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Everything posted by LuVmdgs

  1. Wait what happened did the take the win away? Thought Highlands won.
  2. Really are you for real? I'm a fan of highlands coaching staff but you honestly think them questioning calls made them get more calls? Really? Highlands is just an average team with above average coaching no way they should have beat CC I dont care if Berts dad was the ref.
  3. Nice win for the Jags. The 33rd is going be a good one. Thank goodness the lady Cougars have such a prepared coach or they may have been ran out of the building.
  4. NDA does have some athletes not a lot of basketball players but should be better than they are. Something is defiantly not clicking. Still time to right the ship the district is wide open looks like no clear front runner. I guess thats true for the region as well.
  5. Camels still one of the top teams in the state. Just hard to be a veteran coaching staff when their players execute the plan. Nice win for the birds..
  6. Camels are rolling went to the mt notre dame game and the mercer game they are a legit contender. Stamm always has such a good game plan makes the lady cougars hard to beat.
  7. Nope get touchy when you through in a remark from one of my post.
  8. Oh good point Stamm has never seen these teams play probably catch him off guard. Good call JHA not sure how I missed that.
  9. Say what you want about Stamm but his teams always prepared. Wish the lady cougars could've held on. Camels are rolling!!
  10. Love to see conner win but my guess is camels by 10+
  11. NDA does not prioritize one sport over another. A lot of people think that but simply not true. Not sure what the issue is currently with basketball. Personally I like the coach like the kids but together something isn't clicking.
  12. Final from the Ridge. The wheels may be off the bus!!
  13. NDA basketball is really hard to watch right now.
  14. Im confused why would anyone think this would be a close game.
  15. Sorry BIGZIG not that I didn't believe this one but I did have to double check with the Khsaa site. I thought Conner would win by 20 plus.
  16. The game plan seems non-existent very strange. Not to speak for Deuces22 but yes he is referring to NDA. They (NDA) did outscore Lexi. Mitchell & Held 48 NDA 50.
  17. Did I say that? Why so defensive I asked if you knew. Its pretty common practice to have a minority of your current team to have come from your direct feeder just curious if you know the number.
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