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Everything posted by Justafan#85

  1. Good Luck this year...My only point was the scrimmage just was not as lumpsided as you describe.
  2. 2A vs 6A really doesnt matter...that's just about popoulation in the school. No you need to watch the tape yes I agree he made a few plays here and there..and yes he looks imposing..and yes he got in the back field a few times on missed assignments. But physical no!!! A matter of fact I think Meade's Fullback carried half your team 5 yards for a first down to include #8. You should really watch the tape. Really you only scored 3 TDs on the 1st or 2nd team..and one was dropped but the ref called it a TD. We were shuffling in our 2d team players way before the break. He laided the back down after the whistle..LoL. Again Desales is a good team...but again the score was really only 14-7 if u don't count the missed call on the TD in the corner of the endzone.
  3. First of all it was 14-7 1st team against 1st team. Second, the touchdown catch in the end zone was dropped. Even the Desales coach after the game said that. It was a very physical game. Desales is a good team and should do well this year. Both teams shuttled players in (It was a Scrimmage) Meade's truely first team was not on the field all the time. Meade shuttled alot of 2d team players in alternating with the 1st team every other series. So if you want to add the JV team score go ahead, but the 1st team score was 14-7. Desales longest run was 15 yards..Meade's was 65yards (Meade's Fullback had 90+ yards on 9 carries & 1 TD). Desales is a good team but they didn't man handle the Meade Defense nor were they more physical. Penalties hurt Meade more than Desales Offense or Defense. Desales looked nothing like last year. Pirtle looks hugh, is quick off the ball and is a good player and will make alot of plays this year...physical?? I didn't see it. He was more quick than physical.
  4. If it is not about stats...the question is...How many defensive players have won Mr. Football? Realizing a lot of players’ play both sides, but I would bet most winners have been known for their offensive production. Just for sake of the argument...CKsports you said "I have a hard time thinking transfers, guys switching positions, guys who have no major college offers and guys who didn't even make all-area (which means they didn't make all-state) as juniors are going to somehow win Mr. Football." Clay Matthews only played his senior season at USC...turned out pretty good for him. The point is let the season play out before you engrave the trophy and yes every senior should be eligible..what they did or did not do as a junior doesn’t matter. It’s about this year. That’s just my point of view.
  5. I agree Harris is the favorite... But not necessarily because he is the best player in KY (He maybe the best running back). He just has received the most PR because he is highly ranked by the media outlets. I think Mr. Football should be about more than TDs or Yards. But that’s why a lot of people don’t put a whole lot into these popularity or beauty contests.
  6. "Clyde" there would be more realistic canidates if everyone would keep an open mind and let the season play out to see who should be Mr. Football. But I guess in the end the title is not really about the best player, but who gets the most PR.
  7. I wouldn't rule out Tyler Addesa at MCHS. Right now he is flying under the radar, but his recruiting is going very well. He will be playing Fullback this year and OLB. With his size strength and speed he will be a force this year, especially at FB. It will be interesting to see the matchup between Eli Brown & Addesa when Meade plays Warren East. Addesa may not be a candidate right now for Mr. Football because he has not signed with a D1 school yet and isn’t from a mega media market. But, he has the potential to have a great season and help Meade return to the Championship game. Doubletake1906 had it right “Allow ALL the kids play speak for themselves, and keep an open mind instead of following the rest of the sheep.” Mr. Football shouldn’t be about a players recruiting status (remember colleges recruit needs not the highest ranked player) or their Scouts , Rivals or 24/7 ranking( I’ve seen some of these kids in camp and they don’t look any better than anyone else) or popularity, it should be about Friday night when they put the pads on and strap it up.
  8. I agree...but it seems like all the winners are on the offensive side of the ball.
  9. We need to have a Mr. Football for Offense & Defense or come up with an award for the best defensive player in the state. Mr. Football should be about more than numbers.
