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Everything posted by Mr.Fundamental

  1. LBBC, I am glad that you are constant! However, to say that one type of gambling is alright and another isn't, is just like saying it is ok to get drunk but not ok to get high, both are wrong, or are they...
  2. :laugh: Isn't Keeneland opening up soon? We ought to go, of course this is totally different then going to a Casino, I mean, I am not putting a wedge on something that has the possibility of earning more money, or in many of my cases losing it:cry: Luckily, I got the state legislature to decide that I don't have a choice to vote on such an important issue! Hyprocrites (sp), my state legislature wanted to mandate morality, or in this case did, they need to take a long look in the mirror, before they start casting their stones
  3. Yes, that is what I meant, why else would they select someone that is not going to change the course of anything.
  4. People are moving! That is the sad thing:cry: Oh-well, again I think that I might have won the lottery, did anyone do the mid-day drawing?
  5. Kinda of a personal question here so you can PM me but does not the redhounds receive money from the Bingo halls?
  6. I agree, I believe that he did, but the law says he didn't. as far as I know, only one president has gone through with the process of being impeached!
  7. So when are we going to envade North Korea, China, the West Bank?
  8. The republicans believe that everything is great! They have choosen that is going to follow the same path as the administration is now, at least on the big issues. I respect that, but that is what their downfall will be, they refuse to change, to see issues for what they are, instead they will keep asking questions, and do nothing. It is a time for hope for alll of America because change can take place, for the first time since it has been recorded the youth has taken a deep interest. Infact, the canadate that I endorse has one of the highest among people under 30!
  9. I am sorry that I did not answer your first question, I just needes some clarification before I responded (the whole economic picture in the 90's) Some say it was better in the 90's, some say not, I respect that. Now as your question again and I will be happy to respond. You have brought on an interesting point about the unemployment rate! That is an excellent point, maybe it is because maybe NAFTA is not really helping any of the common man. However, it does help my stock prices, to bad I am more concerned buying a milk that is up to six dollars. Now honestly tell me that if you had 500 billion dollars a year, that you could do good in your local area. Can you? I know this is a lead in back to the Iraq war, but hey let's stay there for as long as it takes, finish the job, my question is this when will we know that the job is finished? We have the best military in the world, and I love each of them, but a military is used to defend their own country. I know that you will probably attack this post and some of my points and ask questions, that is great, because like I said in another thread, "these are serious times, and we need serious people" Remember Obama '08:dancingpa
  10. A sad day indeed, who well, does anyone have the lottery numbers from Wednesday, hope to see you at the Bingo Parlor tonight!
  11. So first, someone said that it was Regan that caused a surplus and the economic propserity which was a fraud right? I need that point to be made clear. Second, was the quality of life better in 90's versus now? Oil prices and such, again not President Bush is fault, I know, those evil oil tycoons, well wait a minute, was not the Bush family in the oil buisness? Third, we were not in a war in the 90's. However, what is the offical reason why we went, five years later I am still not clear on why we are over there, but to question would label me as unpatriotic, right? I support our troops, but would just like to know why we are there? Fourth, Bill Clinton did have an affair, even though, that is not a crime, it was unmoral, period the end. However, is his sin greater than mine? Greater then Nixon or an other human, for that matter? I might be wrong that people in 90's had a better quality of life than they do now, people now might be seeing the greatest prosperty that they have ever had, people had houses and not worry of forecloser, but everywhere I turn, I don't see it. These are real problems that need real solutions. The republicans have not produced a canadate that has a real solution other than, "I am not educated enough to speak on economic issues", "If it takes a 100 years, we will still be in Iraq". However, my party has a figure that causes hope, the right does not like hope, everybody is wrong and sinful, or muslim, or doesn't pledge to the flag (which were proven wronge). In November, when one canadate will just say I am a vet, over and over again, and the other canadate will offer points of view, and not say the same thing over again, I look forward to seeing this. With all of this said Obama in '08:dancingpa
  12. I agree with this statement! I hope that you are right in your assessment! Again, did not mean to ruffle any feathers, just pointing out has happened in the past! As far as being balanced, the game has changed, if you are not balanced you will struggle, probably not in the regular season, but in the post season, where as I am sure that you know that is all that really matters
  13. LoL, didn't a single A school beat "the big brother last year", facts are facts, they would have come in forth in a single A district, based upon what they did last year. However, that was last year, this year Whitley will be better! I am sorry that it bothers people that they play in a 5A district, like I said before I wish them luck, just, don't expect miracles! Until, they can get down to playing 3A ball, they will struggle, making it past the second round. But then again second round playoffs, are all what some people shoot for! So good luck to that!
