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Everything posted by Yedboy

  1. I just looked at CCH schedule. If you do not include this weekend and the Freshman showcase, they have had one Saturday game. Al the rest are during the weekdays. Do they do a Freshman Regional for the girls teams? When my daughter played about 4 years ago they did not have a regional.
  2. CCH played St. X Ohio last night and lost 4-0. St. X had some good speed that did a couple of breakaways. CCH has a big team, like 24 players. Coach has been doing a good job of getting everyone some playing time. We will see how their legs are tonight. Looking forward to the game.
  3. CCH has Strange, Jordahl and Stegman up front that have been playing well. Defense is big, but speed on defense could be a weakness. Winner will need to pay three games on Saturday, depth will win this.
  4. Great Game! I went to the open house with my son and was impressed to see all the soccer players showing the prospective students around the school. I think I would have still been in bed. Someone posted a pic on Facebook of the signs littering an office parking lot in Crestview Hills. No class.
  5. Used Barnes in Florence several times. Always took care of business
  6. Kentucky announced they will go with electronic voting in 2016. If the state makes marriage licensing through Frankfort, the county clerk's office will be shrinking. I guess they will be left with vehicle registration, land records and notaries. I could see those duties being covered by other offices.
  7. Kentucky milesplit always has a ton of pics on their website for cross country. I also noticed that Ryle has a picture section on their website for XC. I wonder if this athlete is on those websites. I love going through the excellent pics paNDA posts and hopefully he will be able to continue!
  8. I was always told that the reason for so many counties is that the courthouses could only be one day's horse ride from each other. Some judges handle multiple counties and we have regional sewer districts, why not consolidate counties? I think the county clerk's office will remain, but could be reduced in responsibilities. The whole election issue is one I would want to have them handle.
  9. My marriage license, which is over 20 years old, has the county clerk's name typed in and it was signed by a deputy clerk. No signature by the county clerk and I seriously doubt he ever personally saw it.
  10. I have seen photos of school age kids at the protest. Are there many there? I assume they were taken out of school for this.
  11. 11:00. Davis and all the deputy clerks are to be present.
  12. Be safe in Ashland tomorrow, I am sure there will be crazies from all of the place there. I hope that there is an adequate police presence to keep things under control
  13. This is one of the dumbest moves I have ever seen. So judge is going to have a hearing for Contempt and she files a motion for an injunction of the Contempt hearing? Way to anger the judge before he lays down his punishment. Keep digging your hole Davis.
  14. Motion for contempt has been filed by Plaintiff's. last line of motion "PLaintiffs do not seek to compel Davis' compliance through incarceration. Since Defendant Davis continues to collect compensation from the Commonwealth for duties she fails to perform, Plaintiffs urge the Court to impose financial penalties sufficiently serious and increasingly onerous to compel DAvis' immediate compliance without further delay." OPEN UP YOUR CHECKBOOK
  15. The deputy clerk's refusal to issue marriage licenses brings up another issue. If your boss tells you to do/not do something that violates the law, are the deputy clerks responsible themselves? I think they are. If they get fired, then they have a great retaliation lawsuit. If Kim Davis told me not to issue marriage certificates, I would tell her to do it herself.
  16. She is an idiot. I hope she has to personally pay for this mess
  17. Great photos as always. Thanks for sharing, had a couple of good shots of my little darling!
  18. I would be happy if CCH just has a winning season this year. They have a brutal schedule.
  19. Going to Van Halen tonight at Riverbend. Hopefully it will be past the bed times of all the patrons and we will not see any action. Hard to believe I saw my first VH show 30 years ago.
  20. Beechwood ran well and should push St. H this year. Good start to the season for all the teams. I do not know how many runners NDA has but the JV race seem to have half the runners be from NDA!
  21. Kim Davis' job is to issue legal documents (marriage licenses, drivers licenses, etc.). A marriage license is a document that the state recognizes as two individuals being legally married. That means the married couple has property rights, parental rights, insurance coverage, etc. She is not doing her job in issuing documents that the the courts says she is required to do.
  22. Loser has to pay the winner's attorneys fees. She is going to saddle the county with a huge debt when this judgment is awarded against her. I would be outraged if I lived in Rowan County that she is being so irresponsible.
  23. Gay couple turned away 3rd time by Rowan clerk Here we go! She is going to jail.
  24. Highlands, St. Henry girls run from cross country pack First big race is this weekend at Grant County. Same location as Regional this year so it should be a competitive field. St. Henry has a senior heavy team this year with a lot of experience. They are returning 5 of their 7 state runners from last year's team. A little worried about the lack of runners in the pipeline for next year, coach Harden is going to need to find some runners.
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