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Everything posted by LC99

  1. Sad to hear he is stepping down, I guess the C-ville faith full was expecting a better season, but with the teams they have on the schedule, not much more could be expected. Good luck to Coach Wiseman on his new adventures.
  2. I have an Obama sign, also I have an Obama bumper sticker on my car since October of last year.
  3. I agree the way this debate is set up, it should see that. I expect both to do well. Palin won't look bad like she has the last few weeks, and Biden won't look like a sexist, which Republicans are just waiting to do. I don't expect nothing gained or lost by either side after this debate. If Palin does bad she can kiss her national political career over. The way the polls are going McCain needs her to do well.
  4. I thought the halo call was a bad call, but also there was no fumble on the play. The ball was in the air and was touched by a Dayton player, which should have made it a dead ball right there. The Refs were bad, there is no other way to sugar coat it, there were bad both sides, and who ever lost the game could have beef with them.
  5. Game 1 Winner Lexington Christian Game 2 Winner Lexington Catholic Game 3 Winner Highlands Game 4 Winner Harlan County Game 5 Winner Warren East
  6. Sidney hurt his knee, and I would agree as far as the Dayton game last year Sidney was our best player on field. Watching Joe for over 4 years, he was a special player, that you need to see more then 1 or 2 times to see how good he really was. Last year's game was a war, an exciting football game. If Pearson can run the ball like he did last week, I think LC will be in good shape. The one thing I like about him running the ball, is he brings us more back to Lynn Camp football. He is not going to break a long td run, but he is good for 5 to 6 yards a carry, which will mean long drives, and I love to see that. If Dayton can get LC in 3 and long situations, it will be tough for LC to win.
  7. Actually all those states Bush won in 2000, and I think all but NH went for him in 04, McCain leading is not too much of a surprise. Virgina, Colorado, Min, and Wisconsin are also going to be tight.
  8. ANCHORAGE — As she introduced herself to the nation Friday as the Republican vice-presidential candidate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin touted her record as a reformer who worked to end the "abuses of earmark spending in Congress." But earmarks have never been a dirty word in Alaska, a huge state dotted with small communities that have enormous dollar needs for sewers, roads and other projects. Instead, earmarks — pet projects that members of Congress fund but that no federal agency has requested — have become a mainstay of political life here, and one that Palin embraced from early on in her career as a mayor of Wasilla to the governor's mansion in Juneau. Just this year, she sent to Sen. Ted. Stevens, R-Alaska, a proposal for 31 earmarks totaling $197 million — more, per person, than any other state. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2008154532_webpalin02m.html
  9. True This is a prediction You can't compare someone who is, to someone who is not. Again another prediction.
  10. That was said 4 years ago, when old whats his name won. :lol:
  11. If McCain wins, and his 4 years are like Bush's last 4 years it could really backfire on her and end her political. Imo it could be better for her if McCain loses then win.
  12. Is that bad? Or could it be bad that the starting QB is being overshadowed by the 2nd string, it has been known to cause friction, and with politician who have bigger egos then football players, it would concern me a little.
  13. Wasn't there a forgotten President that has similar approval ratings less then 2 years into his first term?:sssh: How did that turn out?
  14. Compared to Fox News and Rush, it safe to say everything sounds more left. Republicans have been playing the media for years, a comparision I heard a long time ago, its like oneside trying to think the Refs are bias, and cheating them.
  15. To base your vote on that reason alone, then yes its silly, is it a contributing factor to your vote, it should be you ask Do you wear a helmet sitting in your living room because of the possibility that car may slam into your house? No of course not, but my family is prepared if something would happen to me. I view the Country the same as a family, has McCain took the correct rights steps to prepare the Country if something would happen to him?
  16. Why is this silly? Because history says its a longshot? No one can predict the health of McCain or Obama when one of them take the oath of office. Sickness can just hit anyone at anytime. One of the major reasons to pick a VP is in case that happens.
  17. I don't think it was as much as McCain caved in to the right wingers, he made the pick on how well the Dem Convention did. He seen a strong unified speech from the Clinton's, that McCain go to a backup plan. Will make a difference we will see.
  18. 7 Ashland 5 Perry County Central 3 Rockcastle County 2 Jacksn County 1 Prestonsburg 1st Tiebreaker Rockcastle
  19. Lynn Camp will need to a better job this week of holding on to the ball. This will be a physical game, LC will need to continue to fly to football like they did last week. I hope LC comes into the game fired up, they lacked intensity last week. If LC can get long drives going to help with the depth that Harlan County has they have a shot.
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