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Ken Morgan

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  1. First play of OT. I'm running White up the Middle!
  2. Kaleb Cole is also in his 3rd year as a football official as part of the NKOA Academy. Last year he was recognized as one of the top officials.
  3. Kolt Smith reminded me of Jared Lorenzen tonight. Big kid that couldn't be tackled and was throwing bombs. Incredible for a kid who had surgery on his foot in October.
  4. Paul Wiggens teaches at Newport High School. 👀
  5. Campbell is well coached and they share the 🏀. They have some very skilled players. Fun to watch.
  6. 70-60 Camels .49 seconds left Brett Sowder is going to take the Camels to finals in his first year.
  7. Awesome game, all the kids left it on court tonight. I am a big fan of Coach Luhn. He does great things for his players.
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