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Kingfish Stevens

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Everything posted by Kingfish Stevens

  1. My point exactly, Mr. SilverShadow. If you public school people weren't asleep at the wheel, maybe you could do a better job of spending the obscene amount of tax dollars, federal and state, that flow into your coffers. I would guess that Lou Dobbs and Jim Cramer would agree that the investment is not justified by the return.
  2. No, thank you. We'll continue to buy our own computers and to help subsidize the public schools. In the end, you get what you pay for as they say.
  3. Good for Donovan for having the courage to do what is best for him and his family and good for the Orlando Magic for allowing him to do so. I know from the above posts that all of you are terribly upset. I would suggest that your emotion is more because you are still mad Donovan rejected UK and less with the finer points of contract breaches. Also, salt is added to the wound because many of you were tooting your horns about the move to the pros being a windfall for UK and now that bubble has been burst. Shoot, having Donovan leave would have helped level the playing field. It looks like UK will be haunted by Donovan for years to come and that, after all, is the reason for the uproar in the Bluegrass.
  4. The KDE does not have control over private schools. Of course, if the private school wishes to be accredited by the state, it must meet the criteria of KDE. However, for example, a private school can receive state accreditation by qualifying for accreditation with a separate private group such as ACSI. Several private schools in Kentucky have received state accreditation in that manner. I am personally aware of one private school that received state accreditation in that manner. That particular school pays no attention to the "wishes" of the KDE other than in regard to its membership in KHSAA. Nonetheless, its graduates have no problem being accepted by any and all colleges and it has its share of Governor's Scholars.
  5. I would suggest that you should go by who makes trips to Bowling Green to participate rather than to just sit in the stand.
  6. Private schools are not under the control KDe other than in regard to areas in which they choose to be subject to KDE rules. An example would be the KHSAA. By being a member of KHSAA, private schools agree to adher to the rules of that organization. The KHSAA is under the control, more or less, of KDE.
  7. I would assume it has much more to do with the fact that private schools aren't controlled by the Kentucky Department of Education as are the public schools. I doubt that financial ability has anything to do with it. I guess leaving out the private schools at every opportunity leads some to believe that it helps level that playing field.
  8. It may feel like the Bible of the King of Kings but it is really the Bible of King James of England. I have heard many, particularly Baptists, say that it is "the KJV or nothing" for them. I see no definitive reason to accept it over several other translations. I am concerned that all translations are subject to bias and that would include the KJV. It is not the easiest translation in the world to understand particularly for the less educated. I often compare the Bible to the US Constitution. Both have enough generalities and vague passages to enable one seeking to back up a preconceived conclusion with sufficient evidence to do so. That is troublesome in regard to both documents.
  9. Mr. Goherd96, as have several others, mentioned a "minimum pricing statute" but no one has specifically cited one.
  10. Mr. Goherd96, please understand that we are not in conflict. I believe that you are making the mall people look more admirable and astute than is warranted but that is fine. I suppose "wet" is really in the eyes of the beholder just as is the term "moist" is open to interpretation. I must say that I am surprised by all the restaurant traffic in your area. Since most see it as a economically depressed area, I am surprised that so many find the extra $40-$50 dollars to eat out so often. Actually, it bodes well for Calhoun's Saloon. We may consider more than one location since, regardless of terminology, every inch of Boyd County is "damp". At present, we are considering rural areas outside Ashland and Catlettsburg since there are no real zoning issues to hamper our efforts. I appreciate your concern about our pricing. We will have everything covered.
  11. Amen, Mr. RockPride. Regardless of what results, Calhoun's Saloon will be a establishment built on a solid foundation of traditional Judeo-Christian tenets. We will also challenge our "competition" to do the same.
