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Everything posted by kygirl

  1. 7 Ballard 5 Doss 3 Elizabethtown 2 Collins 1 Kentucky Country Day TB Ballard
  2. Brother and sister reunited thanks to act of kindness
  3. 7 Rowan County 5 Perry County Central 3 Pendleton County 2 Belfry 1 Lawrence County TB Rowan County
  4. 7 Graves County 5 Crittenden County 3 Butler County 2 Logan County 1 Hart County TB Crittenden County
  5. Custodian Learns Teen is Hungry and Homeless So She Shows Him Her ‘Other’ Janitor’s Closet
  6. I watched the video. A few thoughts of mine: No one can prove by scientific experiment if God exists or doesn't exist. After all we are material creatures living in a material universe, whereas if God exists, it is said he is spirit and we don't have any instruments that can detect spirit, let alone examine its nature. “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8–9) Now to the question they debated-Does God Exist? It reminds of a story I read: A man went to a barbershop to have his hair cut and his beard trimmed. As the barber began to work, they began to have a good conversation. They talked about so many things and various subjects. When they eventually touched on the subject of God, the barber said: 'I don't believe that God exists.' 'Why do you say that?' asked the customer. 'Well, you just have to go out in the street to realize that God doesn't exist. Tell me, if God exists, would there be so many sick people? Would there be abandoned children? If God existed, there would be neither suffering nor pain. I can't imagine a loving God who would allow all of these things.' The customer thought for a moment, but didn't respond because he didn't want to start an argument. The barber finished his job and the customer left the shop. Just after he left the barbershop, he saw a man in the street with long, stringy, dirty hair and an untrimmed beard. He looked dirty and unkempt. The customer turned back and entered the barber shop again and he said to the barber: 'You know what? Barbers do not exist.' 'How can you say that?' asked the surprised barber. 'I am here, and I am a barber. And I just worked on you!' 'No!' the customer exclaimed. 'Barbers don't exist because if they did, there would be no people with dirty long hair and untrimmed beards, like that man outside.' 'Ah, but barbers DO exist! That's what happens when people do not come to me.' 'Exactly!' affirmed the customer. 'That's the point! God, too, DOES exist! That's what happens when people do not go to Him and don't look to Him for help. That's why there's so much pain and suffering in the world.'
  7. Lifelong best friends discover they're actually brothers HONOLULU — Two Hawaii men who grew up as best friends recently learned that they're actually brothers and revealed the surprise to family and friends over the holidays. Alan Robinson and Walter Macfarlane have been friends for 60 years. Born in Hawaii 15 months apart, they met in the sixth grade and played football together at a Honolulu prep school. Macfarlane never knew his father, and Robinson was adopted. Separately, they sought answers about their ancestry. Macfarlane turned to family history and DNA-matching websites after unsuccessful searches on the internet and social media, Honolulu news station KHON-TV reported . "So then we started digging into all the matches he started getting," said his daughter, Cindy Macfarlane-Flores. A top match — someone with identical X chromosomes — had the username Robi737. Robinson's nickname was Robi and he flew 737s for Aloha Airlines, Macfarlane-Flores said. It turned out Robinson used the same website to find answers about his family. They later learned they have the same birth mother. "It was a shock," Macfarlane said. They revealed the relationship to friends and family during a party Saturday night. "It was an overwhelming experience, it's still overwhelming," Robinson said. "I don't know how long it's going to take for me to get over this feeling." They have plans to travel and enjoy retirement together. "This is the best Christmas present I could ever imagine having," Robinson said.
  8. Good News in History, December 24 - Good News Network Silent Night was composed by Franz Xaver Gruber (1818) Verdi’s opera Aida premiered at the opening of the Suez Canal (1871) First broadcast of a music program on radio, from Massachusetts (1906) Albania became a republic (1924); Libya (1951) and Laos (1954) gained independence And, on this day in 1914, the Christmas truce of World War I began when German troops fighting in Belgium began decorating their trenches and singing Christmas carols.
  9. I'm getting ready to go to a Candlelight Communion Service at church this evening & probably won't be on BGP until after Christmas. I wanted to wish all a very Merry Christmas to you & your family! God bless you all!
