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Everything posted by oldram

  1. I agree about Montgomery County Facilities. There were extremely nice and the men and ladies that were running concessions class act. It was funny about the mic. being on the entire time but that just added to the entertainment. Great job West.
  2. Yes because he is playing in the ky/tenn game. His brother stated to a family friend just the other day that he would have liked to play but couldnt. He had to go be at Murray for something also so between the two it kept him out.
  3. Well that sure is such is a nice compliment and I will pass it along to those two boys. I think their KCU coaches were pleased. We were all scattered in the stands but it was nice for the entire area sitting side by side cheering on those boys. I am glad all those boys got to work together if you looked at the program there were alot of KCU down so there will be many more times. Again great job to all and congrads to Forrest, Joey, Fields, Marcus, Thompson, Grizzle, and the rest of the East Team. Congratulations on the win West.
  4. I would also like to recognize some great plays made at this game by the above mentioned and White,Thompson,Davis these three also helped contribute in a big way. I am sure I am leaving people out also so shout out a name for the East or West and lets recognize these boys as their last high school game comes to an end. Way to go guys we are proud of all of you.
  5. Thanks old rambler I havent been on my A game for posting. I want to tell those girls how proud we are of them and we are proud. Lets make sure they know it.
  6. This is the truth. There are members of our family that have worked there for years. Not in the sports department but in a more administration role. The truth is no matter how you slice it. No matter if they change their name or not its really not the Daily Independent it is the Ashland Daily Independent. They are located right in Ashland right beside of the Ashland City Building. There will always be arguments about this issue because the other communities do not have their own paper. I was told that if I really wanted something in the paper to pick up the receiver and call. Even then it is up to the reporter what goes in and what doesnt. It is not based on your opinion. I would like to write in their the boys or girls I know are just the best in the state of Kentucky etc.. that doesnt mean that will be their opinion. You may get one line you may get 5. Lets make this the truth. The paper is who they are and where they are and that would be Ashland. You choose to get it and read it for who and what they are. If they cover other schools then they do so to widen the publication. It is still a buisness.
  7. Thank you LCA such a fine group of people. I am sure this young lady was at both of those games last year. We apprciate as a close Raceland family prayers and well wishes. The kids are coming together in every aspect of our school system to honor this child and her family. At one point she cheered on our teams in uniform. She then went to the sidelines and cheered. Now she will be cheering for the Rams in heaven. GOD BLESS this angel.
  8. My comment I hope after people read it will see it only means why have a committee if we do not keep to the rules. I have absolutely nothing aganist these kids. Would love to see them all play and get to play at the next level but we need to take a stand with the rules. AD's need to really go by the rules. If they dont I dont think they understand what that does to the moral of the team. They also do not consider what effect it has on the child. More than likely he doesnt end up fitting in because of resentment that someone got away with bending the rules. Good luck to that young man. I hope what ever he does he turns it around. Good luck to Matt Thomas as quarterback if that has been decided. I like Old Rambler and Cville cat is for all the area teams until the play Raceland.
  9. You know there are three schools in Greenup County. People seem to forget that includes Russell. Who knows maybe he will try and play there. One way or the other the bottom line is make the rules consistent across the board. I personally have been a witness to the lack of consistency when kids get in trouble(no matter what the cause may be). We should never worry who the child is. We should never consider who is related too. Lets all follow the rules stop the good ole boy system and let these coaches and kids be able to hold their head high. It should be the kids that try and keep their work up and noses clean. Hard work and dedication needs to be the ones that play. Guys bottom line in a world with who you are and who you know prevails what is the statement we are trying to teach our kids?
  10. As far as taking him at Raceland. I think they need to stay with who they have and start working more with their back-ups which by the way they do have. There are probably more boys that could come out of the wood work and be able to switch positions. Our quarterback needs someone that is stable and can come in for him that knows Raceland football. Most of these boys play multiple positions in JFL and sometimes junior high. As far as I know we are not looking into having him and he is definatly looking Greenup way.
  11. i would go but most of Eastern Kentucky will go to Mason to the East/West Kentucky all-star game. Both games should be barn burners.
  12. Thank heavens and thank you Raceland Rams for hearing my prayers. I refused to give up however I was willing to be at my wits end. I am sure glad I didnt have to lose what little I have. Seems like my household is in a better mood now that I am. We actually had a family supper since no one had to leave the room after the score. I am proud of you and this can and I know will continue. GO RAMS!
  13. Well we will see how tonight goes. The Rams will play away at Rowan with a couple JV and the JV will lose a couple starters and play at home. I will be once again waiting on the positive news that our Rams Varisty team has pulled out a win and wouldnt be great if some of the younger JV players could fill in and the JV could win and keep their spirits up from losing a few. Ok boys you need a pep talk we can do this. Hustle on and Hustle off. No errors. 3 up 3 down and come with your bats ready. Is that plain enough?
  14. Ok, I am not giving up on my Rams but something just is askew. I am not so sure whats going to work. We are all die hard fans its obvious. Our posts have been football,basketball, girls basketball, right straight into baseball. I will be honest I havent posted for girls softball and by golly those girls have done it. They beat Russell last night and are making the trip to Louisville this week-end. Congrats. to our Lady Rams. But getting back to baseball the boys seem defeated. They are not coming out of this funk that they are in. Crowds are losing momentum. Its a shame but the screaming and yelling was coming from the softball game. I thought the Rams had them last night they were up by two last I heard on the phone but lost in the end. Guys what its going to take. There is no way to make me believe you don't have passion and drive. There is no way to make me believe you dont want this. I for one and totally agree with cvillecat if you have to break them down then build them up but I think its being done but I cant say for sure. I know the Rams seem to be having pitching problems meaning amount of pitchers. I know one was lost but we are into pitching JV now. Which I think is great for them and know they are excited. Hey what the heck I am going out of a limb here mix the JV with the varsity take some positions and see how bad the Varisty wants them back. I am at my wits end and I truely love the Rams.
