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Everything posted by Dozer61

  1. I saw Campbell, SK for sure and Boone I think. And yes Wilmington was there.
  2. If I were Ryle I would ask for every game this season including the 9th Region Tournament to be played at Scott. Don't know if it's the lighting or what but this is the 2nd year in a row they shot the lights out in Scott's gym. Take away the 17-20 pts that Scott spotted Ryle right off the bat and this would have been a nail biter of a game. Unfortunately the Eagles couldn't hit anything early on and the Raiders didn't miss. Call it rust, call it nerves, doesn't matter. Ryle looked very good and both teams (after the 1st minutes) battled the rest of the game and went on runs. Ryle opened the lead up to as much as 31, while Scott was able to close it down to as close as 11. In the end it all boiled down to shooting percentage both from the field and from the charity stripe. Ryle hit, Scott did not. That said I am not worried bout the Lady Eagles. All the things I was looking for out of this game; agression, attitude, physicality and even conditioning were all present. Going to be an unpredictable and fun season to watch.
  3. With Legends family on both sides this will be a fun one to watch. I'll be in the rafters pulling for the team in blue!!!
  4. Agree 100%. Maybe the better question should be did Coopers coaching staff get the best from the talent they had? Are they teaching fundamentals and developing player skills to help them reach their full potential? But the most important question any parent ask of themselves when evaluating a coach: Are they helping my child to learn and grow as a person; to understand responsibility, accountability, team work and work ethic? Are they helping them to understand to work through adversity, challenge themselves to achieve more and be respectful both in success and defeat? Cooper had a terrific season. At 24-12 they had some tough loses, but they also had some big wins and I think the program has a bright future. Best of luck to the Lady Jags.
  5. Like even more how this is all playing out on BGP also.
  6. First a big shout out to the guys and gals from Harrison County for doing a great job as this year's Regional Tournament Host. I know from past experience it can be a difficult task to do it well but you guys knocked it out of the park! Congrats to all the teams on a great tournament and an excellent season of 10th Region Volleyball. A final big shout out all the graduating seniors this year and best of luck in all your future endeavors.
  7. Yes they did. But please forgive me if any of the info is not correct. Trying to read my chicken scratch this late is not easy. Scott: Jessica Tapp, Holly Kallmeyer, Kelly Franxman Bishop Brossart: Maddie Flaugher, Lindsay Leick Bracken County: Florer, Jefferson Harrison County: Holler Montgomery County: Hawkins GRC: Carrus Pendleton County: Bishop St. Patrick: McKay
  8. Lady Eagles looked like they had recaptured their mid-season dominate form tonight opening up all 3 games with at least a 5-0 run. Morgan Berning had an outstanding night with multiple kills along with both Tapp and Franxman powering through Brossart blocks. All three were on fire. Kallmeyer and Davis alternated in the middle and were the foundation of blocking tandems all night with both dropping successful dinks at key moments in each of Scott's runs. To Brossart's credit they fought hard and did not go quietly forcing a Scott timeout in Game 2 when they closed down the Scott lead to 12-9. Following the timeout though, Scott went on a run and were able to close it out. There is a lot of talent on that Brossart team. They play hard and I look for them to do well in the Regional tournament. Would not be surprised to see them make the finals. Best of luck to both teams at the regionals.
  9. Congratulations to both teams on their victories tonight to advance to the finals. Scott(32-3) defeated Calvary Christian(13-18) 25-9, 25-5, 25-7 Bishop Brossart(16-15) defeated Campbell County(12-18) 25-22, 20-25, 22-25, 25-19, 15-7). Big shout out to the Lady Cougar and Lady Camel Seniors for all the work you have put in over the last 4 years to raise the level of play in both the 37th District and 10th Region.
  10. More and more I am liking what I am hearing and seeing out of Taylor Mill. Look for this team to come together quickly as soon as volleyball season ends. Defensively I see a lot of team speed athleticism and physicality that could present some real challenges for both guard heavy teams like Campbell and Mason as well as post driven teams such as Brossart. Going to be interesting.
  11. Take nothing away from Scott Co. They are really talented, have some really good hitters and a couple of solid servers. In the end it was a frustrating match to watch from a Lady Eagles fan point of view. The team seamed to struggle at all aspects of the game at one time or another. However, when it would all come together on specific points they look dominating. Unfortunately, those did not come frequently enough to pull out the win. That said this fan is not worried. Coach Sullivan will have them back on track in no time.
  12. I agree. Though I, believe the gap between NDA and Scott is not as big as some think. A good measuring stick will be this weekend when the Lady Eagles venture across the river.
  13. Conner over Cooper. That would be the start of some Noise!!! Congrats Lady Cougars
  14. Thanks for the summary LB. Good Luck to the Lady Breds in Louisville. Bring home the Gold!!!
  15. Maybe just like to go against the tide, or maybe we aren't ready to write the Red Colonels of this season. They may be young but there is a lot of talent in Edgewood.
  16. Possibly. But not worried. Gladly, eat pie if I'm wrong for the risk of being a small voice of descension.
  17. Dixie by 1. If I'm wrong, so what. Really just like to see the 'neers eat some humble pie.
  18. Got to watch the Lady Cougars vs Oldham Co. Love the way they play. Their hitters are tall and long armed and when they are on they are very effective. I look for them to improve by leaps and bounds and make some real noise at seasons end. Good luck Lady Cougars
  19. El V, don't ask others to make your case for you. If you have evidence to the contrary say it, or don't comment. I agree with Rains on this. The Lady Tigers have been the scrappiest team I have seen bar none. They have not always had the biggest or best hitters but they do bring an intensity that is hard to match. And since I have watched them for 5 plus years I feel pretty confident in that statement.
  20. Simply an informal gathering of teammates. Maybe it's early, maybe not everyone stuck around. I only noted an absence of friends/players from the pic and just curious Why.
  21. To the best of my knowledge unfortunately, no there is not, but wish there was.
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