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Everything posted by ukbellco14

  1. Maybe you should tell that to your fellow Highlander, DaBirdMan!!! No one would have ever said anything if not for his WAYYYYYYY OFFBASE comments.
  2. I agree..... P'ville is the winner of the "Most Improved Team of the Year" award in the 13th region, and a 20+ win season is extremely impressive, especially considering what P'ville has had in the past. You are also correct in saying that last season is last season, however alot can be taken away from the way Bell Co dominated P'ville last season. Bell has practically the exact same team this season (minus Slusher), so unless P'ville has made an "ASTRONOMICAL" leap then Bell would be the solid favorite in a Bell-P'ville matchup. I am not saying that if Bell and P'ville met up this year that Bell would dominate P'ville like they did last year. That isnt at all what I meant, and it isnt at all what I think. All I meant was that for you to claim that "P'ville was the better team then Bell" was a little premature. All things considered, Bell would undoubtedly be the favorite, and IMO would pull out a close victory. I too hope that they meet up in the district tourney. It would be a very exciting and very hard fought game, regardless of the outcome.
  3. I actually spoke with GJ briefly this morning in the barbershop and he seemed extremely pleased in how his son is playing, and how SL played as a whole in the Hazard game. Trey has really stepped it up in the 2nd half of this season, and had a whale of a game against Hazard. Like you said, Proffitt is the cream of the crop. However, Smith and Hammonds both deserve mentioning, and I wouldnt be suprised if both of those players dont get alot more recognition next season if SL does well in the state tourney.
  4. I would be very suprised if it DOES happen. Did anyone see what SL did to poor ole Hazard last night. Vouch, Hazard isnt very good, but it is the same team that played North very close, and North is arguably a top 5 team in this region (along with 8 other teams). SL was really playing well. They could have won by 50+ if they had wanted. If they play like that in the postseason, no one will play with them.
  5. I wouldnt go so far as to say P'ville has a better team than Bell. They havent played this year, and I understand alot can change in 1 season, however if I remember correctly the Bobcats defeated the Puma's 3 times last season, all by around 15+ points. Dont get me wrong. P'ville is greatly improved this season, and is winning some games (which is quite a change). However, to say that they are better then Bell is extremely debatable. They have done nothing this season that would suggest they are any better a team then Bell.
  6. South Laurel could have two: Ty Proffitt gets alot of credit, as he deserves it. However, Trey Smith has emerged as an essential asset to the Cards as well. I think he deserves mentioning, even if he isnt neccessarily one of the top 5 in the state. If SL makes it to the sweet 16 and makes a deep run, you will be hearing alot about Trey Smith. Mark it down.
  7. I agree. Very few kids would ever get noticed if not for the help of a coach. I dont see Jones helping Miller in every way possible reflects badly on Miller.
  8. I'd say being in the bottom 5 of the region as far as W-L goes, makes them......drum roll please Les (wait I will take care of the drums and let you do the talking since I have no clue)............ ONE OF THE WORST teams in the region.
  9. About Miller.........I never denied that he had D1 ability. I have stated numerous times that I think he deserves the shot and has the ability. However, D1 ability at Morehead and Tennessee Tech is alot different from the D1 ability it takes to play at UofL. I understand there is no differentiation in college basketball, but in all reality those 2 schools are D1AA and D3, meaning they couldnt compete with the big boys and therefore dont recruit the big boys. If Miller was on the D1 level it took to play at UofL he would have offers from EKU, WKU, UK, or UofL. I think he has the ability personally, just not the height or HS program to get him there. In closing, I just hate when ppl OVERHYPE this stuff. Congrats to Miller for getting a visit. But in all reality it amounts to nothing, and it doesnt prove anything. About the whole scholarship deal.......... you are right, there are very few full ride baseball schollys. However, there are lots of partials, which are technically the equivalent of a full. However, Brian didnt even have a partial scholly for baseball. Therefore, he didnt SIGN A LOI as a walk on. I also never said he wasnt good enough to play at that level (although that will remain forever an unknown). I just said that to say that all D1 walk ons are D1 athletes is ridiculous, because most arent even close. In all honesty if HE really believed he was good enough to play at that level he should have stuck it out, because it probably would have worked out for him. However, it is my experience with walk on players that very few QUIT. Heck, they walked on with no payment for their services, so its obviously not in their attitude to just QUIT. Most are told not to come back, or are politely pushed out the door. Not saying that that is what happened in Brian's case, just saying that's how it usually works. I totally understand about the injury, and that sucks, BIG TIME. I'm sure that played into his decision as well.