  10. 2017 Christmas Wish winners share their inspiring stories of family, faith, hope and love C Spire helps three "Big" wishes come true. The most important things in life aren't things at all – as the wishes granted to the 2017 winners of C Spire's popular Christmas wish program so aptly demonstrate. C Spire's 2017 Christmas Wish program garnered unprecedented participation as more than 2,200 wishes were submitted by individuals earlier this month. The company granted three special wishes for a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Super Bowl LII for a teenager battling brain cancer, a service dog for an autistic child and some much needed Christmas cheer for a hard-working mother. As part of its customer inspired philosophy, C Spire recently asked individuals to share their personal stories and explain why their wish, no matter how big or small, should be granted by the company. The response was overwhelming. In just six days, over 2,200 wish requests were submitted through an online website. No purchase was necessary to participate in the program. The three winning entries all involved inspiring, yet simple stories of family, faith, hope and love in the midst of daunting personal, health and financial challenges that represent some of the best examples of the indomitable human spirit. C Spire is helping each winner make their wish a reality. "As a company that gets its inspiration from our customers, we were amazed by the incredible stories of everyday hard-working people courageously and valiantly striving to help their families and the people they love," said C Spire CEO Hu Meena. "We have the best customers in the world and we're honored to play a small role in helping change lives for a few of them at this special time of year." For the friends and family of Josh McIntosh, a 13-year-old Madison teenager battling brain cancer who loves professional football, the wish was simple. A once-in-a-lifetime trip to Super Bowl LII at U.S. Bank Stadium on Feb. 4, 2018 in Minneapolis to watch the National Football League's championship game. "I'm excited about the Super Bowl trip just because of the fact that I have the strength to go there," said McIntosh, who has undergone several surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation treatments since being diagnosed with his illness in March. "There are other types of cancer that can kill you, and I know that my cancer can kill me, but it hasn't. I'm still alive." Staff at the University of Mississippi Medical Center's Blair E. Batson Hospital for Children, where McIntosh is being treated, say the young man's courage and strength during the cancer battle is an inspiration to hospital workers, family and friends. Asked about the secret to his bravery and positive attitude, McIntosh replied, "There is no secret, I'm … just … living." Debbie Colligan is a young Hernando woman who lovingly cares around-the-clock for her two autistic sons. During a recent visit to a C Spire store, Colligan was encouraged to submit an entry in the holiday contest. Her wish? Some funds to help purchase a service dog from Retrieving Freedom to aid one of her sons, Jareth, who suffers from a more severe form of autism. "My sons have an amazing imagination. They contradict and challenge their diagnosis of autism every day," Colligan said. "We are so incredibly thankful to C Spire for granting this wish for my son Jareth. I want my boys to do what they are doing right now – smile all the time and be happy. This is truly a blessing." KJuan Greer, a 16-year-old junior at Jim Hill High School in Jackson, sought help to purchase Christmas gifts for his younger sister and mother, Kasasha Allen, who works long hours at her job and in the home to help make ends meet for the family. "I just wanted to put a smile on my Mom's face and let her know how much I love and appreciate her," Greer said. C Spire granted Greer's wish and provided funds for the family to purchase gifts so they could celebrate the holidays and express their appreciation to one another. Allen said she is proud of her son, his maturity and giving spirit. "Just knowing that my son recognizes how hard I work and strive for him – the sacrifices – so that he can live a better life is a special blessing to me," she said. C Spire also made a $10,000 contribution to Extra Table, a Hattiesburg-based non-profit that partners with Sysco, the nation's largest food distribution company, to supply community food pantries and soup kitchens in Mississippi with healthy food to people in need. 2
  11. Hats, gloves, scarves left in anonymous gift bags to wrap needy in kindness MILWAUKEE -- On a recent Sunday morning, a couple of hundred plastic bags, each containing a scarf, a knit cap, and a pair of mittens or gloves, appeared seemingly out of nowhere in areas of Milwaukee frequented by the down and out. The bags were tied with colored yarn to trees, posts and fences. Each contained a note: "I'm Not Lost. If You're Stuck In The Cold Please Take Me To Keep You Warm!" It was a guerrilla act of kindness, and its perpetrators were led by Heather Witt, who, on the bags she placed, also wrote: "You are loved," and whose opinion of humanity is positive to the point of being mildly disruptive: "I think we all have something in us that wants to do good," she says.
  12. I plan on it too! Tour Dates - Home Free Vocal Band
  13. I'm a fan, no doubt about it. They are on tour next year & will be in Cincinnati in March.
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