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Everything posted by 3wishes

  1. Yes those are good as well, I've seen many of them on NFL Films.
  2. Each class would have the same amount, around the high 40's or low to mid 50's schools for each class. It is based on an average of 2 year enrollment at each school.
  3. This was the hardest hit that I've ever seen, while the film doesn't really do the hit justice it is still pretty remarkable. This was two seniors hitting head on just moments before the Rockcastle County vs. Clay County matchup this past season. (2005) The two players are running through the spirit line which was approx. 50 yards in length, unfortunately they were going towards each other and they meet at the banner the cheerleaders were holding up, a direct hit. The two players are from Rock and were two way starters, they had to sit out the game with a concussion and broke nose. This greatly impacted the rest of the game for the Rock as it was a 21-12 ballgame against Clay County. Enjoy and comment if need be. *Let it be noted that this is not my submission, I found this link online from someone who had posted it earlier. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=603396518&n=2
  4. The Lexington Herald Leader even mentioned two tranfers from KCC in their Sweet 16 spotlight edition.:confused:
  5. I heard the 2 transfers from Knott County made the difference. 2 experienced players that had been to the dance before. Heard they could really play ball. Congrats to a Rocket team that noone expected to be there early in the season. This team grew up quick and impressed a lot of people. They have no where but to go up with such a young team comign back as well. I'd say the 12th region will be their's again possibly.
  6. This wouldn't be the O'Neil kid from South Laurel would it?
  7. I hate to hear this, knowing his family and all I'm sure they will miss it just as much. I'm sure they were looking for him to help lead the team next year.
  8. Perry Central lost their best player in Willis, the QB/RB. They also lost their FB/TE, he was a big kid. But they have no where to go but up after last season.
  9. Lexington Catholic Rockcastle County Marshall County Elizabethtown Muhlenburg North Rose Hill Montgomery County Clay County Lexington Catholic Elizabethtown Muhlenburg North Clay County Lexington Catholic Clay County Lexington Catholic 138
  10. Rockcastle County Shawn Childress: Low 4.5, he has repeatedly ran this, this year and was clocked that last year as well in a combine. He plays WR, TE and S. Dusty Miller: Mid 4.5, he and Childress are toe and toe together, he was also timed this last year. He and Childress were up against Blackwood from Corbin last year and they both beat him at the combine in the 40. He plays TB and corner. Izak McQueary: Gotten a lot faster this year, he is a mid to low 4.6. He plays TB, QB, Corner and WR.
  11. I know a lot of schools that have these classes and there are a lot of them across the state and they have quizzes, tests, mid-terms and finals just as all the other classes do. Participation and attendance is another key factor. If a kid that is in this class always sits out, then their letter grade will be dropped. Before you ask what kind of questions would be asked on the tests, etc. I know when I had the class questions such as proper lifting technique, open responses and math realted questions concerning the weight were asked. Also a portfolio is required for this class, so it isn't like they just lift and do nothing else. While in a Utopian world it would be awesome to have all these students go on to college and get degrees, but at a lot of the rural high schools the kids already know what they will be doing. This kind of preparation needs to be addressed in middle, grade school but not high school because by the time a kid reaches 16, it is much harder to teach them new tricks (Spanish, French, Calculus, etc) I'd say around the state the majority of schools have a ton of football players on their honor roll because in most schools, the coaches know that these kids must be eligible and they are sticklers for making good grades.
  12. I saw in UK's media guide last year that the top lift on the squat was by Jason Leger from Rockcastle County, it was over 660.:confused:
  13. They already have 2 QB's so 3 will not happen unless they have another Qb withdraw. Secondly, Maynard and Chaffins were not selected as RB's. That is because they can play other positions. It isn't like these two kids were selected because they were the best runningback or even better than Blume but because Blume didn't play another position. If you read the previous post, I asked a question earlier about Blume. I asked has he ever played WR and could you see him playing WR at 5'9 or however tall he is over UT's 6'5 Db's.
  14. Not only is he a freshmen but he is just 14 years old. You can call this false if you want to, good thing s that your from Corbin and you will get to see this kid on Friday nights this Fall. I have seen him do it numerous times myself personally. He has 3 big ones one each side on the bar. 45 lbs each, that is 315. He had 320 up on Friday but fell back or it would've counted. Once again, I've witnessed this everytime it was attempted it isn't false.
  15. Getting rid of spring practice would be the worst thing to do. If you think about it a kid that plays 4 years has 40 extra practices under his belt. This isn't a time necessarily to get a starting lineup together but instead to re-teach the fundamentals and get the basic scheme that each team runs installed back into the players mind, plus it is a welcome relief for these kids to finally get out of the weight room. It also benefits the lineman and not so skilled players (usually they are playing baseball) so the coach can work with them a great deal. Another sidenote is what if a coach has been thinking of moving someone to another position, well this is the perfect time to see if that would work out or not. If I recall correctly as well, right about the same time we started dominating UT in the All Star Game is the same time spring practice was allowed in KY. A good coach can get a lot out of the kids that don't play baseball during this timespan. If you feel it is a waste of your kids time then maybe you should evaluate your coaching staff because a good one will get the most of them. Plus it only makes sense that the least amount of kids out there will benefit because it allows more one to one contact with certain coaches, which equals more reps and more looks. This is where a senior who hasn't played much in 3 years may get his coaches attention, etc. Just remember 40 more practices. The benefits far outweigh the negatives, that is why the KHSAA has kept spring practice going, they know it is the right thing.
  16. Update: Casey Hayes just tied the school record in the powerclean today. He tied Tanner Abney (02') and Jason Leger (UK)(03') with a 315 pound clean. 3 of Rock's lineman got 225 18 times today after their sets.
  17. Mason County returns some key young players, #4 I believe will only be a junior, the wideout. The QB is gone for Mason County and he was a terror for the Rock, he was one of the best QB's Rock saw all last year. That will hurt Mason County, however, Rock lost their QB too who was a 3 year starter so both will have to start new since they lost two great players. Rock and Mason are always a great game.
  18. Just a question but do you see Blume as playing a WR? That is where Chaffin is being positioned. His athletism and ability is allowing him to play another position. How tall is Blume? I know Chaffin is only 5'11 but I thought Blume was around 5'8 or so, I may be wrong. Either way UT's defenders are tall and I would say that 5'11 is the least they would take at WR, either way he didn't make it as a RB, so that comparision is MUTE.
  19. The state is broken up into 4 parts and each section has 2 players that are voted on by coaches. Then there are the two QB's that are voted on by the coaches. That mean that 10 players overall are voted on. The rest are selected by the head coach and the KHSCA committee. This IMO is why Ketucky has been beating UT recently, the coaches get the best players and it is not political, the coaches and committee (which are mostly ex-coaches). want to win so they select the best intheir opinion.
  20. While it may not be too obvious, the revenue that these games do benefit the players the next year. The KHSAA does offer scholarships I believe and they do a lot to promote the game and treat the finals each year with class in a nice stadium with nice ammenities for all who attend.
  21. In Chattoogna though. I love this game I'll be there no matter where it is played.
  22. Yes, OORocket is right about Mr. Football. I was strictly referring to D-1 signees.
  23. I think he was referring to the calibur of the SEC, not his chances of playing. I hope that is what he meant anyways. If not, then you have don't have anything to say good about someone then just don;t say it all.
  24. :laugh: Can you believe McGlone, Mitchell, Roark, etc have never been the coach. Each well over 20 years in the state and played in the state when younger, what a crock.
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