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Everything posted by SMOKEANDMIRRORS

  1. Maybe if they lead the region in two of the major catagories and help direct their team to post season play at state --they will win. Oh I forgot -- thats what Kala Faulkner did ---------Your predictions are right RickyP .As usual you have your finger on the pulse of 16th region politics and thinking.
  2. Let me rephrase the stats Kala led the region in scoring AND assists while her team was the 2nd best in KY. Enough said:flame:
  3. I would rather evaluate a player for 4 games in the state tournament ,with the degree of competition and pressure ,than 20 games during most teams regular season
  4. That game was closer than the final score. I would have loved to see a game betwwen them with Kala 100% at this point in the season after playing together for 3 months
  5. Point of interest would be ---- OF the majority who voted against classes, how many were in favor of splitting the privates from the publics(if so why)
  6. I dont remember reading any posts that said this or any award validated RH or any other school.I think they were giving their opinion on who SHOULD be the player or coach of the year (in their opinion)--just like everybody does in every thread on BGP. I dont think anyone disputes the votes --only why they voted for that person. IMO, if OJ Mayo was still in the region and continued to be the #1 player in America his senior year, there would be coaches who would not vote for him citing some ridiculous reason. Finally, Verbatim-- I do not believe by your response --"you have no dog in the fight" but since you only have 1 post we'll have to wait and see and give you the benefit of the doubt.
  7. IF a school must pay in order for its athletes or coaches to be considered--- I hope they put that disclaimer on the trophies and plaques. Coach of the year(of those teams paying dues) Player of the year(of those teams paying dues) Somehow loses its luster--dont you think?
  8. As stated before --it is not classified by KHSAA as a state tournament.
  9. I agree she did a great job and far more difficult than most are giving her credit for, with the degree of expectations of success with this team. It seemed to me a large portion of posters expected the team to implode or for her to make a huge blunder. I also found it telling in the amount of posts saying the opposing coach WOULD make the difference in the game (W.Carter,Russell.Rowan). Well now that the dust has settled its only Coach Euton and her girls that are going to Bowling Green. Maybe she'll still have to win a few at state for the naysayers to come aroundand thats too bad. Congrats and good luck at state Rose Hill.
  10. I think alot of people are missing one the main points of the Original thread. WHY the outcry on the public/private debate and nothing said about small/large school division!!!! --IF it is true that all is wanted is it to be fair to all kids. I think it is hypocritcal to support a division or levels in the private/public and not support the same based on size and # of students. If you want one left alone---leave it all alone .
  11. IMO--the strong point of The Guru's arguement is ---WHY all the talk and committees about making sports fair for all with regard to private vs. public and NO outcry against small vs. large schools IF you are really trying to make it fair.
  12. What about the 2002-2003 season? --since you said they would schedule if seeded.
  13. Its always something BESIDES the best team won--isnt it. Please save your sour grapes for another thread. IMO the only way RH loses this is to leave a few players home. RH already knows what happens when you dont come ready to play(All A), and they will be ready to lower the hammer tonight. Great job by Euton last night of regrouping her troops after a tough 1st quarter,keeping them focused, to go on to 22-0 run and sealing the victory.:ylsuper:
  14. Those predicting a Russell victory kept saying the difference would be Kidwell. The only trick Kidwell could have done to win this one would be to hide Queen, Terry and Faulkner's uniforms so they couldnt play. Russell played with heart but the most talented team won--pure and simple.
  15. I heard Ashland's schedule was already full and set? I guess the answer to that question depends on which team is trying to schedule them:rolleyes:
  16. Nice list. How many schools in the top 25 in b-ball, will steer away from them?(even for 1 year) IMO not many ,unless theyve already been eliminated by the pair.
  17. Congrats to Russell!! I think they will be playing R.H. in the regional finals.
  18. I Agree. The line gets fuzzy for people(although it shouldnt) when they dont seperate "supporting a program" and "condoning wrong behavior". It sends the wrong message to our young kids and adults that its OK to act in certain way as long as your an athlete or on a certain team.
  19. And he(along with Chad Jackson and Bair) will not be typical 9th,10th 11th or 12th graders. IMO That looks more intimidating in print than it sounds.
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