  12. Maybe it will work and maybe it will not work, Mr. Theoldguy. We will see. However, if it doesn't work, it will not be because of the example you cited. My business plan is much different. Among other matters, Calhoun's Saloon will not offer a blanket price for all you can eat and all you can drink. I don't think that has ever been implied. You pay for each "item" individually and, using a bottle of beer as an example, your price will be allotted 75%-25%. It will be stated when the restaurant opens and it will be well stated in the menu and around the facility. There will be no misinterpretation and there will be no loopholes to be used by the gestapo from the ABC (or from our neighboring restaurants who aren't doing as well. Anbd, of course, you, as a customer, can eat your plate of peanut butter and crackers and/or cheese and crackers. Want another Pabst Blue Ribbon? Fine. You get more food staples. Also, keep in mind that I have lined up some minority ownership so complainers need to be careful or we may have a special Al Sharpton autograph session. Don't underestimate this plan. Remember We have 45 new precincts within which choose a location.
  13. Classic definitions and root origins of terms are one matter. How those terms are defined and applied in modern life is something else.
  14. Well, now, anyone who says his words are to be interpreted exactly as you liberals seem to want to interpret them would be less than realistic. I don't think He was calling for the same type of socialism as are you boys. I believe that He was aware of the difference between the needy and the parasites. Liberals don't differentiate because they need the votes of the latter to win elections. Thus, it is no wonder that they support the illegals. After all, once they become citizens, their first action will be to register as Democrats followed quickly be applying for all of those "entitlements" that such people seek. On the other hand, I also don't agree whatsoever with all of these "get rich" evangelists who claim that, if we give (to them, of course)), we will prosper. I would believe that both approaches are nothing more than scams. I will give as I choose and that will not include the parasites on either end of the spectrum.
  15. And the example of selling everything and giving it to the poor dealt wih the rich man who sought to become one of the followers of Christ- in essence, another disciple. Can you imagine what would happen if the "haves" sold everything and gave it to the "have nots"? After the "have nots" squandered it all and/ of were "slicked" out of it, we would be left with a world controlled by those who were cunning enough to fleece the "have nots" out of what they were given. It raises a principal difference between conservatives and liberals. You cannot solve the world's problems by throwing more money at them. Self discipline. self pride, and the willingness to work to attain a better standard must be a part of the equation. Liberal giveaway programs that just throw more money at a problem don't work.
  16. Of course, in another verse, to paraphrase, it tells us that if you don't work you don't eat and, in another, to be neither a lender nor a borrower.
  17. If you cannot make more because of your lack of talents to make yourself more marketable, don't depend on the rest of us to subsidize you. In the parable of the talents, I don't recall that talents were confiscated from the one with ten talents or the one with five talents in order to provide an entitlement to the one with one talent. In fact, the one with one talent was chastized for doing nothing to better his situation. Sounds reasonable and it is biblical.
  18. I thank the Daily Independent for its May 24, 2007 editorial which fully supports the premise of my proposed business endeavor. I also appreciate the fact that I have 45 more wet precincts from which to choose a location.
  19. I am in total agreement with Hearsay. I have always felt that, while liberals emphasize all of these created rights, conservatives are more concerned with responsibility. Just listen to the presidential candidates and you quickly learn that the trend continues. I believe in helping and protecting the truly needy. However, I resent supporting the lazy, the con artists, the minks (you know what I mean), the dullards, the criminals, and all the illegals.
  20. It is easy for conservative Republicans to have second thoughts about their allegiences particularly in light of the present group of spineless leaders in the party. However, comparing Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Rosy O'Donnell gives one a new sense that he is still on the right path. While you can compare appearance (that incorporates much more than mere physical beauty), the stark contrasts in lifestyle, attitude, and respect for others make such a comparison ridiculous. O'Donnell is, at her very best, a parasite on the principles of a civilized society. Maybe she can be exiled to Devil's Island where the wildlife could enjoy her presence.
  21. The Kentucky Revised Statutes would, of course, be reviewed by Mr. Calhoun. He will also be familiar with the rules adopted with the "moist" measure. Fortunately, the state legislature is not presently in session to further revise the statutes. I am one of those who believes that Kentucky would function better if the state legislature met two days every sixty years rather than sixty days every two years. Of course, that is a subject for another time. I appreciate your interest, Mr. Schue.