  10. Darn right! LMAO. Although, I had my fair share of rushing and receiving yards and TD's against the Boro though. As far as being D1. If you are a walk on you SIGN NOTHING! I know this for a fact. Some of my best friends are walk ons, on both the football and baseball team at UK. As far as Durrel White goes. He was on a Robinson scholarship. That is why UK never had to offer a full ride. Robinson scholly's and full academic rides are very very different. Durrell had the Robinson scholly before UK even started to recruit him. It would have been a waste to offer him a athletic scholly, because if he wanted to be at UK, he could do so for free with out the athletic scholly. This saved UK one scholly, but got them a LEGIT D1 ATHLETE. Now if you reverse the situation, and Durrell did not have the Robinson, irregardless of his academic standing, he would have gotten a athletic scholly. I would not count Brian's academic scholarship as = to a full athletic scholly because if that was the case, then any kid that could get a full academic ride to UK, and was good enough to get an athletic scholly, would never get an athletic scholly. UK would just put them on academic rides in order to save that sport a scholly, while picking up a player. It doesnt work that way though. I know in my personal situation I could have, with a little work, gotten a full academic ride to UK based on my GPA and ACT scores. However, it never came to that. If Brian was good enough to get a full ride to UK on baseball, he would have gotten one, PERIOD. As far as the walk on comment about how they arent D1 athletes being crap. Well you are wrong my friend. VERY VERY FEW walk ons are D1A quality athletes. Vouch, some are. I know a few. However, most are not. Trust me.
  11. You just love getting off on tangents dont you Les. As far as Miller goes...... like him all you want. I've said a MILLION times, I really hope he gets the shot and deserves it. However, it isnt going to happen. If it does, you can right an article about it. :lol: Bell may fizzle in March (probably will), but we arent talking about March, we are talking about February, in particular this week. About the "who beat who" deal. Bell's loss to Cawood was avenged later in the year, so it really cancels out. Corbins loss to Cawood and Bell's win over Clay are perfect examples why the 13th region is completely full of parity, and could be the most competitive region, apart from the 11th, if not for SL. Considering all we have discussed however, I think you might be partially right. You could rank all these teams a number of different ways and be completely and totally defended in doing so. However, I still stand by the position that NL is ranked too high at this point in time. They won 2 games against sub par teams, and they jump some 3 or 4 spots. Ranking by regional record is really the only unbiased way to do it. In the case that you base rankings off of regional records the top 10 looks like this (per regional record on the KHSAA website): 1.) SL 9-0 2.) B'ville 17-1 3.) Clay 9-1 4a.) P'ville 12-3 4b.) Bell Co 11-3 5a.) Cawood 12-4 5b.) NL 2-4 8.) Corbin 9-5 9.) Lynn Camp 10-6 10.) Jackson Co 10-6 Not completely accurate IMO, or probably anyones. However, eerily similar. And really demonstrates the parity within the 13th region. 2-8 could all beat each other on any given night.
