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Everything posted by RMRed

  1. I remember the old fashioned days when you would build a program through the middle school and offseason weight programs.
  2. Like I said. Nothing changes other than the head coach. Same offense, defense, and expectations. Congrats Coach Dew you will carry the torch just fine.
  3. I think he has been d coordinator since around 2009-10ish. Possibly on staff as an assistant before that at some point.
  4. The reason Mayfield people aren't getting worked up over this is simple. We know they will make a good decision and they won't bring someone from the outside in and change anything. Mayfield football will continue on because it doesn't start at the high school head coach. Everyone is on the same page at all levels. Yes the head coach will have to make decisions, in game, offseason, etc that may change some outcomes but the kids will arrive to the high school with the pride and heart to play embedded in them already.
  5. It would be a storybook ending for Tony. To finish his career where he got his career revived and took off. Be a good story.
  6. Now that would be interesting.
  7. Now that would be interesting 🤔
  8. I was thinking that about Jack but didn’t have the facts. That’s good stuff. Thanks. Whomever takes the reigns understands that they are about to be part of something that a lot of high coaches dream of. It’s a football school in a football town.
  9. I'm not sure. I'm just guessing here, a long long time ago.
  10. Another name to be thrown out amongst alumni with experience. Chris Champion currently at Calloway County. I could see that one happening if no current in house guys are wanting that kind of load.
  11. End of an era. What a great run. I would hate to have to follow a legend. I would be surprised if it was anyone other than those 2 names.
  12. Congrats Coach Myers and Barren County. That’s a good dude. He will have them ready to run through a wall!
  13. Totally agree with you on this. Everything that has happened to this point is in the past. All the what ifs don't matter. It comes down to this game with 2 really good teams. I'm going with Mayfield to earn their 13th State Title with a score of 38-21. I think the last 2 weeks have really fine tuned the cards and have them battle tested and ready. I'm predicting a big game by JuJu. 175yds 3 TDs ish.
  14. Yeah that is mostly wish list. I think you will be surprised at the limited good candidates put in for it. Couple of in house names not mentioned that are more likely are middle school head coach Trey Chambers and current assistant Aaron Cooper. Graves loves to hire homegrown people and it’s easier on the administration to hire within so they don’t have to promise a new guy any teaching positions for staff.
  15. The Tigers have nothing to be ashamed of after that game. They will be trouble next year. Pass game is tough.
  16. Dang fellas. I had no idea everyone would get so defensive over the mention of covid hold back. I was simply sticking up for that year’s Mayfield team and saying that they had their hands full with that very experienced Beechwood team. I was simply stating that the Mayfield team that year wasn’t bad, the Beechwood team was just good. Hopefully Mayfield plays tenacious defense like this.
  17. My post was in response to people asking if that was the Mayfield team nobody wants to talk about and that was the worst Mayfield team they had ever seen. That Beechwood team made alot of teams look pedestrian. There have been worse Mayfield teams over the years, but that wasn’t one of them. Let’s get to the Friday night lights!
  18. The Beechwood team 2 years ago was a product of the Covid hold back rule allowing kids to get an extra year. Several seniors stayed from the previous year state championship team. Mayfield had several under classmen hold back. Can’t really compare those teams that year because that was an odd deal. This year’s game is going to come down to the line on both sides of the ball. I think Mayfield gets that advantage and I think they will get pressure on QB. They have the guys that can cover also, all over the field. Should be a good game, but I think Mayfield will just out athlete Beechwood. On defense and offense.
  19. This is KHSAA website. Goes back to 2002. I also know that Mayfield beat BW in the 95 state championship game. That would be 9-2 record. Recent success yes, kryptonite no. I can’t see where the games were played over the years but I know the only 2 wins recently were not at War Memorial so I can say BW has never won at War Memorial. It’s tough to do.
  20. I agree. My main concern with the LCA game being in the 3rd round was the physical and emotional toll it would take on Mayfield, and it did. I just hope our boys can regroup and recover and keep focus. They usually do. It was a physical game with alot of our guys going both ways. Beechwood starters were done at halftime. The neutralizing factor? War Memorial on Thanksgiving weekend. Alumni in town. Stands will be packed and that vibe will be electric. Mayfield 38 Beechwood 28
  21. I don’t think NFHS is affiliated with individual school districts. I think they are affiliated with the state’s athletic associations. They are also involved with coach offseason training etc. They don’t simply focus on streaming games.
  22. Not considering they will have to play each other in the 3rd RD. The top 3 teams are in the west. I think they should go straight RPI starting 3rd RD.
  23. LCA and Green County flipping spots would be a big deal too. Put that in your calculator and tell us probabilities.
  24. Does anyone know how District 1 tie-breaker works? Will it be RPI?
  25. Ok I guess that's where I was confused. I thought the East/West thing was out the window with RPI. I thought it was strictly RPI based starting in the 3rd rd.
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