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Everything posted by JBauer24

  1. bellalumni40 I just PM you.
  2. 4,950 a year for a 2 person bedroom.
  3. Transferring in as a junior.
  4. Has anyone lived or heard about the Greg Page apartments on the UK campus? Just curious since my son is looking into them.
  5. She knew she was in trouble when they started passing out chips and pretzels which they have never done in the past.
  6. Are you talking about the game against Highlands? I was there and was very impressed!
  7. Oh my God!! My sister stopped by at 8:25 and she said the banquet is still going on. She said they created new awards and they haven't even got to the coach's gifts yet when the seniors talk about a coach and give them a gift. It started at 12:30 :scared::scared:
  8. I just received my new issue of Ft. Thomas Living!!
  9. SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC Love that Chant :ylsuper:
  10. Our family to this day still calls this the "Dark Years" of Highlands football. Would of love to see Skip get the job instead of Eicher but it just didn't happen!
  11. If this is the same person I have seen by Warner's, you guys better look closer because I think "she" is a he dressing like a she. I have also been told by a couple of others that its a cross dresser.
  12. Not the same without the rebounding echo from the building. It's always fun to watch the visiting fans in attendance for the first time jump when it goes off for the first time. I’ve been going to the games forever and I still get a kick out of it when they get jump. It's time to move it back down.
  13. Going to bed. This is boring unless you like the Pats. I can't believe they are putting them on again next Sunday night vs. the Eagles. Could be another blowout with McNabb.
  14. And that is the problem with this organization:irked:
  15. I would not count on that since there is a waiting list for season tickets. He knows that there are suckers out there who will pay to see the Bungles play. I for one are
  16. I hope he isn't here next year. Totally has lost control of the team. Too much of this :argue: going on within the team.
  17. At 2-5 and a thoroughly disgusted season ticket holder :mad: I will not even be able to sell my tickets for the remaining home games :madman: Not that my wife or son will allow me to anyways, so I'll just let them go and I'll find something better to do on Sundays! When does college basketball start!
  18. I would think it will still be in the evening. If things haven't changed over the years usually the team watches film starting at 7 and then comes out for pre-game. If that is still the case, the freshman game will be over in time for HHS to have pre-game.
  19. Interesting to see when looking at the stats that Fitzgerald hasn't made a tackle in the game. Wondering if he is playing. From the games I have seen, he has been all over the field!
  20. I found it here and its the start of the 2nd 3-0 Lex Cath. Click on link and scroll to the right until you see Lex Cath and click on the "s" http://www.wlstats.net/2007_Football/WLFB.07.htm
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