  22. Your rebuttal has a lot of might bes and could bes in it. You may be right but, from your post, you are merely guessing. Until I see those laws and have them interpreted by Mr. Calhoun I'll assume that I am correct. I am surrendering nothing but, at worst, I may need to do a little modifying. That won't be too hard. Remember, I should have a shot at at least 45 licenses. It shouldn't be too hard to get one. I don't buy into the spin that there are a goodly number of restaurants chomping at the bit to locate in economically deprived Boyd County. The only one of which I have been made aware is Calhoun's Saloon. I believe you are a newspaper man. All of this should make you a good story. I'll also, at the proper time, treat you to a plate of peanut butter, cheese, and crackers and a fine bottle of the brew of your choice.
  23. Really? How about a verifiable example that is comparable to my situation? You tend to forget that this measure was hastily drafted for the purpose of saving a near empty mall located in rural Boyd County. The result of this haste is to make each and every precinct in the county- up "hollers" and around hills and all over the rural landscape- a wet precinct. It is possible that the "framers" intended this result. I doubt it. I would not give them that much credit for "smarts". Nonetheless, a potentially overly wet county is what has come from the effort. Therefore, I am merely working within the rules to bring a restaurant meeting all of the requirements to one of the remaining 45 precincts in the county. My idea, "stuff" as you call it, is not folly. There are several lawyers associated with BGP. Hearsay and scooterbob are obviously attorneys as is, I believe, leatherneck. I'm sure there are more. I would be interested in their thoughts concerning my "business plan". I didn't create the "moist" measure and I don't think those who did used much foresight or insight in doing so. However, I, and I hope others, will use what has been passed for my benefit. That, Mr. Schue, is called capitalism. And, of course, if the rules are changed or strangely interpreted so as to injure me and my "partners", we'll address that at the proper time and in the proper way.
  24. Of course the local ABC boy would have trouble with my setup, Mr. Schue. However, I disagree with your use of the phrase "creative accounting". There are no better food staples than good old peanut butter and cheese. Most nutritionists highly recommend both foods. The crackers add a fine supplement. It cannot be denied that I am selling acceptable food. The ABC boy may complain but, under the present provisions of the measure passed yeterday, he cannot win. It is my understanding that Boyd County has 47 separate voting precincts. Since 2 in downtown Ashland are already wet, it means that the voters, in their infinite wisdom, have added 45 new wet precincts. Since the ABC boy will not be able to discriminate among precincts, that means at least 45 new restaurants (1 in each precinct at a minimum) must be approved if the applicants meet minimum requirements. The minimum requirements, if we can believe the newspaper, are seating for 100 people and 70% food sales. My 25 card tables and 100 folding chairs (4 for each table) plus my clearly defined method for charging customers (all purchases of products are allocated 75% to food staples and 25% to the drink) are clearly within the rules. It doesn't matter whether the customers eat the peanut butter, cheese, and crackers or not. They paid for them and they are, therefore, part of the "ticket". Actually, if they don't eat any food, it merely allows me to make a higher profit. After all, there is no rule that the 70% must be consumed food. Nonetheless, it will be available for consumption. If I follow through with my idea, there is no way under the proposed rules that I can be denied a license. And, with my emphasis on minority ownership, I would dare the powers to alter the rules just to hurt Calhoun's Saloon. Such an action could well result in a major discrimination suit against Boyd County and Ashland. Shoot, the Blazer Tomcats could end up as the Kingfish Tomcats. Now, wouldn't that be something?
  25. Neither, Mr. Ram. Of course I may claim to be of split personalities. That way, the powers that be in Boyd County would have a more difficult time refusing my application because I would be a minority. All kidding aside, I will have a strong element of minority ownership. The Kingfish is no fool. He knows how the system works.
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