  15. I was able to talk to a couple older players and although they did not go into detail. They wouldnt. They are very respectful of their coaches. However they said that yes Coach was at his wits end and the ripping was deserving. You have to believe the boys. I also got the feeling that is the new ones having a hard time getting with the program understanding what that means to have that Rams across their chest.
  16. Food was great but what was up with no sunflower seeds. You always sell sunflower seeds at baseball games. Missed all the spitting. Doesnt that go right along with baseball?
  17. Oh, I am so sorry. I did not make it clear on my post. Their were no bad behavior on Boyd County. I merely stated that I had two people calling me from both the Varsity and JV games. The bad behavior much like you are talking about happened at the Raceland JV game versus Fairview. I apologize to all Boyd County fans, players, coaches. I sat with them the other day and have followed BC for years. Think the world of the team and its coaches. If coach Vanderhoof performed in that manner and if you were there I guess you know then its unusual from what I have seen. An occasional dip or a hat toss but he must have really been upset and as far as through the National Anthem he is very respectful so I cant imagine what happened. I can say for sure that parents heard the JV Fairview from the track shouting and it wasnt positive plus they were not just standing at their dugout they were too far out onto the field. No point in this behavior they were winning by a bunch.
  18. I personally want to thank everyone that has responded to my theory. I agree with all of the opinions offered also. Its always a heartbreaker to see such talent. I know we are behind them heart and soul. I know we have had some talented football and basketball players in years past and it just hasnt gone our way. Its my hope that these boys end on a great note. I was accused on another thread of wanting to get a thread shut down. Heavens no. I congratulate all these teams. It is so great seeing great ball being played. Its always exciting to watch these teams and what these coaches have worked for start working. I guess us old people just have extra time on our hands to rack our brains about whats going wrong. Ok Ramblers we have not given up nor are we going too. I agree its a young team but there is no better time than now to get it going lets not wait until next year what we can accomplish this year.
  19. First congratulations on CovCath. win. I am presenting a theory to Ram fans. See what you think. It is obvious to me there some very talented young men and coaches that played the game on that team. However this team doesnt seem to bond together at all. Its like they have put a bunch ot strangers on the field to play for the first time. All talented but not together. Could it be the fact that past Raceland teams came up through the ranks together playing little league then playing babe ruth and jv at the same time then moving on to high school. The only players I think is left that have done that is the seniors. Most either played for a different league or waited until jv to play at all together. Just a theory but what do you think? They are not clicking together as a team. Right now they are only having successful moments not games.
  20. By no means would I want to get a thread closed. I for one have always supported the Boyd County baseball team. Again, as I have explained in other threads I am not from Raceland just following them by a group of close friends and relations. Boyd always comes out with bats ready to play. I also mentioned I was not there so no I didnt see the fit(or so called fit)Coach Vanderhoof did. Again if you read my thread I said I was going on what others said and the worst that was said about bad behavior was at the JV game aganist Fairview. I just reported what I had heard about both games. As far as I know you can still do that on the BGP as long as you are not talking badly about a child, naming a child, or hurting someone personally. As far as Raceland again in my opinion they just come up shy of making adjustments. Looking back on other Raceland teams most played all the way through little league. They played babe ruth together while they were playing jv. Some still are on the team but mostly just the seniors. I just dont think they are coming together as a team. This may not have a thing to do with it but there is a definite division on this team and it needs to be repaired. The coaches are talented and so are the kids but its just not clicking. So in ending I dont go out of my way to stop threads but I dont approve of bad behavior on or off the fields by anyone. This is suppose to be the greatest game you can play.
  21. Errors is my best judgement. I had someone at both games Varsity and JV watching the games. Pure and simple errors on the Varsity in their opinion. Again please dont jump all over me just going on two phone calls. JV game their opinion was the same. Leaving pitchers in too long also for JV. I know you run out of pitchers and you have to think about future games but sometimes those little guys need a win under their belt to gain the momentum in the next game. If you start walking and hitting players on the other team pull them. Again all just opinion from people. It is easy to say but unless you are out there you really cant judge. I will say with some of the older Fairview fans and Raceland fans both felt the umpires should have kept the Fairview team in the dugout and quiet. Again wasnt there but it was said.
  22. I want to thank Blue Blazer for letting me know that the parent that was injured was fine just some bumps and bruises. The way Coach Vanderhoof was involved is that he was at the scene to help. I have spoken with the mothers parents who where out of town and they send a big thank you out to him and just so happens that other home run was a sorta infield homerun created by her son so maybe she just got too excited. Good Luck Tonight to our Rams I believe they will be going to Boyd County.
  23. Can anyone else tell us about the JV ballgame? Still havent found out if there were two or three homeruns(just curiosity on that one) Was there a parent hurt or got sick or something. Was asking around today but no one was at home. One of the kids said Coach Vanderhoof was involved but kid didnt know what had happened.
  24. i heard there where three home runs. I guess i was misinformed. Seems like the team did an outstanding job keeping errors down and playing like a team. I also heard there was some kind of accident with a players parent. Is this true and are they ok. I have been out of town to renfroe valley so i am just hearing bits and pieces of both games.
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