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Everything posted by BuckeyeBoy2885

  1. Gary Larsen. Purple People Eaters - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  2. Billy"_____ _____" Johnson earned a nickname because he was one of the first to wear ...............?
  3. As others have stated watching your kids play sports! If I'm alone, fresh snow on the ground with more falling in the woods, and I have just cut a fresh track........
  4. When George Blanda was a young Quarterback, not an old kicker. When kickers were classified either "soccer style" or"American style" When the defenders were allowed to "DEFEND"!!!
  5. Stripes.........the EM-50 Urban assault vehicle Dirty Harry.........the Gun John Wayne westerns.....collapsible furniture for the bar fight! Clint Eastwood (man w/no name)...poncho and cigar Rocky movies..utilizing innovative workout equipment(greasy fast chickens)(sides of beef)(Russian barnyard implements) Star Trek- phaser ..tricorder.. Dylithium Crystals.. Tribbles...Transporter Crocodile Dundee......The Knife! Cool hand Luke...the Box...Eggs Hunger games....Bow and Arrows...Mockingjay Pin Ben Hur....chariots with scythes on the wheels Freddy Krugger... Finger knives Rambo-...The Knife...the Bandanna It's a wonderful Life-...Zuzu's petals and the bells Animal House... The Toga Mission Impossible tv and movie-...self destructing message( if you choose to accept it)! Jingle all the way...Turboman Doll Zoro-...The Mask Man in theIron Mask-...The mask Batman-............... The ......... Mask!!!! Bond movies...Walther PPK...Martini(stirred not shaken)
  6. Some observations on Lafayette from Friday. At times they can be undisciplined both in on field assignment responsibilities and poise. Penalties can pile up and kill some of their very skilled playmakers best efforts. When that happens they can be put in some off schedule down and distance situations which can allow a disciplined D to get off the field. From first kickoff don't go get any POPCORN:popcorn: to eat when a special teams play is upcoming. Never a dull moment with an aggressive on side game seemingly on each kick. Very skilled athletes lined up throughout the return formation so deep or middle they've got someone dangerous enough to make it hurt if you don't stay in lanes, get flat to the ball, and run through the tackle. They will get through a reach or an arm tackle cut back and Woop Woop Woop, a zebra is putting two arms in the air. :wideyed:#14 more on him in a minute. #9 QB Wood, Elusive, Quick, Shifty, Fast. Not powerful, but never saw him in a situation where he wanted or needed to plow(not his game). Different player but every bit as dangerous as Moore, and a Soph! I haven't seen enough to comment on passing ability but in this game the long ball or tuck and run was the recipe. Not many combo routes. D line must stay disciplined with push up middle, and D ends in contain. If they get too deep trying to sack him, they are just opening up the gate. He will slip through and you don't want this young man untouched in the open field. Draw play is always a possibility. #6 RB Robinson His stats were half of their regular season run production but I never got the sense he became a focus of their run game. Maybe this game but he was contained and plays went elsewhere. Still numbers don't lie. #11 Wr Tall and fast, if your DB is 5'8" he will catch ball over the top of good coverage. Deep threat, and dangerous with YAC. #14 Alstatt He was the difference in game IMO. Played FS on D, with saving tackles throughout. Played key plays on O, look for sweep to him out of power set. Surprisingly fast for size, cuts on a dime!!! Also can run through you. Difference maker who they called on at seemingly every key moment and he produced. Oh yeh, don't want him to get the kick!!! Against their D. RUN AT THEM, block the point of attack and grind out first downs. Long drives that result in seven points, DUH but true. Get Powell into second level untouched and he'll have a good game against this defense. When they load up, throw slants to lone wide out, or run combo routes to trips. I don't know if bubble works with their speed, drive them off and come back to ball. Mix in double move if you can give Racke time. If each team has four or five drives per half, SK has real good shot. Don't run and gun with them! Execute and don't give ball back, SK can win! High scoring game probably goes to Lafayette. No epiphanies here just low hanging fruit still on the tree. Good Luck.
  7. I have watched both teams play against the team I follow in two very different game conditions. In one game the conditions made throwing the ball at times like tossing an oiled piglet(Monsoon), running plays dominated the contest. The better Team O front created consistent drive and holes, and THAT teams backfield ran for big gains! They also had a player who could create something from nothing if no hole existed, and the backside players were undisciplined play to play. That team won in those conditions convincingly with the outcome never in doubt after the first quarter. I watched the other team play in the best conditions all season for football. Both passing and running effectively were no issue. That team had some good drives but at no moment until the last play in OT was the game ever in question, it was a game with sloppy execution at times but a good matchup. This team has good backs but I did not feel the play to play fear that they would break out a big play. By this I mean, I witnessed point of attack if there was no hole these backs were capable of being stopped and or stuffed! Granted given a hole to the next level these backs were capable of making big gains, but it took that HOLE to make it happen. I also noticed that no one back got "going" with a preponderance of the load, nor did it seem that they could handle that load.(maybe coaches decision) The O LINE for this team did not consistently win at the point of attack, and hence this games closer result. The thread is about who will win THIS FRIDAY, so previous results matter not. D1, D3 or good HS player turning his gear in on Monday and never suiting up again with memories for life are fodder for the conversation fire. Both teams have playmakers and have earned their spot in the second round by their performance from first practice this summer up until now. Preseason predictions or bias are gone. I wish both teams good luck and all players to be healthy at the final horn. The team that controls the line of scrimmage (cliché but true) Friday will win, and I believe that the team best equipped to do that is Dixie. No prediction on score, but I feel Dixie will win this one. I base this both on the games I have witnessed in person and just a few hours of film watched.
