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Kingfish Stevens

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Everything posted by Kingfish Stevens

  1. Your post would suggest that the transfers, even with family "relocations", were for athletic reasons and, if so, that is clearly a violation of the rules of KHSAA.
  2. Congratulations and best wishes. You are blessed to be in a position where you can look forward to the future. That is not always the case.
  3. I did a little checking with acquaintances in Greenup County and I think you are correct. From time to time through the years, Greenup County has proved to be a fruitful feeder system for Ashland.
  4. Good to see the little Class A school go on the road to Putnam Stadium and beat the big Class 5A school.
  5. As you said, my friend, we will just agree to disagree. That is what makes BGP work well.
  6. On the surface, it appears that "KTex" has accumulated an impressive number of homeruns and rbis since coming to Atlanta. However, a thorough review of his performance and the timing of his production clearly indicates that he has not delivered in the clutch. His presence has produced no wins for the Braves in games that they have won. They would have won without him. Those, my friend, are facts. As for his performance at first base, it is obvious that you never played first base. Playing a string of errorless games there is not particularly difficult and I speak from the position of having been a first baseman for a goodly number of years. Your last statement is shortsighted. Why not get something for "Salty"now? Well, to put that into perspective, you gave up Saltalamacchia, your top prospect, your second (Andrus) and third (Harrison) rated prospects, your eighth (Beau Jones) rated prospect, and another of your top twenty-five prospects. What did you get? You rented "KTex" for eighteen months and you got a 36 or 37 year old dud for your bullpen. And, to top it off, you will still see your team go home at the end of the season- this year and next year. You have given up on winning the division. Now you are claiming the wildcard. Well, presently you are running fourth. You will say that you are only three games behind SD. However, in the all important loss column, you are four behind. And, those three teams ahead of you each have more than a two man pitching staff. Of course, they don't have "KTex", do they?
  7. Of course Atlanta can still make the playoffs. So can Cincinnati. Call it "ranting" if you wish. However, I call it "facts" and those facts indicate that the production of "KTex" has been what lawyers would call "irrelevant and immaterial" in regard to any wins. I am not the one who was blowing about the trade bringing instant success. If you check back you will see that I strongly opposed it from the time it was first mentioned as a possibility. I'm consistent. You boys are hedging in your level of euphoria. No rants here, halfback20, just confirming the facts. And, if I am wrong, I will, for the third time, request facts to that effect. Somehow playing errorless ball at first base for 21 games isn't overly impressive but, if that is all you have, go for it.
  8. Oh. So those who said the trade would bring the playoffs to Atlanta are now applying a half-year rule. What excuse can we use next? If I'm wrong, give some relevant facts to prove it. In light of his clutch performances, I would suggest changing "Big Tex" to "KTex".
  9. You seem to be enamoured by Mays. Tell us about all your first hand observations of his play.
  10. You have a long memory- both in regard to Mays and Jones. As I said, to each his own.
  11. Come on, halfback20. It never hurts to "crow" when you are proven right. Shoot, that doesn't happen very often.
  12. He made another fine catch tonight against the Reds. I don't recall Mays making too many diving catches. That is probably because he didn't do so. I'll still take Jones.
  13. The Reds won the series with the Braves this season 5-2. Some may call Teixeira a "great hitter". I don't believe it but to each his own. However, surely no one will call him a "great" clutch hitter. He obviously is not.
  14. You were correct before and you are still correct. I believe my criticism of the trade before it was made was valid and it is proving to be on target as the season progresses (regresses). As I stated before, it was a selfish trade by Schuerholz who hoped to get one more division championship to help polish his resume for consideration for the H of F. It didn't work and he seriously damaged the future of the team in the process. Perhaps some day he will end up in the Texas Ranger H of F.
  15. Robbie was injured most all of last season and it slowed his development. However, he has a lot of potential and, if he can remain healthy, he will be a big contributor for the next four years. He, like Malloy, is a fine young man and, as Zoolander has stated, he can fill up the basket from long range.
  16. "Big Tex" hit a homerun tonight. It cut the Reds's lead from 5-1 to 5-2. However, when the game was on the line late and in extra innings, "Big Tex" struck out two more times. "Big Tex" is AWOL when the game is on the line. Braves with "Big Tex": won 10, lost 11. For many reasons, this is not a repeat of the Fred McGriff trade.
  17. Well, you are correct on one count. I didn't see "Big Tex" pop up when the game was on the line. I assumed he struck out since he has done so 21 times, often with runners in scoring position, since joining your Braves. On the other hand, "Big Tex", regardless of his meaningless production, has not been the difference in producing a Braves win. Check it out. Even in the game where he had 6 rbis (not to be confused with Saltalamacchia's 7 rbis last night), they would have won without any of his production. Solo homeruns in the ninth inning when you are down by 8 runs don't do a lot either. The fact is that "Big Tex" has been a nonentity in terms of wins and losses. And now they have "amended" their goal from winner to wildcard. If STRIKE3 had to edit your post I guess I upset you. I really didn't intend to do that. And, if my analysis is not correct, I would appreciate a reasoned and factual rebuttal.
  18. Actually, they normally do inform the entity they are going to boycott. They do this right after they have informed the media so that they can get coverage. Of course, sometimes they let the media inform the company they are going to boycott.
  19. I suppose all of that is in the eyes of the beholder. It was a fine catch but it has been hyped since that time. Are you saying that you haven't seen better catches? Mays as a great fielder. However, all who play/played in New York reach "greatness" much easier and their "light" sparkles brighter than do players in other venues. I will say, having seen both play in person on numerous occasions, that I would rate Jones over Mays. Actually, a lot of those more knowledgeable than me, agree. But, then, it is all a matter of opinion.
  20. The whistleblowing protection idea is built around those who face retaliation from, in most cases, their employer for making a complaint against that employer. It wouldn't have any application in this situation. There are too many presently making complaints to KHSAA without any degree of accountability. The accused has a right to know who is doing the accusing particularly since a few of our schools are treated as guilty until proven innocent.
  21. Mays liked to look flashy with his basket catches, etc. However, I believe a lot of it was hype from playing in New York. His best known catch was a fine catch. However, I think all of us have seen many better catches- some by Jones. The team was chosen in what was, in reality, a popularity contest. It has no more validity than whatever we wish to place on it and it, like most of these things, loads up, with some exceptions, on players who played in recent years. It reminds me of a poll I once read in which the vast majority chose Rose over Cobb. If you are familiar with the records of each, you know that that was a ridiculous outcome.
  22. Just when is it that "Big Tex" is going to start leading the Braves to the playoffs? His production to date, though impressive to some, has not made the difference in any game to date and the Braves are losing ground at a rapid rate. Last night was a good example. Braves have the bases loaded and one out and up steps "Big Tex". What happens? Why, "Big Tex" strikes out. Next at bat, two outs and no one on base. "Big Tex" gets a bloop single to left but is stranded on first base. Move on to the ninth inning. "Big Tex" represents the tying run but, alas, he takes a called third strike ending the game and throws a temper tantrum. Fact is, "Big Tex", the ball was too close to take. This game reflects closely what "Big Tex" has done since the trade. He hits when it means little or nothing in the outcome of the game. But, when the game is on the line, don't expect much out of "Big Tex". And gametime is correct, Saltalamacchia didn't have too bad a game last night. The time to compare the trade is beginning after the 2008 season when, Saltalamacchia, Andrus, Harrison, and Jones are helping Texas and "Big Tex" and his big contract have moved on to Boston, New York, or Baltimore (his real home area). In the meantime, unless they teach him to pitch, "Big Tex" won't mean squat so far as playoffs are concerned this year or next year.
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