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Kingfish Stevens

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Everything posted by Kingfish Stevens

  1. Come now, 02Rams54, don't revert to emotion. Stick to truth. The truth is that, regardless of how many of these "crutch rights" your liberals create, there will never be equal education opportunity in this country. There will always be haves and have nots. All men are created equal in that all are born into this world. To believe that it guarantees equal life opportunities for all is ridiculous. Short of socialism, it won't happen. To try to give the have nots a better shot at moving up on the ladder is admirable. However, it cannot succeed by taking rights away from others just because they are higher on that ladder. The Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment applies to everyone- haves and have nots. Regardless of what you may think, it is not the intent of the framers that protection be removed from some to provide a crutch to others. God obviously did not create a world in which all are treated equal or in which all are endowed with the same abilities. I seriously doubt that a liberal court will be able to do anything to remedy the perceived inequality. Life is not fair and it goes far deeper than educational opportunity. You don't like it and I don't like it but that is the real world. Liberals like to say that we cannot legislate morality. We also cannot legislate, even by activist courts, equal education results.
  2. If you will read my post, I said "since 1954". Brown was argued on December 08, 1953 and the decision was forthcoming on May 17, 1954. I am obviously talkng about some of the ridiculous gyrations used in many of these later cases. To find some of these rights and remedies in the U,S. Constitution requires more than a vivid imagination. However, the result of all of this does partially explain the present sad state of our public schools and the popularity of private schools. It is obvious why liberals in general and public school people in particular want nothing to do with a broad system of school vouchers. You cannot by by legal fiat legislate equality. All are not equal. All will never be equal. Some will drive Cadillacs and some will ride bicycles. Mrs. Ginsberg and Mr. Souter can't and won't change that. On the other hand, I suppose we could consider socialism.
  3. This decision is a small step toward correcting some of the idiotic decisions handed down by liberal controlled courts since 1954. I feel sure the framers of our constitution would be shocked at what has been frivilously added to their document. Maybe a little sanity has finally seeped into those hallowed halls.
  4. I have attended a goodly number of Protestant churches over a long period of time. I have also attended Catholic churches many times. One matter really stands out to me. It appears that the central part of the Protestant service is the sermon. Most everything seems to be centered, one way or the other, around that. The central part of the Catholic service is communion. Everything is built around and leads up to that event. I know that many Protestants claim to take the Scriptures literally- add nothing, subtract nothing. As I recall, Christ said "This is my body...". He did not say "This represents my body..." or "This is symbolic of my body...". Consequently, it seems to me that the literalists should accept the statement as given. Otherwise, they are picking and choosing what to take literally and what to call symbolic and that would seem to be disingenuous. I am also swayed by the fact that the Catholic Church has been around for over 2,000 years while all the Protestant groups have not been around, by comparison, very long. Also, most all, if not all, Protestant groups are offshoots from the Catholic Church. I will say, with all due respect, that Alabama Larry has the typical uninformed fundamentalist view of the Catholic Church. That is unfortunate for him and for the rest of those so narrowly influenced.
  5. It would be a great hire by Bath County and a good opportunity for Coach Hicks. Although he would be coaching at a school located in the traditionally weak 16th Region, he would be close enough to stronger regions (9th, 10th, and 11th) to compete with some of those schools.
  6. Were they really playing their third game in a row with a group including upcoming eighth graders (mdddle schoolers) or was that also fantasy? I would still like to hear a ballpark estimate of the final score and a few details. Rose Hill beat Spring Valley by 12 without three of its guards. I have ascertained that this is true. I merely want some facts, not fantasy, about PGB's loss to SV. Although this is only June, we can at least ascertain where the teams are at this point of the journey. From what I have heard, RH beat SV fairly easily and without a starter or two. What is the true story on the PGB-SV game? I believe that I can get the formula for Coca Cola Classic easier than I can get facts on that game. Are the details a secret? Is my question unreasonable?Can twofakind offer any information?
  7. Absolutely. Nothing of relevance can be concluded from Spring Valley's win over PGB when you factor in the fact that Thomas and Bonner didn't play and that PGB was playing its third consecutive game with a group which included many middle schoolers. Under the circumstances, I don't understand why Coach Biggs, a fine coach, would be upset at all. But, my information is second hand so it may have been exaggerated. I still believe that those who automatically rate Rose Hill above PGB in the "early assessments" are incorrect. When the time comes, I would bet on PGB.
  8. Well, if what you imply is true and not exaggerated, the loss is understandable. I think most would have understood that I was, and am, seeking the final score or at least an indication as to how badly these eighth graders and up lost. Of course, if you really did play the game with Spring Valley with a bunch of kids many of whom will still be at your middle school this fall, any loss is understandable.
  9. Sorry Zonebuster23, I reread your post and see where you did manage to mention that PGB lost to Spring Valley. Still not a responsive reply but a start. Are you at liberty to add any details or will this be it? You people shouldn't be so sensitive.
