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Everything posted by footmaster

  1. Is there a kicker in college worth our number one pick? Lol! Just joking, but seriously... at some point in the draft they gotta consider taking a kicker... That's what? 4 games they've lost this season on missed kicks?! Wow!
  2. Let's also not forget... regardless of today's loss... AD and the defense have both done well enough all season to put the Bengals in playoff position yet again... But our kicker didn't do his job which to my count cost them 3 games... Washington, Baltimore and Buffalo... You get those 3 wins, you're still in the hunt.. That's the one positive today... the new kicker didn't cost them to the game... lol!
  3. I think we can all agree on one thing... no matter what side of the Dalton argument you agree with... AJ McCarron will NEVER be the starting QB for the Cincinnati Bengals as long as Dalton is healthy... I'm a Dalton supporter for the most part, but even if I weren't... it's a waste of time to worry about it... He's still young, has a big contract and has been very durable so far as an NFL starting QB... Dalton will be the starting QB for at least 4 more seasons... probably more... So, McCarron is a waste of time discussion... AJ is on his way out of here, like it or not. I for one like AJ a lot and wish him luck on his next team unless they're playing the Bengals.
  4. Interesting take, but he'd probably get drunk and be worthless
  5. Nugent continues his missing extra point streak.... comical at this point.
  6. Let's all go to Paul Brown stadium this week and try out for Kicker... unbelievable! Nugent is mentally shot... cut him now!
  7. Wait! Spoke too soon, might get a tie out of this! Lol!
  8. You underestimated how bad Nugent and the coaches are
  9. Nice play call on the TD there... Hill made a nice fake and Zeitler made a nice "accidental" falling block there too... lol!
  10. Please Bengals... audition kickers during the bye week! Nugent has to go!
  11. Bengals might be the dumbest and most undisciplined defense in the NFL...
  12. I hope you're right! And I do still feel like they can make the playoffs... they have a lot of work to do for sure though.
  13. Tale of two weeks... Last week the Bengals got whipped way worse than the score would indicate... This week the Bengals played a lot better than the score would indicate... Losses either way and it sucks... they gotta win like 6 in a row badly
  14. Agree, I don't think you're wrong on this... However, the NFL and officials are just itching to suspend Burfict again... therein lies the problem... he has to let another teammate take on that role... at least for awhile... He's being targeted... it's obvious.
  15. Great post! Thank you for that... as you said, I still don't 100% agree... but at least I understand your position more clearly.. I honestly felt you were contracting yourself this whole time... but you've now clarified your argument.
  16. Bottom line, Bengals could've won this one... in-game adjustments beat them again
  17. I 100% agree... Burfict is my guy... but he's also a bait target and he has to realize it... and stop taking the bait...
  18. Oh I'm not placing blame... I'm a Burfict guy... just an observation that they gotta learn to stay above the bait if they wanna win big games... every team they play is baiting them, because it works... bengals gotta fix that.
  19. No, I initially asked you to clarify your position which was confusing... and u didn't do it, until I brought it up today... And your position still doesn't make sense... You said Dalton's quick release has hidden the O-lines problems .... and you also said, Dalton isn't good at progression reads... So, to me...that doesn't make sense.. How do you know if he's good at it when you also admit he hasn't had time and has covered up the O-lines problems? Just asking for clarification... to me you can't say , Dalton isn't good at reading progressions while also admitting he has to get rid of the ball quickly... To my eyes, when he's had time, he's read through his progressions like a pro... not the best in the league and far from the worst. (Not that u ever said worst). That's all.
  20. Jones and Burfict losing their cool... in the 4th qtr yet again
  21. No, I don't think you're taking a shot at Dalton... I just think you're wrong... I get a little burned out on your "opinion" posts that you insist on being factual most of the time... It's okay for people to disagree, but not to you for some reason... you have to carry on as if what you say is fact... it's getting tired is all... That's why most people don't engage with you on this board... not worth it. You come off like a guy that's coaching freshman or jv ball and that somehow makes you the football guru... I respect your right to have you're opinion on Dalton not being good at progressions... I just think you're wrong... that's all... no more , no less...
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