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Everything posted by BuckeyeBoy2885

  1. Remember when car bodies were made of this stuff called....................METAL? Drove a '62 Ford Falcon in high school, pull choke, 4 doors, built like a tank and drove like one too!
  2. I got off Wilder exit at 6:20am this morning. Traffic was stopped for quite awhile, and passed the KY 17 exit at 7:20am. The diesel smell in the air was very strong. 40 minutes late too work! Anyone else?
  3. Remember when the bag limit on whitetail deer was one antlered deer per season. NO ANTLERLESS DEER were allowed and a basket rack eight point was a shooter!
  4. Remember when car and truck side door windows had wings. Last one I had was 1996 F-150. They did a great job of funneling air inside the cab with no AC.
  5. Remember when you went fishing with your Dad and finally caught a bigger bass(fish) or more fish than he did. Remember having to hold that fish with both hands struggling to get it high enough to be in the picture with your Dad!
  6. Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom Jacques Cousteau Hee Haw "Hog Walla, Arkansas population 423, SAAAAAAA..LUTE!" Grampa Joe, Minnie Pearl with the price tag on her hat. Glenna d Roy. Don't remember the hot young honey's name.
  7. Getting up way too early to drive to Cincinnati (lived 2.5 hours away at the time) to be on the Uncle Al show with Captain Wendy. I went twice, and got to do the twist on top of the dog house. The other time I got to dress as an astronaut(found out about blue screens). Those marshmallow cones looked great on TV but actually didn't taste very good.
  8. Actually, the game was 4:25 start! Reference below! My post was at 4:05pm. https://www.google.com/search?q=nfl+schedule+week+1&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari But if you say that pick is invalid I'll take Vikings ! Guess I might end up like "Final Destination" in this! Mens let me know where I stand!
  9. You would think with all the minds they have on these sets that someone would say,"Hey mister director sir, over and under shotguns are not pump guns. So we don't need that sound effect." Huge pet peeve. You see this hundreds of times in movies and tv shows. People think a gun is a gun, no clue.
  10. Right now with the husband and wife split up the show has two plot arcs. I am curious if they stay split up long or if they find each other this week. If they do find each other will the barber and his family become part of the group? Will they have to resort to harming non infected humans to protect each other. Ie will they experience the same epiphany that people on "The Walking Dead" did, realizing that everyone is not going to remain civilized. Survival of the fittest.
  11. I predict quite a few 6 yard completions for Raiders! Bengals playing off!
  12. Some pressure on his right causes that overthrow. Defense looking good. Time for some NOS!
  13. Good protection+all skill guys healthy = successful offence. While Andy has those "moments", it is a team game. Contribution across the board have made them look very good so far.
  14. Looks to be getting great protection. Line play on both sides very solid right now. Go Bengals! Someone in prediction thread asked for 21 point win, we shall see.
  15. Tyler having huge day. Touchdown on third down with:12 seconds. Wow
  16. A good tightend makes huge difference, keep mixing in the run.
  17. Going to be chippy all day from here on out! D with another stop! Good return.
  18. Just watched it again. Pass went through his hands, unless his arms are fifteen feet long pass was on target! Why's everyone prematurely down on Dalton. He and Bengals are playing well. Every play or call will not work. Give him and Hue a break!
  19. Eiffort has to make that play. I don't feel that was a bad throw.
  20. Eiffert has to catch that seam route. Picked up flag.
  21. Carr out, Pacman hurt. Bengals stop them on 4-1 and get ball inside Raider territory! Quick strike on sudden change here.
  22. Four times now the Defense has had chances for a tackle for loss and let someone escape. Playing well but could be dominating right now!
  23. All that mess and now do over. Poise Pacman!!! Cost us big!
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