  10. If Zonebuster23 is the typical example of a PGB poster, I can understand why they are perceived as they are by others. He has now informed me of most everything about PGB's performance other than which players suffer from hemorrhoids and how the game turned out. On the other hand, think I can gather who won the Spring Valley game. It looks like you boys in the "Greater Ashland Metropolitan Area" have an interesting year ahead of you. I appreciate mhighfield's post since it adds some background for the evasive behavior of Zonebuster23.
  11. I checked with my "source in attendance" and he said that Thomas, Bonner, and the others were all present and accounted for for the game against Coal Grove. I'm not looking for an argument and I certainly don't want to enter the constant Rose Hill-Ashland eternal battle. All I asked was for a report about PGB's performance- particularly against Spring Valley. My source says he didn't attend the game but understands that the Tomcats got beaten pretty badly and that Biggs was not too happy. I am merely trying to learn from someone who has more direct information. Since Zonebuster23 seems to want to skirt the question, I guess, until I hear otherwise, I must conclude the initial report I received is true and that PGB did get thumped. If so, I am surprised since he also said PGB had no one of any materiality missing. I will say that I am acquainted with Coach Biggs and any lack of achievement wasn't because of poor coaching. Coach Biggs is top notch. Maybe, since Zonebuster23 won't do so, someone else will step up and fill us in on what happened.
  12. I was really looking for information about how PGB did, particularly against Spring Valley, than for a rebuttal of Rose Hill's performance. I'll bet Zonebuster23 is a Tomcat fan so it is natural that he would downplay Rose Hill. Nothing wrong with that and it should be expected since the center of power seems to be changing again up there in the "Greater Ashland Area". Maybe Zonebuster23 can tell us about his team's performance in all its games. The Coal Grove game is the only one I have seen reported. I know that they have a couple or so starters returning but have heard that the cupboard is fairly bare of real talent after that and extends all the way to the elementary schools. I was told this be a PGB insider who asked not to be directly quoted. Of course, he may have been blowing smoke.
  13. According to an "eye witnerss" report from an attendee, Rose Hill, with 8th grader to be Kyle Bush playing much of the game at guard, beat Spring Valley by 12. Rose Hill had three guards who were weren't present. In the next game Rose Hill, with the same lineup, easily disposed of Rowan County. I know that many say that this is June and that all of this means nothing. I disagree. Really, the only ones who say that are the supporters of the teams who are doing poorly. These events give us a good idea of what to expect. All teams have missing players but all have the great majority of their players there. The coaches are there so they are not pickup games. I have read little about PGB's performance. How did they do? How did PGB do against Spring Valley. I heard they cleaned Coal Grove but, as I recall, CG was winless last year and not expected to be much this coming year. My source told me that Elliott County, Rose Hill, and Spring Valley were the top three teams playing. Since my information is second hand, I would like to know what others thought.
  14. Euton's decision will mean that many more people will want to attend Rose Hill games. Since Rose Hill is a very small private school, I would assume that money is always in short supply for the funding of the basketball program. Therefore, I would urge the school to schedule as many home games as possible. Create big paydays for yourself rather than unjustly enriching the opposition.
  15. The last 16th Region player to make any impact at UK was, of course, Larry Conley (1962-1966). In, I believe the late sixties, UK signed Clint Wheeler and the late Benny Spears- both of Ashland Blazer. Neither played much. The only other 16th Regioner to play at UK was Mike Scott from Greenup County. Prior to Conley, UK had Ashland's Earl Adkins who played for the 1958 Fiddlin' Five National Champions. When you consider all of this, you realize how significant it is to have Euton recruited prior to his sophomore year in high school. I would hope that Chad Jackson is able to join his friend and teammate at UK. Regardless of petty jealousies, and there are many, all in the northeastern part of Kentucky should rejoice at having one of their own courted by UK. It has been a long dry spell.
  16. There are many traits which can be found in most liberals. A few of them are: 1. One wanting to help the poor by using someone else's money rather than his/her own. 2. One wanting to provide low income housing for the needy so long as the housing is not located in their neighborhood. 3. One who supports freedom of speech so long as it is in agreement with his/her own beliefs. 4. One who wants higher taxes on groups other than himself/herself. There are, of course, many more that could be listed but this is a start.
  17. Euton is most deserving of whatever he receives. No one this side of Mayo works any harder at improving his game. As for transfers to Rose Hill, I would recommend that the people at Rose Hill keep their collective mouths shut. Don't go around advertising for trouble because with the schools you have in your area, you will get it. Bring in whomever you can and do so in a way that cannot be disputed. You must remember that, because of all the publicity a few yars ago, you really are treated as guilty until proven innocent in regard to the KHSAA. PGB still watches every move you make and will make every effort to cause you trouble and a few other lesser lights up there are always snipping at your heels. So, therefore, be smart enough to cover your bases. There is more than one way to skin a cat.
  18. I don't know if it would bring UK back to the national spotlight or not. However, it would certainly bring Rose Hill back into the national spotlight. As with the Mayo Years, it would mean standing room only and much more money in the coffers of Rose Hill and of all of the schools it plays on the road. Of course, the local jealousies would again flourish but that is the price paid by those in the limelight.