  8. Abraham just had his whole post event life's purpose torn up in his face! Wow!
  9. And it is confirmed Eugene is full of more .....than an outhouse!
  10. The preview seems to show that there will be at least two storylines moving forward with next episode focused on the DC destiny group. Timelines converging for Beth and, Carol in Atlanta and Darryl with mystery tag a long(Noah)rejoining group at church will probably eat up next three episodes!! Character development and back story filler...........! What will be the next twist?
  11. Often times that is the difference. Very fine line from great , good and mediocre!! 1 yard, 1 tackle, one catch!
  12. Lucky for you your not a fighter! "Smash" "GAUGH GAUGH GAUGH" one less for Darryl to deal with in future!!! Beth can be tough, getting tougher, how tough will she be?????
  13. tonight's episode was like a cat and a ball of string. are you still swiping at the string or are you like all cats and got bored and slink away till I get a treat IE "NEXT WEEK"
  14. EPISODE FILLER, slow development to lead in to more..............?
  15. not only the recorded sound, but also read along pictures. Those albums are somewhere at my Mom's house. Loved em!
  16. Two teams with best records play "championship game". All other teams have a plus one game against an opponent they choose. Kinda like musical chairs, don't be last one to the chair.
  17. My first thought was he was bit and had been hiding it. Now Terminus BBQ has a little different seasoning!
  18. I just watched game on hudl, and looked like a very hard contested game. Big plays on both sides, with lots of emotion on the field and sidelines. Punter clearly had his knee down and it was a good call. My question is on the three previous plays I did not see#7 on the field,and up to that point he had been the one to get the tough yards. He had the playmaking ability for that series and those three plays become the most important plays regardless of all prior! I did not see anything or read anything that he was out at that point. Maybe I missed him somewhere? Water under the bridge. My biggest reflection after watching is respect your opponent regardless of prior performance. Ryle played hard and with emotion and came close! Football games like that are never decided on that"one play" but are a result of everything throughout. Ryle is getting better as season progresses, and SK survives. We will see what we see next few weeks, good luck two both teams.
  19. Quote Originally Posted by Onespiritedfan View Post The QB had done that for years. I hate it, it causes the QB undue time and energy. I think they need to either send the play in with the subs that are going in our call the play from the sidelines and let the guys use the arm bands. I've not seen any other team do that with their QB. Not sure why Newcath does that. Quote Originally Posted by kyvince View Post I think it can be traced to Georgetown College. Eddie Eviston put that in when he was the HC/OC. Coach Brossart at Dixie did it when he was the HC at CovCath, and I believe Coach Lickert did it when he was at Holmes. The common thread is that all are Georgetown Grads. I don't think Coach Brossart does it anymore, nor do I believe does Coach Lickert. Perhaps it's time for NewCath to move on as well. Beechwood does it that way. Been doing that way for a long time. I remember Pat Muth going back and forth. Possibly Jeff Wera also. So that's back to early 2000s. Just to break it down. A football field is 53.3 yards wide. Going with an average of 60plays on offence (low) and ball in the middle of field, the Qb would jog or walk 53 yards back and forth. 60 plays x 53 yards= 3180 yards= 1.8 miles just to call a play. Above and beyond any other efforts put forth in the game! OLD SCHOOL!
  20. If you look at the different stat report timelines it shows they'll be up to date next week. Stat report one is for first week the site is up, I believe that has all games besides lasts week. Very nice consolidated place to look at a lot of info!
  21. Got home from work and saw your reply. First, I am so very sorry that the young man was injured and I wish him a quick recovery! Tremendous player, who left it ALL on the field Friday. He played with Emotion and Effort on every play and also Class(he was picking up guys he had just tackled all night long!) I feel you think my post was about him, but it was not in anyway. I was trying to respond to the change in the game up to that point. Cooper 7 Camels 0 8:20 3rd quarter Camels ball on 50 yard line. Until that drive Cooper's alignment was #48(keller) on def right (ss), #46(keller)at MIKE, when the drive started Cooper made an adjustment to this: #48 on def right(ss), #58(the center)as MIKE, and #46(at ws)on def left. After that adjustment, #46 Keller made one tackle on a great back side pursuit, only tackle on that drive. Camels drove the ball and had 2nd and goal on the 10yard line. On a 7 yard run by (23)Plessinger to the 3 yard line there was a 22 player scrum trying to push the pile! Keller came in from the edge and was caught in that pile-up and ended up under ALL of them(that is when he was injured). He stayed in the game and from the 3 yard line (#5) Carroll scored to make it 7-7(after the PAT). You could see #46 Keller Hopping on one leg from edge from the previous play. He was tapping his helmet to let the sideline know he was hurt at that point and did not return. Cooper 7- Camels 7 2:49 3rd Quarter I feel that drive was when Momentum changed, and that was what I was trying to convey. up until then the two DEFENSES had ruled the game, after that Camels OLINE took over and (2 platoon) over (some both ways) won out. It has been noted in many threads the +/- of these Pre-District (practice games) Friday's game shows the negative impact to Cooper. Of all the games played up by teams they seem to have been hit the hardest with injury. I have great respect for Cooper. Good Team, don't look past them to your next opponent!
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