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Everything posted by letabrotherspeak

  1. I guess he needs to throw a couple of no-hitters to prove his worth. At least he is up in innings pitched. He or Dumatrait need to get Saarloos's spot.
  2. Sounds like HHS had a carryover of not hitting from the district final. They got beat by an eighth grader versus Newport because they simply didn't hit...must have been the case today.
  3. Sounds like Freel got a rough case of whiplash. Havent really diagnosed the replays but the Pirates claim that Hopper put the ball back into Freel's glove.
  4. Do you think the city would give up on Homer if he went 7-17 on a team that is on pace to beat the 82 Reds? Maybe the Reds should try to sign Erik Hansen or Jerry Reuss...is Sun Kim still available. Then you are all for Saarloos getting another start? Who knows if these guys are "can't miss". The Reds have a couple of nice rides in the lot, let's take them for a spin. My point with the comparisons to Glavine and Smoltz is that despite their early struggles they developed on bad teams....and I think this Reds team qualifies as a BAD team. Give them some seasoning...Dumatrait should at least be given a shot...he is no spring chicken. So GT, you are OK with the status quo?
  5. Oklahoma seems to be getting the most pub with Warren, and that comes from people who represent various other school's websites.
  6. Glavine was 21 when he made his debut in August of 1987. Then he was a fresh 22 year old that went 7-17 in 34 starts on a team that lost 105 games. John Smoltz was 21 when he went 2-7 on that same wretched team. Not saying Dumatrait and Bailey are the next Smoltz and Glavine...but it would be nice to find out. Dumatrait is 25 years old and will be 26 this summer. Give him a shot at the 5th spot, plus he is a lefty, something the rotation is sorely lacking. Bailey is 21 years old...that is not too young.
  7. I can management riding this out for another few weeks...getting them closer to the All-Star break and then looking to deal. This is a team that most preseason rags predicted to finish is the "sub-Central'... I at least bring Dumatrait up and give him a hack at the 5th spot. There is no reason to run Saarloos out there for another start. The way Narron has motored through the bullpen the first two months, he needs another long reliever. However...it is going to be a hard sell for the fans.
  8. Ryle has really nice complex but the stands are a wyas off. The field which used to be one of the best has gone backwards...I believe there was a thread on here last year, saying the field was settling and it was very uneven. Ludlow is a unique place to watch a game. Highlands...parking is horrific but you are right on the field. Haven't been to Dixie's/Newport's new complex. Holmes has a nice venue. The bermuda grass is a real nice surface and has held up well when sharing it with Holy Cross. Like all bermuda grass fields, it goes dormant and turns brown after the first frost. The concourse at Holmes games can be a real tight squeeze.
  9. I agree....start the purge now. You can axe Narron in the process...throw the fans a bone. Is it all his fault? No. But they are dead. The most comical thing this week was Castelleni saying Narron was a winner. His track record suggest otherwise. Singing him to a two year deal was unwise. After he is fired he will never be a manager in MLB again. This will be the 15th year in the last 100 years that the Reds were below .400 record wise. The last 7 were axed. One took an extra year but was axed. the last two were Miley and Knight. Play the rest of the year out. Give Dent the lineup card and start working Girardi. Take the rest of the year to target a manager and go after him. Conine is near retirement. They picked him up and let the Harris kid go who is having a nice year. Hatteberg is 37 but is still capable. Trade Griffey for something. His stock is high and his helth is good for now. Stanton has a ridiculous contract, but someone may pick him up. Get rid of him. What is interesting is the Reds have an open roster spot. They only have 39 on the MLB roster. What is up with that?
  10. Agree...you have to look ahead. Teams that want to trade for Griffey will give up prospects. I wouldn't mind getting a legit catching prospect for Griffey and some pitching or at least a serviceable arm.
  11. The Reds have to do something. They are staring at a little over four months of baseball left and are toast. They are the Bengals of the 90's. By not making any moves the organization gives off the impression of apathy. They are not going to turn it around. They are getting worse. They have hit bottom and have begun to dig. They need to throw the fans a bone or GABP will be another vacant lot on "The Banks".
  12. Does Narron allow Saarloos another start? Why not...you don't want to panic. "We just need to play better Marty."
  13. Tyler Zeller seems to be the flavor of the day. Many think it is UK, Purdue, and UNC for his services. Zeller picked up an offer from UNC this weekend. A few more names have said they will be at BCG's "camp" this summer.
  14. Warren affirmed that he will be at Oak Hill next year. He says he will visit UK for Midnight Madness if his Oak Hill Schedule allows. Smith is meeting with his mother during the AAU tourney.
  15. Not meant to be a personal attack...however, you just assumed I am going with personal "talking point garbage." Which to me, your response is flippant about my opinion. So be it. Not every loss can be penned to Narron. What can be penned to Narron is the laissez-faire attitude that fans see in the players. Narron is not a leader...in a position like his you need to be able to handle the management side and the leadership side. Right now he is not a good fit. Joe Torre can have a laissez-faire attitude, because he has players in his clubhouse who are leaders and will get on other players. The Reds don't. Griffey is not a leader...never has been one to be outspoken. He is who he is and that is a plyare who has had a heckuva career and nice season this year. Ultimately, the blame falls with management. The quickest way to make change on the field is not going to happen this year...because if they fire Narron you get Dent. This season is down the tube...and out of despearation, I think Narron is making some moves out of desperation... He is the manager and the first one to go is the manager and when they keep losing the heat gets a little hotter.
  16. Talking point garbage. My fault Doubleday. Two starts since...6 IP, 13 hits, and 7 BB's. He has walked people before but he is doing it at a higher rate now. Plus his breaking ball has not had the bite it normally does against righty's. His last two starts prior to San Diego was 120 and 117 pitch outings, then the 129 pitch outing. He has a rubber band arm...but his last two outings have not been good...even though he has had rough starts. He is no where near as sharp as he has been.
  17. Arroyo has not pitched the same since Narron rode him for 130 pitches in San Diego, on the last road trip.
  18. Newport always seems to find a way. I guess they still don't seed the district?
  19. Nice work. Do you have a stencil for that?
  20. Maybe he can enroll at UL after a 2 year stint away. I mean they took the Williams kid after 11 arrests.
  21. This is only half of the story and I hear the other half is not much better.
  22. Hadn't seen or heard of it. Thanks for the link. Tremendous song...puts a lot of things in perspective as we head into this Memorial Day Weekend.
  23. You know what gets me in all of this. No one is getting upset. You figure if someon really cared there would be a blowup. A coach...a player...someone. Basically, what is happening has become acceptable. Krivsky got mad and responded strongly that the ownership and team was not apathetic and that it was their lives. But the behavior from management and the players is apathetic.
  24. Relax...we are still not into the summer months. I will say UK gets either Miller or Singleton. BCG visited with Tony Woods this weekend. There are going ot be a lot of names coming and going, and Jody Demling is the source for a lot of this speculation. He thinks UK leads for Tyler Zeller. Who knows at this stage. A new name to track...Matthew Humphrey...southpaw shooter out of Chicago. I would imagine some info will be out after the big Memorial Day AAU Tournament in Tennessee.
  25. Hey when you have seen one, you have seen JAMAL!:lol:
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