  19. Its a good thing all of this 24 hour reporting wasn't around on D Day. If we had had mSNBC, etc. back then we would have all been speaking German. I'll bet Hitler and his successors would have been a little less tolerant of all this "free" speech, don't you think?
  20. !. A candidate who is at least as concerned with civil responsibilities as he/she is with civil rights. 2. A candidate who is dedicated to nominating individuals to the federal judiciary who are strict constructionists rather than broad interpreters who "troll" for new meaning (ex. Scalia and Thomas types instead of Ginsberg and Souter types). 3. A candidate who will govern with a philosophy formed from traditional Judeo-Christian standards. 4. A candidate who not only believes that life begins at conception but is also willing to govern with this unwavering belief as his/her hallmark. He/She would be "prochoice". However, that choice is to refrain from causing the creation of another human being by acting responsibily. 5. A candidate who will govern with a goal to help the truly needy but will take the necessary steps to cut off the parasites and the con artists. 6. A candidate who realizes that, if it weren't for the haves producing jobs, there would be little work for the have nots. Contrary to what some seem to believe, capitalism requires that some have more than others. 7. A candidate with backbone to stand up for what he/she believes regardless of what may be said in the media. Bush has really stumbled in this respect. 8. A candidate who makes every attempt to avoid armed conflict but who is willing to do whatever is needed to protect our country. He/She, if forced to fight, must do so to win and to do whatever it takes to win regardless of how it is reported by the media. Can anyone imagine how D-Day would have been reported by CNN and MSNBC? Quite possibly, we would have all been speaking German. 9. All in all, I suppose I would like a candidate who is a combination of Theodore Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan with a little more emphasis on the latter. Caveat: While it is unlikely that there is any Republican who can measure up to what we want, it should be remembered, particularly by the fundamentalists, that a quarter of a glass or a half glass will quench our thirst somewhat while an empty glass (Rodham-Clinton, Gore, Breck Girl, Obama) will be a disaster. If you "punish" the Republican Party by not voting or by voting for the Democrat just because you don't find the Republican candidate "pure" enough, you will be cutting your own throat. It wouldn't be a very smart move for furthering your mission.
  21. Oh my. What foolish analogies. Mr. SilverShadow, you are, if nothing else, consistent as well as blissful.
  22. Mr. SilverShadow, I wouldn't go so far as to call your generalities "ignorance" as do you. However, I am glad that you are blissful. I have read your emotional posts in support of public schools for several years. I salute you for your loyalty. However, I would ask if you also argued in support of the captain of the Titanic and General Custer? By the way, you reached a new level of spin by stating that private schools are underwritten by the general public. Your statement implies that the "underwriting" is major. A few bus rides, limited federal programs, and cartons of milk hardly allow for such a biased conclusion. Of course, I suppose we could split hairs and say that some private schools receive a payback of one cent on the dollar for what its constituency contributes to the public coffers. The private school of which I am most aware, arather well know school, received absolute zero. Actually, the school prefers this so that the absurdities of the federal and state beauracracy don't seep into the school.
  23. It is not my purpose to downplay the fine work done at Berea. However, anyone familiar with institutions of higher learning would have to admit that Centre is the crown jewel of Kentucky higher education. Transylvania and Georgetown are fine but they are not Centre. Berea and Asbury fullfil their purposes well but are not in the league with the others. UK, U of L, and the regionals are what they are and they are fine though clearly not among the better public institutions. I have always had a problem with Todd's slogan for UK. Somehow saying that UK is the "next great university" merely admits that it is not a great university. Most of my family members are UK graduates, as am I, however, it doesn't change my perception of the school. If USNWR has Berea rated above Centre, I must conclude that it is because of the nature of Berea's enrollment rather than the quality of its programs. Liberal publications, like USNWR, would be "intrigued" by Berea's emphasis on those with financial need so I assume points would be given for that. Centre, on the other hand, is often seen as somewhat "elitist". However, I find nothing wrong with being self assured.
  24. Relax, boys and girls. I would agree that many well prepared students come out of the public school systems around Kentucky, I am saying that there is a lot of waste of money which is a luxury that private schools don't enjoy. And, since private schoolers pay a good bit into the public pot, I believe that we have a right to expect a little better management of our money. And, since some of you erroneously believe that only "rich people" attend private schools, I guess it could be said that we pay a much higher share per capita of the largess to the public schools than do those who partake of the public "fruits". If you public people were as vehement about fiscal responsibility as you are about wearing your feelings on your sleeves, I'll bet the situation would be better for all of us. As for your "studies", I would consider the sources. The statistics may be true and they may be "altered". I wouldn't put much faith in a report from Rush Limbaugh or Air America. The federal and state DOEs are no different in motivation. Self-perpetuation is always an incenitive to paint with a bright, rosy brush. By the way, Berea is a fine school. However, Centre is without equal in this state. Monetarily speaking, the overall background of the two student bodies is much different. Each has its place.
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