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Everything posted by dto1177

  1. Any link to the video of his decision? I can't find one and I can't find it on the link above.
  2. I do too, however they're doing something right. They play with a lot of heart and effort, and i think it proves their coach is really solid. I like this streak more than any in recent years because they weren't supposed to be doing this whasoever. We should be talking about if they are going to making the NIT, not can they get a 3-4 seed in the big dance. I'm enjoying the ride. Also, no wonder the big schools don't want to come to mid majors to play. They have a huge advantage because they practice in their game gym. Thats one advantage over a powerhouse like UK, etc.
  3. Oops, youre correct bugatti. I am on my phone and only saw the first column with the road teams. My apologies :thumb:
  4. ^ when i watched the highlights on sportscenter you could tell the fans were really.into it. I thought one of the fans in the front row was having a heart attack when Murray took the lead lol. You're right about Canaan. The kid is legit. I think if his D comes along he will make a pro roster. Also, watching him on the all access made me realize he's a very well spoken guy.
  5. According to the ESPN bracketbuster website, Murray St. Isn't one of the schools participating in this.
  6. NWO reminds me of Al Roker from the Today show. Except for more accurate with his weather reports. Lol
  7. Take her to Detroit or Cleveland. jk of course, Chitown or Nashville. I prefer Nashville, but that's just me.
  8. Lots of craziness in Louisville. I am gunna see if my phone will upload the video of what i saw from my apartment. It was pretty crazy.I'm not a professional but i think I videotaped a tornado lol.
  9. They think a tornado may have blown through where I live. Lots quite a bit of damage on Westport Rd. I'm Louisville.
  10. I know it. I really hope that I get out of class early enough to make it. I think it would be a great game to attend. If i am able to make it I will definitely get with you :thumb:
  11. It wasn't but a minute after this was posted he said that lol. Good timing! :thumb:
  12. How much do MSU tickets run Wireman? I will be in that area Wednesday and may just drop in if tickets aren't too expensive. Never been to a mid major game. Time to go to one!
  13. Dicky V thinks so. That's what he said during the KU v. Baylor game. So no, they won't. Too difficult. they haven't played a tough road game yet either IMO. They are really good though. Unless UK works on there zone offense, I think they would be in a world of hurtin' against the 'Cuse.
  14. I am pulling for Arkansas next year. I find myself really liking them. Arkansas vs Oregon. My dream match up for next year.
  15. Larry, have you seen the Bama commercials on ESPN? Hilarious. He was a virgin til he was 28....ROLL TIDE. Haha. Random, but I think of you everytime it comes on :thumb:
  16. :clap: good one sir. That's about the only split worthwhile. However, I would give half to McCarron over the kicker. The kicker did miss a few time...Let the arguments begin!
  17. Larry, I hope you haven't broke a hip or anything celebrating. Haha. Just messing. Congrats Bama. The most one sided NC game I've ever seen. I underestimated their offense too. I knew their D was amazing, but McCarron turned into a leader tonight.
  18. I feel like Les gave up about mid way throught the 3rd. The game plan just wasn't normal for him.
  19. I bet Larry is about to have a heart attack after this beatdown. Lol.
  20. THE most dominating defensive performance I've ever seen.
  21. Jefferson is terrible at option pitches. My grandma could read the D better than him on the option.
  22. It's sad when the announcers have to root for LSUs offense to get to the 50.
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