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Everything posted by UKMustangFan

  1. Worst half of football I’ve ever seen Brady or the Patriots play. Pats should be up at least 10 right now.
  2. Good Lord, this is by far the worst the Pats have looked all season.
  3. The core 4 of Marshall, Jones, Goodin, & Scruggs are all very talented. Welege and Hankins are both solid. They have a very solid top 6. No excuse to be this bad.
  4. Is he really this bad? He appears to be in way over his head as a Head Coach. It’s flat out embarrassing how bad this Xavier team is. They have way too much talent to be this bad.
  5. They gave up 2 prospects that were in the 8-9 range organizationally. Both of whom are blocked by more well thought of prospects or young MLB talent.
  6. So hopefully this doesn't get too confusing, but I'm sure it will, as I have a hard time putting this kind of stuff into writing... There is a 20% chance that A is in slot 1 (1 out of 5). That leaves 4 remaining slots, so there is a 25% chance that B is in slot 2. That means there is a 5% chance that B is in slot 2 if A is in slot 1, B will be in slot 2. You can flip those and say there is also a 5% chance that A is in slot 2, if B is in slot 1. That means a 10% chance both A & B are on the first side of the bracket. On the other side of the bracket, the side with 3 slots, you have a 20% chance that A is in slot 3. Same probability applies to slots 4 & 5 as well. If A is in one of those 3 slots, there is a 50% chance (2/4) that B is in one of the remaining 2 slots on that side of the bracket. So a 10% chance for each slot, thus 30% overall. So 10% chance they're both on the first side of the bracket, and a 30% chance they're both on the second side of the bracket. So 40% in total.
  7. You do realize that the players are the ones who decide where they sign, right? The Reds may not have been interested in Miley. They may have offered him a better deal than Houston and he had no interest in Cincinnati. The Reds have made more moves than pretty much any team in baseball this offseason, yet all some ever want to do is complain, complain, complain. :idunno:
  8. Voice is too deep IMO. Also, Joey Fatone has appeared as a guest on Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives multiple times on Food Network (hence the chef/food clues), and has also been on Impractical Jokers (I believe one of the clues was he was a trickster/prankster). He also does magic as a hobby.
  9. Without calculating it completely out, I think you're correct. There are 120 possible brackets.
  10. It'll absolutely be Barkley or Baker, but it probably should be Darius Leonard from the Colts or Derwin James from the Chargers. James was named to the All-Pro team in his rookie season.
  11. Is Lonzo a bust? Is it still way too early to go there with him?
  12. In an ultimate power move, Payton wore a Goodell clown shirt today at his year end press conference. :lol2:
  13. To each their own. Local government has very little importance to me.
  14. Newspapers are useless these days. I can't think of a single reason to waste hard earned money on one. JMO. :idunno:
  15. 0-7, but who's counting....And I'll disagree about the NBA talent. They have 5 guys that will absolutely play in the NBA and another 3 that will definitely play for pay somewhere.
  16. With the NBA trade deadline just over a week away, figured we'd get a thread started to discuss all the possible deals and rumors. Looks like it could be a fairly active deadline with the Grizzlies open to dealing Conley & Gasol, the Knicks trying to move Enes, Thon Maker wanting out in Milwaukee, and of course AD requesting the Pelicans to deal him.
  17. Wouldn't that be fun? KD, Steph, Draymond and Beal vs. LeBron, AD, & Klay Sign me up for that for the next 4-5 years!
  18. The other side of the coin is...if the Knicks end up with the #1 pick, do they want to move their young guys for AD? You could potentially have Kristap, Knox, Zion, & KD. That would probably be enough to at least have a shot at the East every season. Would that be better than AD & Durant? :idunno:
  19. They're the sleeper IMO. Knicks trade Kristap, Knox & the #1 pick (Zion or Barrett) to NOLA for AD. KD signs as a FA. Could also see Washington moving Beal and some other pieces for Davis and then going all in on getting KD to come home.
  20. Maybe he means it, but I'm skeptical. Didn't Paul George say the same thing?
  21. Duke @UNC @Ncstate @VaTecb @Louisville Those are all possible. I’ll be surprised if they don’t lose 2-3 of those.
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