  12. What is Mr. House doing these days??? LOL. I would have loved the chance to get at the Jags..... the Cards preferably, but the Jags would have worked. But thats been soooo long ago I really dont even bother myself with it. Heck, I think the way things turned out, I ended up ...... well you get my point. I find it soooooo funny how you just want to make this soooooo personal. I am not debating HS or college football at all. Those topics are for different forums. If you have a problem with my Log Mountain or UK affiliation feel free to PM me. I totally agree with you on one thing though. You cant just base it off who beat who, and that if you play all these games on the neutral court then anything can happen. However, its probably the only true way to do it unbiasedly. Didnt I say, and quote, "any of those teams could beat any other team on any given night." But that is STILL an IF. I prefer to deal with FACTS, as in what has really happened on the court. Irregardless of the 13th regions parity or how "great" NL is playing right now, Clay and Corbin have the head to head win against NL. Do you really think NL is playing that much better then Bell or Corbin or Clay right now. NL just came off a 7 game losing streak. Bell has won 6, probably will be 7, straight. Vouch, the competition wasnt near as stiff as what NL faced during that losing streak, but thats an excuse. If NL is that much better then the competition should even out. Corbin beat North less then a month ago as one of those 7 straight losses. You really think those two teams have improved or gotten worse that dramatically since then. I could see where you could think NL was playing better then Clay right now, but the good thing about that is we will get to see them head to head in the district, barring an upset. Either way....... NL is ranked too high, irregardless of how good they are playing right now. If they make some noise in the district tourney (as in winning it by defeating Clay) then I think they go back to top 5, but not until then.
  13. They should be rated ahead of North. I was the guy all season long who felt NL was better then Clay, and on paper they might be. But Clay proved it where it mattered most, on the court. For North to be ahead of Clay or Corbin is pretty laughable considering NL has losses to both of those teams. I am not saying NL cant beat either of those teams, because I think all 3 of those teams are pretty even and they could all beat each other. However, Corbin and Clay have the wins to boast, and NL doesnt. Heck, its not like SKINGPIG has Clay 3 or 4 spots higher then you do. He has them one spot higher, at 3 instead of 4. He just has North a whole lot lower.
  14. Not so sure, considering Corbin has the head to head win. But WOW..... if you are serious, and not being sarcastic, then we have agreed for like the 2nd time in the history of BGP.
  15. On the bolded: So then why havent they??? They have had games where they were "hitting their 3's", but have yet to come away with the win. I know everyone thinks I'm just a total M'boro hater, but the fact remains...... we can all say M'boro can beat any team in the region when they are hot, but ya know what, it hasnt happened, and they have been hot. Playing teams close doesnt make up for all the L's. They have played Corbin and Bell tough. However, Corbin still won by 8 (at M'boro, which isnt easy to do if you are Corbin), and Bell also blew M'boro out early in the season, 99-71. I dont think M'boro playing any teams close has anything to do with how good M'boro is, but how terrible the 13th region can be at times. A WHOLE LOT of parity, where any team can beat any other team on any given night. Once again..... let me make myself clear. I said POSSIBLY the worst, AS IN one of the worst, not neccessarily THE worst. Sure there are a few teams worse then M'boro, but very few.
  16. I agree.... we need all the help we can get. :thumb: Lord knows us slow white inury prone guys arent getting it done. And just for the record, Bell shouldnt be 2nd, just somewhere in the top 5. Heck North isnt even second in your rankings.
  17. You should have gotten used to bad football by now....what with you covering SL for all these years. :lol: Yeah..... I'm just joking too. :irked:
  18. :laugh: M'boro cant even beat Bell Co! Heck, they wont even play em. LOL I have seen more games then you think. We are out of season my friend, and that means I'm home on most weekends. I have watched every team ranked in your top 10 at least once, except Lynn Camp and Jackson. As well as several teams not ranked in your top 10, such as M'boro and Knox. I have seen SL, NL, Corbin, Barbourville, Knox, Bell, Pineville, and M'boro play on several different occasions. Not to mention the fact that I have very good friends and family members involved in athletics at just about each of those schools that keep me up to date. Most all the games I have seen have also been regional matchups, so I have been able to watch and compare. Golly Les..... lil testy tonight.
  19. I agree they arent the worst...... but not one of the worst??? Losses to Cawood, Corbin, Harlan twice, Bell twice, Pineville, Barbourville twice, KNOX CENTRAL, North Laurel, etc etc etc I'd say they are pretty darn bad.
  20. I said POSSIBLY....... sure they are dangerous when Miller is lighting it up, but they have NO wins against the best in this region to show for it.
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