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Trinity alum

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Everything posted by Trinity alum

  1. Jeff Brohm was 10 for 10 in a finals win over Manual in 1988.
  2. Rush dropped out of college after one year, right after he got a high draft lottery number. I'm sure it was just a coincidence.
  3. Except that in the third round eithe X or H must win if they are playing each other. In this decade, Trinity has won more than X and H combined. Using your example, the chances of X or H (either one) winning is .9 x .9 x 1. x .9 x .5 or 36. 5 percent. What has happened thus far in this decade is that X and H have combined to win 2 of 6 or 33 percent and Trinity has won 4 of 6 or 67 percent. It isn't because of X and H being in the same bracket. It is because Trinity has had better teams.
  4. I haven't seen Ryle play this year, but I am sure of one thing. You don't get to the state finals without being very good. It is a one game series so Trinity will have to be very focussed and come out with a strong early effort. There has been a lot of smack talk in this thread. That is fun, but the reality its that Ryle has a good team that is playing for a title. The other reality is that NOONE will intimidate Trinity with "physical" play. Ryle will score some points, Trinity will score more. Make it Trinity 35, Ryle 21.
  5. You are right, it does reduce the chance of either X or H winning individually. But one of them has to win a head to head match-up between the two. Playing each other does not reduce their COMBINED probability.
  6. Well, that argument would makes sense except for one thing. Trinity has done better than X and H put together. Since 2000, Male has one title and X has one. Trinity has four and is working on five. In the 90's you could argue that what you say is true, but in this decade X and Male together have not had the success of Trinity.
  7. Trinity has two very big advantages. First is the coaching staff. They are the best. Sometimes I almost feel sorry for the teams that have to prepare for the Trinity offense. Second, in most years they don't have a lot of stars, but they always have a huge number of good high sschool athletes. When you couple the very large number of good players with preparation that is second to none, it is a winning formula.
  8. There is a key point here. There is nothing to stop any public school system from opening its doors to any and all comers. The tax money might not follow the kids, BUT, you could charge them tuition. That would put your school on an equal footing with the private schools.
  9. At Trinity, financial aid is available to all students. To receive aid, the parents fill out a confidential aid application. All applications are sent to an out of state review agency that has been approved by the KHSAA. No information is included about names, sports participation, other outside activities, grades or anything else other than the financial information. The outside agency puts together a list based on the amount of money available and the need of the individual students. Travel is up to the parents. If someone can tell me how this system in any way favors athletes, I'd like them to explain how.
  10. Does anyone have the start time for practice at Trinity on Thanksgiving morning? Thanks
  11. I know exactly what a feeder school is, and most parochial grade schools don't qualify. The high school attended by the largest number of kids from our parish school is the local PUBLIC school. The same is true for most if not all of the Louisville parochial schools.
  12. One of the things that disturbs me the most in the public - private debate is the number of people that think they know things when in reality they don't understand how the private schools work. First, no one knows the financial details for another family and they have no way to know. Second, financial aid awards are determined by a KHSAA approved out of state agency that has no knowledge of who the students are or their status as an athlete. All financial forms are submitted without a name attached. Finally, the admission test at the Catholic schools is a PLACEMENT test. It is not used to determine admission. It is used to help determine the appropriate classes for the individual student. You are implying that something is going on. If you think you know something, please report it to the KHSAA. If not, why not take the time to gather some facts.
  13. There does seem to be a general lack of respect for the Rocks during the season the past couple of years. I think people look at the athletes that teams have returning and decide that Trinity will be No 3 of the big three. At the end of the season Trinity is still standing and the others have hung up the pads for the year. I think people don't appreciate just how good the coaching staff at Trinity is. They have been in the state semi-finals six of Coach Beatty's seven years. Four titles (and counting) and one runner up. Not bad.
  14. It just happens that Presentation is celebrating its 175th birthday today. Happy birthday Pres!!!
  15. This post comes very close to a rule violation. To clarify, IF the situation you describe existed, it would likely be a violation of KHSAA rules. If you have specific information regarding illegal recruiting or financial aid, I suggest you report it. I would also encourage you to find out how financial aid is really awarded. If you did, you might find it necessary to retract your post.
  16. Private schools have zero feeder schools. Every student that chooses a private school has made a free choice to attend that school. They also had the right to choose a public school.
  17. I believe that Presentation, a private school was the first high school in Kentucky, not that I think it has anything to do with anything,
  18. I think there are a few factors. First, you don't get to this game unless you are very good. Second, very good receivers give Trinity trouble. Third, it is tough to sustain emotion after a win like Trinity had last Friday. All of these add up to make this a tough game. Trinity needs avery good week of practice and a HUGE BIG GREEN CROWD to support the team on Friday.
  19. Any update on the start time? As I read the KHSAA manual, the game is at 7:30 on Friday UNLESS BOTH teams agree
  20. I watched it on the replay. The clock started with the snap and stopped after the ball hit the ground. It was good work by the clock operator. It seemed to me like that play took forever, but it there was time for the last play. On the penalty, Wayne Kraus, the Trinity radio guy, called the penalty as soon as it was snapped. He didn't see the flag and was wondering why no penalty. The flag was thrown right away but he didn't see it.
  21. This game scares me to death. All you have to do is look at the Louisville - Rutgers game and the Rutgers - Cincy game to see how dangerous it can be the week after such an emotional win. The team will need to maintain very strict focus this entire week. Can anyone from Lexington fill us in on what Henry Clay likes to do?
  22. Practice on Thanksgiving morning is one of my favorite holiday traditions. By the way, what time is pcactice?
  23. It was another in a string of great games. Both teams showed great strength of character. It will be a great one to remember and savor.
  24. This isn't just Coach Beatty's attitude in the media. He never sugar coats a loss. I remember after Trinity lost to Highlands in his first game, he told the team that some people will congratulate you for a great comeback. He said don't believe it. You lost. Next time you have to be ready to play from the start.
  25. I got a real chuckle out of the quote. Somehow it is more fun when I see the denial after the last two games.
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