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Lions Paw

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Everything posted by Lions Paw

  1. Great interview! Young, energetic, knowledgeable and ready to be a head coach. Best of luck to him and Lex. Cath.
  2. I was told low numbers attended. However, I can't confirm that since I wasn't there to see in person.
  3. I heard the same thing regarding players transferring. Won't name names out of respect for the players and their families.
  4. Slightly off topic. I was told today the Highlands Football Youth Camp would not be held this year. I hope this info is inaccurate. My nephews always though it was a highlight of their summer. Anyone with any insight on this?
  5. I thought everything was "roses" in Caketown. Guess I'll have to make some calls and get the scoop. Best of luck to all the players.
  6. Any word on the impact the new strength and conditioning coach has had in the program?
  7. As a former player, I'd love to see the Birds go undefeated and win another State Championship. After all isn't that the ultimate goal? No doubt the talent this year can compete with anyone on their schedule. Where they may fall short is on the sidelines. I don't see a coaching staff anywhere the caliber of those teams who won State Championships in the past.
  8. Highlands had the chance to bring Bert in last year during their search for a coach. They stumbled and couldn't get it done.
  9. Congratulations to Coach Bathiany and to the Lex Cath players. Looks like a Lex Cath win and a Highlands lose on this one to me.
  10. Who on the Camels staff is likely to stay on board with Coach Weinrich?
  11. If this is accurate info, it's great news for Coach Weinrich and the Camels players. He's a quality coach that cares deeply about coaching football and developing young men.
  12. I believe the talent is there. However, the 100% commitment to football isn't. It's not there from the players or parents. Unless this changes I don't see anyone turning the program into a powerhouse like before.
  13. Are the Birds getting any healthier at the RB position anytime soon? I'm not taking anything away from Sam Robinson. In my opinion he's the best all around football player on the team. But, he needs to play D.
  14. Crazy ending to an otherwise great game.
  15. I like Robinson on the inside. He's the heart and soul of the D, not to mention the best all around football player on the D. Rarely does he make a mistake. Also like Hodge outside. Probably the best LB at dropping into coverage. I like the nastiness he brings to the D. Just keep it under control.
  16. Yes it did! I miss the biology experiment going on from the humidity and moisture in the back corner........
  17. You're right, the facilities are very nice. Although, the old disgusting weight room produced a lot of state championships.
  18. Thanks for the verification. Seems odd, but I'm not making those decision thankfully.
  19. Did I hear correctly that half of Highlands team is going to BG on Friday and the other half is leaving Saturday?
  20. Your comment about naysayers is interesting. Which is why I make it a point to sit on the visitors side of the stands every game. I was under the impression everything was roses in bird land. I thought they were trying to get back to the "Highlands way"? Support, support, support!
  21. Things have been somewhat quiet out of the Highlands camp so far. Is it a matter keeping things close to the vest, caution, being unsure of what to think or something else? On the streets I've heard optimism but I've also heard concerns.
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