  10. What's more important than the weight is the % of thier body weight they are lifting.
  11. Tyler Addesa (Meade County 2015, TE/OLB/DE/FB) Weights 204 Height 6'1, Bench 315..Squat 400...PC 250.
  12. Just so you know Coach..I was critical of the camp, but certainly not your effort. Now, I know why Ballard Football is a great program. Because of your dedication this camp one day will be the premier camp in the state. Keep up the great work!!!!
  13. First, kudos to Coach J for hosting the camp. I agree with all the comments...seemed just so unorganized, too much sitting around. Coach J seemed like he was running from place to place with zero help. With the weather forecast I would have thought the camp would have been better prepared with an alternate plan. There were zero position drills..than lets run outside for some one on ones in front of a few college coaches. Most college coaches departed before the one on ones. The combine part is unnecessary and a waste of time (Really the triple Jump). Honestly, great idea, but in the end I just don’t think it was very productive. Lastly, Kudos to Coach J..he was really working hard to make it a success.
  14. You have to remember some kids can't start kindergarten on time based on their birthdays. Case in point, some schools say you have to be 5 by the 1st of Oct to start kindergarten. If your birthday is 5 Oct you have to wait until next year. Also a lot of kids especially boys are held back in 1st grade as well. Now conversely, if you fail any grades in HS you shouldn’t be ineligible to play sports anyway no matter your age. School and graduation should be the focus not playing sports. Playing HS sports should be a reward/incentive/ and tied to performing well in the classroom. Hard to believe the state has a law stating you have to have a “C” average to drive. I don’t know if KHSAA has a minimum GPA to play sports. If not there should be.
  15. My first question is what have the players done to get noticed by college coaches. How many letters, texts or camp invites have they received? If not a lot they need more exposure. But, I totally agree with CoachJ post. Remember there are roughly 20 seniors for every freshman position in football. Don’t get locked on D1 only. I would make a list of schools you like at every level from D1-NAIA. Break your list into two sections per level (list 3-5 schools you think you can honestly play at and 3-5 schools you would like to play at). Then start emailing those coaches!! Remember NAIA is equal to many D2 schools in relation to talent. The kids getting offers right now have great measurable, are fast and in most cases have great game film. Majority were also starters as sophomores and juniors. Don't worry about getting stars on rivals or scout..most college coaches will tell you they don't really spend much time on those sites. There are many things that lead to an offer. First, they have to have a need at your position. Second, you have to have the measurables to get your foot in the door, have great game tape and lastly (But just as important) have good grades. Don’t be afraid to ask the coach calling you some questions. 1. What position are you recruiting me to play? 2. How many players are you recruiting at my position? 3. Where do I rank on your recruiting board? 4. Have you evaluated my film? 5. What is the next step in the recruiting process? Lay out your camp schedule. Hit camps you have received invites to..try to stay away from camps where the coaches don’t know you. Generally its hard to get noticed at camps with 300 other players. If you do go to a camp send the recruiting coach an email letting him know you are attending. Remember most coaches at camps are focused on the players they have invited and are potential recruits. The bottom line you have to be aggressive. Have third party verification (NUC,Nike Sparq or FBU) of your measurables. Have someone (Coach preferably) review your highlight tape to make sure it shows your fundamentals (foot work, speed, blocking, tackling and athleticism).
  16. My first question is what have the players done to get noticed by college coaches. How many letters, texts or camp invites have they received? If not a lot they need more exposure. But, I totally agree with CoachJ post. Remember there are roughly 20 seniors for every freshman position in football. Don’t get locked on D1 only. I would make a list of schools you like at every level from D1-NAIA. Break your list into two sections per level (list 3-5 schools you think you can honestly play at and 3-5 schools you would like to play at). Then start emailing those coaches!! Remember NAIA is equal to many D2 schools in relation to talent. The kids getting offers right now have great measurable, are fast and in most cases have great game film. Majority were also starters as sophomores and juniors. Don't worry about getting stars on rivals or scout..most college coaches will tell you they don't really spend much time on those sites. There are many things that lead to an offer. First, they have to have a need at your position. Second, you have to have the measurables to get your foot in the door, have great game tape and lastly (But just as important) have good grades. Don’t be afraid to ask the coach calling you some questions. 1. What position are you recruiting me to play? 2. How many players are you recruiting at my position? 3. Where do I rank on your recruiting board? 4. Have you evaluated my film? 5. What is the next step in the recruiting process? Lay out your camp schedule. Hit camps you have received invites to..try to stay away from camps where the coaches don’t know you. Generally its hard to get noticed at camps with 300 other players. If you do go to a camp send the recruiting coach an email letting him know you are attending. Remember most coaches at camps are focused on the players they have invited and are potential recruits.