  14. I will do you one better, he not only did he balanced the budget, but there was a surplus:dancingpa
  15. Wow, Whitley sounds loaded! I believe in 5A ball though, a team would need to be 50/50 on the offense, because most teams have all kinds of "fast cars", well outside of Whitley's district anyway! I wish Coach Black luck, but, I don't see much turn around, 5A ball is exactly that 5A ball, I don't care if Whitley did play in one of the worst districts in 5A! With all that said good luck coach
  16. I respect you for that, you seem to be able to over look his narrowness, I wish I could forgive as easily as that! I respect the right of the KKK to assemble, but, I hope that they would respect not to associate with them! I think it was said best in the movie "The American President" I am parphrasing here but it stuck with me Micheal Douglas, "You want freedom of speech, you have to earn it, you have to listen to someone who you would spend a lifetime arguing for the topic of what you believe in, while the other person is arguing why you are wrong, you want free speech, let us see you sing the national antheme, and watch someone burn the american flag, then a person can sing about the home of the brave and free"
  17. Yes, 8 years of economic prosperity, a surplus in the budget, who in their right mind would want that?
  18. Let he without sin cast the first stone
  19. I think this would be fair. Teacher's Salary Teachers' hefty salaries are driving up taxes, and they only work 9 or 10 months a year! It's time we put things in perspective and pay them for what they do--baby sit! We can get that for less than minimum wage. That's right. Let's give them $3.00 an hour and only the hours they worked, not any of that silly planning time. That would be $19.50 a day (7:00 AM to 3:30 (or so) PM with just 25 min. off for lunch). Each parent should pay $19.50 a day for these teachers to baby-sit their children. NOW... How many do they teach in a class, 30? So that's $19.50 x 30 = $585.00 a day. However, remember they only work 180 days a year!!! we're not going to pay them for any vacations. LET'S SEE.... That's $585 x 180= $105,300 per year. What about those special teachers and the one s with master's degrees? Well, we could pay them minimum wage, and just to be fair, round it off to $7.00 an hour. That would be $7 x 6 1/2 hours x 30 children x 180 days = $245,700 per year. Wait a minute--there's something wrong here! Average teacher salary $50,000/180 days = $277/per day/30 students = $9.23/6.5 hours = $1.42 per hour per student. A very inexpensive baby-sitter and they even try - w ith your help - to EDUCATE your kids! WHAT A DEAL.... And the parents don't even have to buy us pizza!
  20. Key word Tradition: What is the all time series record between these two schools, and how about those district titles, who has won more? Outside of Corbin, Williamsburg has the best tradition based upon district titles, play-offs, and head to head competition, in Knox, Whitley, or McCreary Co. Now as far as this year, Lynn Camp probably is the favorite to win the district, they are very talented!
  21. Amen-:thumb: Even though everyone should convert to be Baptist, cause you know we are the only ones going up there!!!:ylsuper: J/K;) We are all part of the body of Christ! Let us allows celabrate what unites us, and not forget the ultimate Sacrifice. Besides, I look forward to seeing each of you in the next life:dancingpa:jump::dancingpa:banana::dancingpa
  22. not if it is "spun" correctly, think about it we actually got a democrat who goes to church, seems like a "God Fearing Man" to me. The pastor made some remarks that some have questioned and rightfully so. I respect that! However, has your pastor, priest done anything that you have disagreed with? I bet he or she has!!! An example, the Catholic church and the boy malistation (sp) problems? I know for a fact that most if not 99.999% of the Catholic Church was appauled by this, but did they run from the church, no, they stood by the Church and told exactly what the Church stood for, which I admire greatly!
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