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Kingfish Stevens

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Everything posted by Kingfish Stevens

  1. While it is understandable that Schuerholz and Cox want one last hurrah, the price paid is far too severe. And, most likely they won't win anyway. Of course, if they would have traded and gotten back Wainwright, Marquis, and Borowski for the pitching staff, there may have been a chance. The two pro Braves posters are loyal if not knowledgeable. However, those who are critical of the trades are correct. Surely, those who rate Renteria over Reyes are merely kidding. Loyalty is fine. Lack of objectivity is not. When discussing this stuff it is much preferrable to be objective than to be a homer. It is much more likely that you will be taken seriously.
  2. I can't imagine who compared Beau Jones to Kyle Davies. Jones is lefthanded and was considered by many to have the best curve ball in the organization. Davies, of course, is righthanded and more of a power pitcher. But, of course, you already knew this. You say the Braves's farm system will be "A-OK". Care to elaborate? Please do so with some knowledgeable facts and information and not general statements like they will draft good prospects because they always do. You claim to know. Prove it. The point is that Schuerholz was hoodwinked into throwing the 22 year old Jones (5-0 with a weak Rome team this year and an ERA under 3.00) into the trade at the last minute. Schuerholz was desperate to get the trade done so he added another of the Braves top 15 prospects. Also, there is nothing wrong with Matt Harrison's arm. That was more manipulation by the Rangers. It sure worked. The late trade with the Padres was no better. The Braves gave up Ledezma (he was gone anyway) and promising Triple A lefthanded reliever, Will Startup, for Royce Ring. Royce Ring sounds like a television evangelist. Of course, the truth is the Braves should have kept first round pick, Macay McBride. By the way, not that mere longevity means much, but I predate your "association" with the Braves. Longevity as a fan is fine. However, to be really knowledgeable you need to have more than that. It is good that you guys are pleased with the changes. We will see what happens, won't we? I will say this. I am not making any reservations in Atlanta. My concentration will be on the minor league affiliates- if there is anyone left after Schuerholz's attempt at personal resume building.
  3. I must assume that your lifelong loyalty spans less than 20 years. Your actual knowledge of the organization, top to bottom, is elementary. Let me inquire as to just how much of your opinion is based on first hand observation, information, and direct association and how much is based upon what you read and hear. In other words, how acquainted are you with those in the organization? I suspect that you are not in a position to have any first hand contact. You seem to have a definite opinion concerning the subject players. Just how many of them have you actually seen play? In regard to inside information concerning the Braves's organization and players, you are in over your head. By the way, at the last minute the Rangers slicked your buddy, Schuerholz, out of Beau Jones. The Rangers wouldn't finalize the trade without one more prospect and, since your boy needed to get it done for tonight's game, he surrendered. But, then, you probably know nothing about Beau Jones, do you? Ignorance is bliss.
  4. I have already branded Schuerholz as a fool. If he makes this trade, he should be shot.
  5. The Braves will not make the playoffs this year. If they make it next year, it will be because of Francoeur, McCann, and Johnson and not because of the contributions of Teixeira. Schuerholz has devastatingly harmed the future solely in an effort to win one more division (for his personal hall of fame resume, of course). Teixeira will be gone after next season so the cupboard was emptied for a 14 month rental. Dotel has had arm trouble this year and is a two month rental since he can be a free agent in October. Those who think the Braves didn't give up their future are obviously not familiar with the status of the Braves's farm system. Nor, for that matter, do they have any direct knowledge of Andrus and Harrison. One should be informed rather than a cheerleader if one seeks to analyze a trade. A couple of the above posters are the latter rather than the former.
  6. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
  7. It is a matter of due process. Criminals get an over abundance of it. The preborn get nothing. I do like HOMELESS CAMEL's 100% rule. However, I would apply it to the woman carrying the baby. Is it 100% certain and verifiable (never trust the word of one doctor) that her life is truly in eminent danger if she carries the baby to term? If not, there is no legitimate justification for destroying a life. If absolutely so, it could possibly be argued that abortion is self defense.
  8. Overturned death penalty convictions do not translate into the convicted party being innocent. The convicted has many avenues paved with technicalities that were not available to the victims. Don't interpret the actions of Florida and Illinois to indicate that the parties were falsely convicted. Most likely, in this age of permissiveness, the common practice of erring on the side of leniency prevails over holding individuals responsible for their acts. I won't comment on Herersay's passioned appeal concerning one being too many. While I agree in theory, humans cannot guarantee absolute perfection in their legal process. Query? Name one who was completely innocent of crime who was executed?
