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Everything posted by letabrotherspeak

  1. Nope I got it from a high school coach back in November, after he (Grant) visited with a prospect. Sorry, but you arent the only one with links to VCU. Lastly, what station is GT's radio show on?
  2. That is awesome for the Cards. I encourage people to go out there. I went last year and had a blast...go early...watch infield...crisp and clean... Good Luck.
  3. The whole Grant wavering has been out there for a few days and there was a report on one of the Florida sites that Grant may not be so gung-ho about stepping into the Florida situation. Grant's recruiting pitch was to make VCU the "Gonzaga of the east". I think BD got cold feet once he signed with the Magic and came back for his final presser at UF. Kind of like a kid going away to college and then returning home and then gets a little nervous because the family will be away from him...homesick so to speak. I think this has happened before with him. I think he got cold feet with UK, mainly because of his wife and family...and I think he got it with the Magic. His dailliance with the Grizzlies almost seems to think he was looking to possibly leave Florida. Obviously, it is not money cause the Magic is throwing a lot at him.
  4. LOL Good stuff...I thought it was just me who had a tough time understanding some of those tunes.
  5. He can do whatever he wants BD that is...but Orlando is the one that suffers the most from it.
  6. Where does it leave it? It leaves it with a guy torn about what he wants to do. I think he wants to go, but having a tough time leaving his family. Good question, however, his flip-flopping surely gives credence to what I was told about him and UK. Hammers out a deal through his agent which had gone on for a few weeks, then when the time comes, he gets cold feet. Bret Bearup a former advisor for Donovan and close friend, told many people that Donovan would seriously consider the UK job, he lobbied hard for it after Pitino left, but ultimately wanted to give the NBA a spin. If he does return, which at this very moment seems likely, it will be good for college hoops and not so good for the Magic.
  7. This is just an unadulterated nightmare for the Magic. They have to be mighty steamed at this. BD will be welcomed back in Gainesville with open arms, Im sure, but man the Magic franchise will take a beating.
  8. "Rash decision"?...referencing the quote in the article. This had been going on for a while, I thought?
  9. You are killing me. You are right and everyone else is wrong? You drop smart alek comments and then someone gives you a little back and you always say people are taking shots at you? If you are going to take little shots with comments and stuff, don't get chippy when people give it back to you. As for Barnes...I have chatted with at least three people on the beat for UK, a handful of radio people about this very subject. All have said that this is not right...and that Barnhart had targeted Gillispie for a while and much of it was because of his personal connection that Barnhart had with a former UK coach whose father was associated with Texas A&M. I think the last name is Byrne.
  10. 3 hours? I thought it was 2 hours a few weeks ago. Barnes was never offered chief. Gillispie knew the night before speculation when he told a recruit as such. Barnes gave the old, not a candidate for the position press release.
  11. BTW, your boy Cronin thought Donovan would end up in the NBA.
  12. Grant would be silly to turn Florida down. Miami native...years working at UF...up and comer... I chatted with a coach and he said that Grant was the most impressive coach to recruit his player and a few majors were very interested in his player. Then again, maybe Foley is casting his line a little deeper.
  13. Never is a mighty tall order... We'll agree to disagree.
  14. Donovan's agent had NBA feelers out last year.
  15. Some rumblings that Grant may not want to follow Donovan at UF...pressure and so forth. Grant's recruiting pitch to recruits was that he wanted to make VCU the "Gonzaga of the East"...might he stay true to that? Can't see him passing the UF job up. Jay Wright's name getting a little more heat.
  16. I wouldnt say he is a liar..may not be getting the right info. In the end, the family wasn't going to move. In addition, I heard today that Donovan wasn't going to be back at UF anyway...it was going to be UK or the NBA. As John Clay noted today...he will be living in a condo in Orlando and the family will stay back in Gainesville.
  17. Never seriously considered? Are you serious? There were negotiations between his agent and the UK in-between people. Not clamoring for a mystical connection. Donovan through agent said the break from Tubby had to be clean. Donovan told agent to get deal done during the time between the Regional final and the Final Four. This is why everything was pointing to Donovan the very day Tubby left. Maybe winning the title changed some things...maybe he got cold feet...maybe family didn't want to move...but the money was there..and it was seriously considered and agreed to in principle. One of the money guy's who was in on the brokering of BD's deal was in Augusta for the Master's when he found out that BD turned UK down. He was fuming, saying the deal was agreed to.... Pelphrey and Grant were in Donovan's suite during Final Four...and it was discussed.
  18. The new representation in Congress has not been very effective...in doing what they said they were going to do.
  19. May have misspoke here...let me insert "forefathers". The idea behind public schools evolves from the term "common schools". Common schools were created as institutions where all children, regardless of economic or social conditions, could obtain pulic instruction free of charge. The costs were to be shouldered by the public through taxation. The instruction was to benefit all in common and the costs were to be shared by all in common. The system of public common schools as envisaged by our forefathers and circumscribed in each state consititution represent society's best effort to broadly diffuse knowledge to effectuate the end of a desirable government. Unifying the people through education was recognized as a precedent to a strong and viable democracy. The creation of "common schools" was a response to the inadequacies of private education. Common schools were designed to remedy three major shortcomings: 1. The private schools did not constitute a system but were created and funded by different means by various initiatives for private objectives. There were no state systems at this time. 2. Private/Parochial schools were not normally free. Poor families struggled financially in order to enroll their children in these schools. 3. The private and parochial schools had special motivations of religious, social, ethnic, economic, and sometimes racial separation. Actually families that were to send their children to private schools were hit with a special tax. They were called "Rate Bills". These families were assessed in proportion to the number of children sent to school. You would see these "rate bills" outside of New England...based on wealth of the family. These inadequacies (private/parochial school objectives) led to the conclusion that there was a great need for common schools. You can find evidence of this in the late 1700's and in the Ordinance of 1787 which implied that education was a state responsibility and virtual aspect of a democratic society. The words of the Ordinance encapsulates the political and educational philosphies of the nation's founders. I would say at this point in time it was definitely contemplated, but ultimately a state issue. From there it has evolved in many fashions thoough funding and the evolution of high schools and curriculum.
  20. No reason for Hamilton not to be in Colorado today. Why play him last night with Louisville? Couldn't he have been on same flight with McBeth? Don't quite understand management's decision on this.
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