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Everything posted by Mr.Fundamental

  1. I thought that it was traceable for weapons to be found in Iraq too...
  2. Is this the same man saying that we will be in Iraq for 100 years?
  3. Got a question: ( I am very iignorant when it comes to this topic) Can someone answer my two senerios and tell me why they would be bad? 1. In the short term use the fuel that we have in the US, (which some say would last 50 years). During this time develop alternative fuels. If nothing else you add another source of fuel, causing the competitors to at least lower prices, because as pointed out many times it is a free market. 2. Cause a price gas war between the big three, granted it would take alot of communication between the citizens of the US, but, if everyone started to buy just Shell gas for two weeks, the other companies would lower down their price, to get us back, then we go to Exxon for two weeks, thus causing Shell to lower prices, then we go back to Shell, causing Exxon to lower prices once more to get us back, and we keep going back and forth, until we reach prices that are more acceptable. Just Ideas, what do you think?
  4. I like the free market idea and I am a teacher I want all professionals to tell me how much they are worth and teacher should get "a cut" of what they say, because it was because of a teacher that all skills were either introduced or polished. Kinda like an agent!
  5. I have yet to post till now, no matter what is said no matter what idea comes up, plain in simple, we will just come to the conclusion that you do not understand us, and we do not understand you, even though you would not be able to read, write as articulate as you do without the help of one of us, how much are those abilities worth to you, to balance a check book, to enjoy a good novel, to reason... how much is this worth to you or to anyone, put a price on it and then pay a teacher how much you think that is worth!
  6. I don't understand why people just can not be honest, it is a numbers game; plain and simple, as pointed many time NKY and Louisville is better in football. I agree with that but it all has to do with the Joeys and Jimmys nothing more nothing less. More people usually mean more kids, more kids usually mean more talent... let us just say for arguement if I was choosing from 300 boys or 3000 boys odds are I have more of a chance of finding more Jimmys and Joeys that can play the game at the 3000 choice. Saying that I know we have classes, but take for example a Beechwood, where is it located, how many people live within that location, odds are they will find more boys interested in football (for example) then the counterparts in the south or west. Another point the school that consolidated and won the title two years ago (consolidated with Harrodsburg, I can not remember the name) did they have twenty years, no they had one! They had more Jimmys and Joeys, plain and simple. If the northern schools didn't win the titles year after year I would consider themselves failures due to this logic. Now as far as the private debate, this is very simple as well, if they receive public money they should be allowed to participate in a public event, if they don't they should not. However, if they participate in a public event they must be govern by public rules. What is so hard about all of this?
  7. Lynn Camp and Williamsburg; would probably switch but other than that it looks good!
  8. I would like to discuss this idea further; what else needs to be fullfilled? I have heard people say that things need to be fullfilled, but what? Is it a checklist... if so then how could Jesus "he would come like a theif in the night"? I get confussed, please help in this regard
  9. Jason Faulkner, he is JV head coach and Varsity assistant, but someone would be extermely lucky to have him, maybe Lynn Camp, if Pennington goes!
  10. Good for him, take advantage of getting a college education!
  11. Well, it was brought up in another thread that this thread should start so here you go! What about the book of Revelations? What is your opinion?
  12. I too after years of consideration believe in this thought!
  13. I have a question are you a sleep after death, waiting on the rapture or do you depart immediately to heaven? Good luck with that one...
  14. wow, not giving himself much time! On a serious note, why does the myian calandar suddenly end in 2012..., that should give us a second thought.
  15. I am in here in my classroom, just taking a break before I get started again on lesson plans and making sure that I have everything ready for the lessons of the week. Man I am glad that I am off on Sunday!
  16. A.L. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family Your Friend Mr.
  17. The first bolded part, how do you explain the west coast offense? I do agree to the second bolded part more like 60/40. So, you are telling me you would rather win 8 ball games next regular season, and lose in the second round. Or would win 6 to 7 ball games in the regular season and win the region? So which one does matter? That is a rhetorical question!
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