  17. All great points Meade Pride...and yes I agree. Meade plays great team football in all three phaes and that's what has contributed heavily the programs success over the years. In my opinion, there is three main reasons the program is strong year in and year out..quality and dedication of its coaching staff, physical style of play and great fundamentals (Blocking & tackling).
  18. Iam4thecats..First of all great back and forth. It always cool to have a spirited debate. You raise many validate points. That being said this was suppose to be about Meade improving. Unfortunately it got off topic..anyway I sincerely apologize to anyone who took offense that was not the intent.
  19. So to you Meade doesn't need to improve anywhere?? This was the initial thread "What does Meade County need to do to improve in 2014? What do they need to keep doing to be successful? Remember, please be constructive" I was merely stating my opinion to answer the question..you don't have to agree!!!! I for one believe a Meade needs a more aggressive style of defense to win against quality teams with good offenses. It's just my opinion!!! Again Meade is a great program, but the thread was "What does Meade County need to do to improve in 2014" Obviously there is room to improve if you didn't win the championship and in my opinion a more agressive defense in the final 2 minutes of the 6A championship might have slowed Scott county down and kept them from scoring. I might be completely wrong and that's alright, this is just a blog to share ideas. It should be alright to exchange opinions right or wrong. Because right & wrong really is in the eye of the beholder. Unless you are 100% correct in all your opinions. The comment "The defense carried that team and that program and always will as long as Mofield is there." doesn't seem to be a compliment?? But I don't think he will lose any sleep. You may like a containment style of defense..I like a more aggressive style..neither is right or wrong. Both styles have won games.
  20. Invest in your program...you don't think the quality of coaching and facilities at X, Trinity and other top programs in the state don't make a difference. There is always an exception to the rule..but X won't beat O without out great coaching. Again there is no one thing that makes a winning program..there is no "I" in team. It takes everything to make a winning program year in and year out.
  21. Iam4thecats..obviously you didn't read the initial thread..."be contructive" No one likes a hater. Coach Mofield has done a great job. I mean he is the HC.
  22. hoss403, IDK Meade and JH is always a hard hitting game and a joy to watch. JH is a hell of a program. Would be nice to win this year in death valley. It wasn't just the senior class, the team was deep at a lot of positions. But Meade did lose a lot in this senior class.
  23. I disagree..its all about commitment from the school boards. Put your $$ where your mouth is. Either you want to compete or not.
  24. First of all, this is a blog to discuss opinions and nothing more. Iamthecats, you have your opionion I have mine. What makes you think you know so much. You stated the Defense carried Meade last year, that is totally wrong. Not to mention what a stupid comment " It's fans like you who think they know something that is ruining high school athletics and driving coaches out of the game." How am I ruining HS athletics and driving coaches out of the game??? I wish I had that much power to influence on such a grand scheme. Scott Co didn't run that defense, they won the championship. What makes you think you know more than anybody else!!!! state your opinion, don't get personel!!!
  25. Seems like a stupid plan full of loopholes and politics. Who measures the player. Are they a third party. I say strap it up and play. Male beat both X & Trinity last year. So it can be done. I suggest public schools study St X & Trinity's programs and get better. Hire better coaches, to include actual strength & conditioning coaches, engage nutrient specialists & speed trainers to help players get bigger, faster and more athletic. Stop whining about private vs public. I would go back to 6-8 team districts and only the top 2 or 4 make the play-offs. As it is now too many teams in the play-offs that shouldn't be. The only option is for the KHSAA to coordinate with Ohio, Indiana and TN to form a private school regional conference.
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