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Everything posted by truthbtold

  1. So are you dismissing the fact that really good players flock to the school that wins? I know for a fact, kids may move or live with a relative or even a non relative just to play for a certain team. Therefore, talent is being taken away from their district school that may level the playind field somewhat.
  2. I'm not sure how much better Duke will get than they are now. While watching the Duke/UK it was obvious who was the most athletic team. The only difference was, Duke was older and knew what they were trying to accomplish where UK was and still are trying to figure out who their identity and what each player's role. With that being said, if UK would have done a few things better in that game they would have beaten Duke. That's why I stated, "I would take UK over Duke in march".
  3. I'll still take the Wildcats against the Dukies at the end of the season if they meet!!
  4. If I'm not mistaken the rule stated, if a student athlete repeated or held back during middle school they could not play the next year. Pike was held back in 8th grade, from what I heard, he was not emotionally ready to attend high school.:lol:
  5. Sounds like you are too close to the situation to have an objective opinion.
  6. I'm almost willing to bet, he will not be with UL next year.
  7. Not everyone can coach a bunch of possible one and done players.
  8. Unfortunately, there is tons of talent wasted in today's sports. Normally, if a person has had several chances and continues to make the same mistakes over and over they are often called a losers. May be a harsh statement, but that's how most see a kid that has so many advantages given to him, and keeps throwing them away because he does what he wants when he wants without thinking or caring about the consequences.
  9. You know this how? You have no idea what others may have dealt with during their lifetime.
  10. Depends if you want to have a chance at winning and having a shot at a conference championship.
  11. Talent is talent? I don't see Jones landing much better recruits than Joker had. Like I said before, It's easier for Jones to recruit at UC than it would be for him to do at UK.
  12. I'm not sure you can compare UK and UC in terms of recruiting classes. First of all, The Big East doesn't even compare to the SEC in terms of Joker having to battle it out with the several top programs in the Nation let alone in the SEC for recruits. It's a little easier for Jones to recruit in the Big East due to the lack of established programs BE.
  13. Whoever they select needs has to be able to recruit. Therefore, the coach has to be somewhat respected and known in the football world. I'm not sure Jones is that guy.I don't think I could pick Jones out in a crowd of people.
  14. After you order a pizza, then there's a 2 dollar plus delivery charge. What is the delivery charge cover?
  15. Do you write anything that isn't anti-Obama? I understand that you may not agree with him, but I haven't ready one objective statement that you have said or wrote dealing with President Obama.
  16. The guy fouled all night long..After his 4th foul he committed 7 more before the 5th was called.
  17. I'm sure the Rockets wish they had the draft to do over again.
  18. I wouldn't say no matter what..I guess if there were a narrow minded candidate that didn't respect others that were different from them because of gender, race, or social class, etc.....Then no, I would say, the vote would not be that high for a democrat candidate. I love the notion that the GOP thinks that minorities vote for democrats just for that reason. As if, minorities aren't intelligent enough to look at policies and do what's best for them.
  19. Do you really that no candidates, as well as yours, does not somewhat compromise on their beliefs for votes?
  20. The GOP party didn't realize it either, that's why all the finger pointing is happening...How can you not notice?
  21. I can't agree with you on that. I've watched reports on CNN with interviews with Repub's talking about how Obama dropped the ball concering Lybia. There are also reports tracking deaths of soldiers that have been killed in Afgan. I think GOP loves to bring this up when things don't go there way. Hell, Fox talks about all the failures of the President on a daily basis and they are considered mainstream media. I'm not saying there may be a little bias there on both sides, but I think people are getting tired of listening to the excuse about the media everytime blame is placed by the GOP.
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