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Ms Liberty

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Everything posted by Ms Liberty

  1. Well, I don't know about a close second. But, he has been to state a few times so he is doing something "right" I guess.
  2. 1. Mike Alderman 2. Joe Billman 3. Roy Wright 4. Bob Hall 5. Scooter Charles
  3. Why , why , why the MVP is Ferguson and an excellent choose at that the whole Team were good chooses. The is for the Tournament not the year .
  4. :devil: My husband and I were eating Wed. and saw some kids with t-shirts saying Dodds Devils cute or what ?
  5. It is a very sticky situation , but what's fair in one sport should be fair for all sports.
  6. Rose Hill is school that has came a long way agreed. My comment was they, along with a lot of other schools Think they never make a mistake , Then why pay the refrees . OK enough said > lets lood forward to summer ball, camps and AAU Play Ball:thumb:
  7. I stated before that I did not know much about the Ramey School, and Yes I am aware that know one would volunteer, I agree that if it helps them become productive citizens I am all for this arrangement. As to my opinion of Rose Hill, true I only saw the group 4 times and yes they were acting like they were AAU fans , just what I saw. And as my grammer goes I reread my post and saw very little but you can go to town with that red pen . :walk: Oh sometimes it is typos that make the mistake. Just typing.
  8. Nice job on the all Americans I like team ball better than the I ball. Also they haven't gotten Kentucky very far have they ?:ylsuper:
  9. Rick Mays is the one to be the Coach of the Year . Before the season started Elliott Co was no where to be seen NOW look at them:D
  10. The 16th region has their tourney at MSU so this prepares the team for the Rupp experience. They have had it there for several years.:dancingpa
  11. There are several players that can take Weddingtons place( not totally) But they will just need to work over the summer and learn their positions and jobs.there are 3 or 4 that I am thinking of.
  12. I can see this Those little kids are all over the place and the varsity players are suppose to be all over but in the right places. So the game goes get the ball in the basket. !!!!!
  13. I would say Coach Mays It seems he always is on the other side of the track I think not He does not yell at the boys in a bad way from the bench , does not pull or push them, and HE has that stare ! His staff is great too ECHS
  14. No one called them cheaters NO official at this level would do that (I would not hope at any level,but it happens) I have seen all of them call several games this year and respect them. I think I understand how hard it is to call ball games I know I couldn't. Someone has to do it . So someone did it to the best of the ability.
  15. My post was to the Boyd Co. school about having Ramey school players in their program . Is it fair to get a child in this home just because he or she is a good ball player , I don't know anything about this just what I have heard. Just got off the subject a little . As for Rose Hill I (my Opinion) is that they do not act like good people ? should Didn't mean to get off subject:cool:
  16. I don't understand how boys or girls who are in trouble can get out to PLAY basketball , do their grades have to remain high , too and if they make a missQ do they go back? just wondering. As for Rose Hill how can a school who is suppose to be teaching the values that the public school don't have such a rude following not a very good example is it? just wondering.
  17. The striped shirts may very well be upstanding citizens of their community that doesn't make them right all the time . I know we (refs) in the stands have a different view of things but this was an important game to both teams:confused:
  18. :devil: To be the 3 top officials in the 16th they were not consistent at all. Missed calls all around. In the en the Devels won
  19. No doubt this was huge. I was sitting on the end that the reversial happened and the 1st ref got the call right. Than Mr. Big Call comes in and changes it. What could have been a 7 point lead late in the half went on to be a 12 point lead on the next trip. Also how is slapping the floor any different than throwing your arms up in the air, jumping up and down, and spinning when a foul is called on you? Weddington was just mad at himself and when he slapped the floor at leat he walked away and did it, not in the face of the calling official. Is it also as bad as diagreeing with a call and walking 10 feet away and sitting the ball down? Another is the actions of the Russell bench. If I am not mistaken assisant coaches and not allowed to stand. Than why was at least one of the Russell assisant coaches up all night? Why is this rule not enforced?
  20. :thumb: The kid from the losing team played a hell of a game all 3 nights.
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