  9. No. Change it to "a minute number on death row who have all been continually featured in the media" and I believe it may be true. Because of the endless appeals, reviews, and delays in these cases, the death penalty, in almost all cases, is not carried out for many, many years. The heinous crime and the victim or victims are long forgotten other than by their loved ones. That, my fellow posters, is the real injustice. The idea that we have a material number of "law abiding, hard working, contributing individuals" falsely convicted and on death row is absurd.
  10. Well stated. I would suggest that Sears is all that you mention and probably more.
  11. I believe that Gullett scored over 70 points in a football game against Wurtland.
  12. With all the various and contradicting interpretations made of the Scriptures by the different groups (Baptisats, Catholics, Presbyterians, Campbellites, and on and on), could it be said that Christianity, as we have seen it evolve, is not an exact "science"? If it were all clear, we wouldn't have all the confusion. Any thoughts other than that we must accept it all (which varies from church to church) on blind faith?
  13. Fortunately, few have actually heard them.
  14. The level of talent, according to most, is on the decline. Therefore, I suppose Ashland, for short term success, needs some "transfers" or foreign exchangers.
  15. Can a true Christian a. support abortion and support capital punishment, b. support abortion and oppose capital punishment, c. oppose both, d. oppose abortion and support capital punishment? The answer, I believe, is a fervent "no" to a. and b. and "yes" to c. and d. However, although I personally don't oppose capital punishment, I believe the better position for true Christians is d. I will say that the position of the Catholic Church is in agreement with d. which is consistent with an unwavering belief in the sanctity of life. One personal observation is that capital punishment would be more effective if in were administered in a "timely" manner. The continual appeals, reviews, and delays make the practice meaningless. Often 15 or more years have passed and the victim(s) and their ordeal are long forgotten. The Kentucky Consitiution provides for a "speedy" trial. It should provide for a "speedy" carrying out of the punishment. It would be far more meaningful.
  16. Don't be too impressed by the trimester approach. That concept was "created" by Justice Blackmun in his majority opinion in Roe v Wade. If you have ever read Roe v Wade, you know it is a poorly written and reasoned decision.
  17. If we believe in eternal life, it would seem logical that we would be on equally firm ground to ask for the prayers of those who have moved on to the "next level" as we would be to ask for the prayers of those who remain on this level with us.
  18. What (does) do my informed people say about (Eastcarter) East Carter this year? Actually, nothing of interest.
  19. Indeed so. That is why I was suggesting that he would fare much better staying at Fairview. Ashland was merely used as a comparison to illustrate why that is the case. By the way, the independent sources that I find (not fine) are informed individuals from several schools in your area. No homers.
  20. From all information I have heard, Ashland has less than a bumper crop of talent coming up. And, with the perceived politics in Ashland, Jackson would appear to be better off staying at Fairview. Independent observers say that Ashland has no one of the potential of Hall and Collins coming up through the system.
  21. Listen to Sheffield butcher the English Language. On the other hand, he has few peers in regard to use of double negatives. Pitiful. If he weren't blessed with the ability to hit a baseball what legal endeavor could he participate in in order to make an honest living? The only one I can think of would be to be a bodyguard for Jesse Jackson but I don't really know if that would be an honest living. He is a negative role model for youth in general and for his race in particular.
  22. Most of these ratings seem to be based upon personal allegiences with a measureable dose of prejudice more that on any real standard of measure. I believe that the coaching ability, or lack thereof, of some of these coaches will be better revealed in the next year or so. The region has lost all of its big names so some of the coaches tauted above will have to use a little more brain power and creativity.
  23. The word "catholic" means universal. When all the man made prejudices and manipulations are stripped away, I think all honest Christians are basically very similar and I think they have the same task on this earth. The "lingo" may be different but the goal is the same.
  24. I don't think the Pope or any other Catholic could make statements as vile and degrading as what I have heard (and continue to hear) said about Catholics through the years by various Protestants- mainly Southern Baptists. Almost all of these remarks are generated by ignorance. I would suggest that it would be better for all of us to spend a little more effort righting the wrongs in our own "faith of choice" rather than contrnually finding fault with those with whom we choose not to agree. As we often tell our children, you don't advance your point of view by nitpicking at the other person's point of view. You need to accentuate what is good about your understanding of the truth. I would think it is safe to say that no group in today's world - Protestant, Catholic, or Jew- has an exclusive corner on "The Truth". All have been influenced, some more than others, by human beings with ulterior motives (Stark Example: Henry VIII). And, if we are honest, we must admit that the Holy Bible is not an easy read. Thus, as with the U.S. Constitution, many seek the imnterpretation that suits them.
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