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Everything posted by Dozer61

  1. Saw a team photo of the Holmes girls this season and they seam to be missing a couple of players. Anyone have any insight into this? DG21?
  2. Congrats Lady Tigers on a big win over a very, very tough Cooper team.
  3. Look for big things this year out of Anna Clephane and a couple of young freshman that will hit the floor and make an immediate impact. However, the biggest impacts this year may be made by the post player tandem of senior Tori Dant and junior Kimberly Davis. Both players bring an elevated physicality and strength to the position and be a constant scoring and rebounding presence around the basket.
  4. Congrats Lady Eagles!!! Way to represent The Mill!!!!!
  5. Last years match (25-16, 19-25, 25-20, 25-20) turned out to be a very fun and exciting match to watch. The Lady Eagles started very slow in the 1st 2 games going down 8-0 and 7-0 respectively but battled back to make a run for the win. The last 2 games saw each team go on several short runs only to see their opponent claw right back. In the end it was Ryle with the final short run in both games to win the match. Ryle went on to finish 22-13 and Scott finished 38-5. Who wins this year? Why? Who will be the big impact players this year?
  6. Unfortunately, there is no perfect set up. Even with the 6 at large bids there would still be a 7th, 8th, and/or 9th that would feel (and maybe legitimately so) that they were unjustly left out. Success is no mystery in volleyball or any sport for that matter. You have to have participation and you have to play! The programs that are successful have the largest number of players tryout, start earlier and encourage participation in off season club programs. If there players aren't participating in club, they are participating in other "cross training" sports.
  7. r Originally Posted by allstar2345 Holly Kallmeyer from Scott! Quick guard, can shoot and makes plays for a team mates! As long as she stays consistent with her attitude... Couple games I saw she seemed a bit out of it after making a few mistakes I know many factors have played into this the last couple of years. The combination of a heavy non-stop athletic schedule (AAU Basketball, Volleyball, School Basketball, Track and Softball) and an overloaded AP school schedule had her worn down at times the last couple of seasons especially last year. Fortunately, All her hard work in the classroom has garnered the attention of a couple of academic heavy hitters in Brown University, Johns Hopkins University, and Centre College and resulted in a senior year with a lighter class load including off campus college classes. Look for her to return this season with renewed energy and purpose. I don't know how it will turn out, but it will be fun to watch!!!
  8. No Love for the Lady Eagles, despite beating all except Mason during the regular season. Looking forward to being the underdog again this year!!!
  9. Prayers to Todd's family and all the BBHS family. Wishing for a speedy recovery!!!
  10. Yes it does volleyblogger. Take a minute and think about it.
  11. Score doesn't matter to me in this one because no matter what the final result the Lady Eagles come away with the tempo and intensity they will need to duplicate or exceed last season's performance.
  12. Love it!!! Again, Scott HS flies under the radar again this year. True enough the 10th region graduated a lot of talented players at the end of last year. However, I feel this year the 10th will be loaded more so than any years in recent past. I believe this is the year the 10th contends for the prize. And no shocker I will pick the Lady Eagles as the Dark Horse to win it all.
  13. May not be able to catch this live, but looking forward hearing the show either live or in podcast. Following the BGSG performances The Lady Eagles, led by Co-Captains Jessica Tapp and Holly Kallmeyer look to build on last year's successes. They return 5 Seniors (Tapp, Kallmeyer, Morgan Berning, Allie Bishop and Sarah Farrell) and feature a strong group of underclassman in Jordan Tap, Kelley Franxman and Kimberly Davis that will be a major part of Scott's success this season.
  14. Great games to watch and many great individual performances by individual players. Made me really miss high school basketball. In spite of all the rivalries these girls came together and put on a great show. I could watch games like this every night. Congratulations to all the girls who played. I for one look forward to this upcoming season!!!!
  15. Looks like a great group of ladies. Should be some goods games to watch. And for the outgoing seniors our last chance to appreciate their talents in their high school uniforms. Good luck ladies!!!!
  16. I know Kallmeyer, PG/2G from Scott will be playing in the Jr. Game.
  17. NKY Lady Legends will be there as well, albeit a little banged up with both Kallmeyer and Kimmy Stokes suffering a knee injuries at this weekends Easter Tournament.
  18. Wow, really? If that is true than a huge shout out to her. She is the assistant to Coach Towers at Simon Kenton.
  19. Congrats to Holy Cross on a tremendous season and continued success to the graduating seniors!!!
  20. Thank you. I feel genuinely enlightened (no sarcasm intended). Of All the games I have watched I have never observed much referee rotation. Not to say it wasn't taking place just never observed it. Which leads me to my next questions. And its not just me asking, but I'd like to hear your opinion. With such a rotation in place why is there such a strong perception of games being called differently at opposite ends of the court and the switch at halftime? 2nd, does this rotation take place only after fouls or each whistle? 3rd, is there a specific direction this rotation takes place (clockwise/counterclockwise) and does that direction ever change during the game?
  21. Forgive me for being late to this sport. After almost a decade of basketball, this is our first year for softball. That said I would also like to understand the why's of this rule.
  22. To play both sides of the coin the chant, Call it both ways from the fans may not always be accurate, however can be a legitimate complaint. This I believe boils down to 2 simple issues. First, I return to my comment about 3 refs to watch 10 players....etc. The greatest ref crew can not see everything and will miss things simply because their is so much to keep watch on. There is no second chance to see what was missed. It is what it is. Second, with 3 refs on the court perceptibly one managing each end of the court calls at one basket get a no call while under the other basket the same action gets called for the foul. Fan perception is biased but in reality I think it is simply 2different styles of calling a game. All things being equal (and I saw this first hand this year) it should balance out in the second half as the team that had a rough go in the first half has an easier go in the second half. Many would agree that though it balances out this for the players is a difficult game to play and for the refs this is a format that the fans will be most critical. In general I as a fan, coach, parent and critic care, about 2 things. SAFETY and CONSISTENCY. If a game is going to be called tight fine. If a game is called loose that's fine also. Tight or loose though I want it at both ends and for the whole game. The players and coaches can adjust to the calls. In regard to safety when players tangle over the ball I prefer the quick jump ball whistle over the foul call. Over the course of the game it will have no bearing on the outcome and prevents players from tangling legs and falling on each other. By contrast, foul calls can have a significant impact on the game and create untimely aggression resulting in player injury.
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