Ram95, and the one I can't remember the full name but I called him FR.
  8. I understand I use to be pretty active in this forum, but I just read now, and snipe from time to time. I miss the old days.
  9. 311 Electoral votes for Obama. 52.2% of the Popular vote
  10. I'm taking election day off, a vacation day, however not because of the election.
  11. The refs are always something the losing and road teams will complain about. It seems its the same thing when we play at home. I remember in 2004, Williamsburg came into Lynn Camp a heavy heavy favorite, and LC played within a td and ha chances of winning the game. The burg fans were on here saying how it was the refs that kept that game close. The refs were bad Friday, but they were bad both ways. The two fumbles the spot on 4th down near the goal line, pass interference no call, and the when the moved the chains at the end of the quarter hurt LC. LC also got away with two pass interference no calls, a lineman down field on a punt, and late hit out of bounce. These where big plays, all around. They won, we lost, time to move on get ready for Hazard and get ready, to try to get some momentum going into the playoffs.
  12. As a Lynn Camp faithful I apologize to the people that head and was offended by that type of language at the game it was uncalled for. However as DC mentioned it does go both ways, I heard it down at the tents as well. But that's always have been and always will be a part of this game, and many other games like it no matter where you play. I thought the game was a pretty well played game despite the conditions. I would have loved to see Sid at 100% last night, it could have been a different outcome, because the main thing LC has lost this season has been speed, and having a speed back to go along with Pearson, would have been huge, hopefully Sid will be able to get more touches next week, and continue to get better before the LCA playoff game. Congrats to the burg on their first district title in this new district.
  13. How was LC's coach trying to take out Williamsburg's QB?
  14. Williamsburg lost to Frankfort. If LC would win out against Hazard and Middlesboro, I feel both teams are better then anything Williamsburg has beaten.
  15. Lynn Camp already has some pretty good quality losses in Harlan Co and Whitley Co. My comment wasn't a shot at Williamsburg schedule. My comment was meant that if LC would win and still fall short of first place, that too bad the quality of teams they beat wouldn't count for anything. Williamsburg has had a fine schedule, but I feel pretty confident that Middlesboro and Hazard are better then anything Williamsburg has played this year, but that doesn't mean Williamsburg doesn't deserve first if they get it.
  16. I forgot the word chance in my first post. However first things first is LC does have to take care of business themselves, before they worry about Willliamsburg losing to Pineville. If that happens it could be real close, just depends on what the other teams do. If LC would beat Hazard and Middlesboro, too bad quality of wins don't count for anything.
  17. Good breakdown, Lynn Camp will need to pull some upsets to get first, starting with Williamsburg.
  18. I have been out of town, should be at the game this week. I haven't missed a Williamsburg/Lynn Camp game in 15 years.
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