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Everything posted by Mr.Fundamental

  1. I agree I thought he did a great job handling that situation
  2. I felt the same way about the kid from Mason Co:thumb:
  3. Prayers for the family, from Mr. and his family!
  4. I think that it would be hard for the Jewish culture to accept Christ, because up to that point, God was just the God to them, kinda selfish in away. What do you think?
  5. I have another question: When you do something wrong, do you feel guilty over it? If so, why? Could it be that the Spirit is leading to your convictions?
  6. My dear Brother I am in the camp of Alabama Larry. :cry: It is ok to have doubts, the diciples themselves had doubts, look at Peter on the water. How can we help you, what is the confussing part? Please let us help, between Rockmom, Larry, LBBC, KYGirl and a host of others that know the scripture all can help you and I will also try. The book of Mathew was written for the Jewish believer and uses many corrisponding scripture to the old testiment. It takes time but this book relates alot of cross referencing. Some have said that some of the claims among the Jewish people, are to be fullfilled during the second coming. Please do not renounce God or His Perfect Gift, His Son. As far as your girlfriend, Jesus even told Peter (who was to be the rock the church was built on) to get behind him Satan. Adam and Eve. I will pray for you and a response.
  7. This question is a simple one! The reason we are actually tempted more (in my belief) is so that if/when we do fall our testimony will not be as effective as it would be if we didn't. Thus it will be harder to help save the next guy!
  8. My bad misunderstood, but I was correct about my statement
  9. That kinda goes back to an O.T theory, having to sacrifica duck, cow, ox, donkey for each of the different sins. However, with the new covenant all sin is paid by the same price, therefore, all sin is the same... and here we go again:jump:
  10. I disagree here! There is only one price for my sin, unfortuntely it took the Son of God:cry:
  11. You are correct I don't have a daughter. I would hope that I would raise mine to be better than this though
  12. I agree withthe DUI If man commits adultry, he gets what he deserves. Do you want a man like that to be with his child???
  13. There are victims in each of these! Who is a victim with prostitution be legal, the gov't? The person making a profit? The person receiving a service?
  14. Yellow Jackets 8-2 this year! Regular season! Possibility of the first region title ever! Hopefully 6 or 7 district title. I think Campbellsville will have a lot to say about that, along with the neighbors from the north Lynn Camp
  15. Our country is based upon the Judo Christian Law! I also agree with the adultery it is breaking a contract! I think in most cases though, the adulter gets his or her fair share, when the divorce attorney comes around!
  16. still researching... thanks for the verses Rockmom, I will be studying each one carefully!
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