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Everything posted by sweet16

  1. Is the Beverly related to the Beverly that played there a few years ago?
  2. Murray could win it all or could very well lose in the 1st round of Districts.
  3. And if scoreboards have to replaced then costs go way up.
  4. And I would get guess a lot of schools have scoreboards older than 15.
  5. Not tonight but a 2/3 game between Murray and Calloway is going to be really good.
  6. There would be some really ugly games across the state if that was done.
  7. The BSN rep near us offered our school to be a BSN school and sign a contract with them to buy everything through them. We would receive a rebate at the end of the year. We thought about it but then we checked with pricing. Their pricing is good but not as good as a another place. So basically we were going to pay 5% more throughout the year to receive 5% back at the end of the year.
  8. Let them pick their opponent like the MLB is proposing. I'm obviously joking. The MLB is about to ruin their playoffs.
  9. KHSAA scoreboard is one of the best in the nation.
  10. I'm not sure how many they put on the ballot (it may have been said on here) but if it is 15 I could see an scenario that 5 players from there could have been on a ballot even it if was in the last spot.
  11. It will happen next year due to UK hosting NCAA games. Tackett thinks attendance will improve if it isn’t going against the NCAA tournament.
  12. What do you mean a terrible way? Each coach gets a ballot and they can't vote on their own players. Not every coach is going to agree with the same 15 to be on the team.
  13. Let's say you have 4-5 good players but not great players. I could very easily see each one get a vote to be on the team hence the reason they have so many on honorable mention. If they had two studs then the others probably would have not got any votes. I see this happen in a lot of regions each year. Honorable mention usually only takes being on someone's list and it could very well be the last couple of spots.
  14. Murray has missed 2 front end of 1 and 1. But turnovers keeping them in. 52-49
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