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Everything posted by TheDeuce

  1. Frankfort and Franklin County should play every year in all sports, I agree. There's very little I would be shocked about when it comes to people talking in Frankfort. I lived there for 17 years, and that's one of the main reasons I never looked back.
  2. Crazy it's been 10 years. I remember that day very well. I had been watching the forecasts for several days prior, and that morning I just had a weird feeling about the day. I was managing a warehouse in the River Port area of Louisville at the time. I convinced by boss that we should try to finish up early that day and send people home as soon as we could. Fortunately, Louisville was spared. But knowing what was going on just a few miles north was pretty unnerving.
  3. Come on Coach! Inquiring rivals want to be able to swirl the rumor mill in Frankfort!
  4. All this. There have been things posted in this thread that are not true, by people that want to be more in the know than they are. Let's just let the people who are actually involved do their jobs and we'll find out who the new coach is when it happens.
  5. This makes zero sense. I would imagine those doing the hiring thought that this person was the best candidate. While it’s not ideal to be in competition with another job, you’d have a hard time making an argument that the “committee” didn’t believe in the program while they are competing with another school for the same candidate. It would be better to be in competition for a candidate who had interest from other jobs than to hire someone no other school wants.
  6. If that’s the case, that means that candidate is a really good one and worth waiting on, or the list of applicants wasn’t very impressive. Certainly hope it’s the former.
  7. You’re claiming FHS made an offer, that person told them “Hold on, let me see if I get this other job first,” and FHS agreed to that?
  8. Why does there have to be something going on? That insinuates something negative. Maybe the people that actually know what’s going on are keeping the process quiet, as they should.
  9. I'm pretty confident in saying a mainland US invasion will never happen. I'm as far from a "militia type" as you could possibly get, but that would be a bad, bad day for any country that tried that here.
  10. I don't see any way you could do all or nothing. It would be case by case.
  11. I hear your point, but Russia has about 100 million more citizens than Ukraine does... That still makes it almost impossible to lose for the Russians.
  12. It is pretty crazy how something like this can happen in 2022. It's incredibly sad for the innocent people of Ukraine. There are also innocent people in Russia, likely in their military, that will perish over this.
  13. We don't have to wear masks at my work anymore starting on Monday.
  14. When Chris Mack was suspended earlier this year, he was not around the team at all. I don't know if that is a rule across the board, or handled differently at every school.
  15. Of course. Allowing students to transfer doesn’t mean they will automatically be accepted into a different school. That’s a whole different discussion. We are simply talking about families having the choice of sending their kid wherever they want without being penalized.
  16. Howard has done it to myself, I'd imagine the next incident (assuming there is one) will be the last one.
  17. It doesn't look like they are going to fire him over it, but they have even more grounds with this being a second offense.
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