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Everything posted by thisguy

  1. The game was cancelled over an hour before the 6 pm scheduled kick-off. It turned out to be a nice evening. Think this one was cancelled a little too early and/or Coach Trosper didn't want the field to get torn up this early in the season for a freshman game.
  2. SK did in fact beat the Conner freshman 27-6. This was Conner's first game and it showed. They were out of sync and there was confusion on both sides of the ball all game long. It appeared the O line also struggled and failed to pick up blitzing LB's on numerous plays. I would expect Conner to be improved this week but am not sure how they will stack up against CCH.
  3. I think some of us are getting way too worked up over rankings. Let's remember that these two teams will play each other to determine who is the better team. In fact, it could happen TWICE. Polls are fun to debate, but at least this is one argument that will be settled on the field, not by ranking members sitting around a chalkboard.
  4. Might explain the recruiting woes of one of our "in-state" schools.
  5. Look for Conner to be in the thick of things. Coach Arlo has had them in 4 consecutive regional appearances. The return of Maines, Fogle, and Padgett should bolster the 1-2-3 spots in the lineup. Solid sophmore class should improve along with some nice talent at the JV level that is coming up. I believe they only lose 4 seniors.
  6. National-Braves, Brewers, Cubs, Reds (old and new), Pirates, Dodgers, Padres (old and new) American-Yankees (old), Indians, Royals, Tigers, White Sox, Angels, Rangers A park that doesn't get alot of the "hype" is Kaufman Stadium, home to the Royals. Cool town as well. I'd say that, along with the Pirates and Wrigley have been the nicest stadiums for the experience. Of course, San Diego wasn't bad but obviously that trip would be a little more expensive.
  7. Respect your opinion, but in defense of Coach Garnett, he did lead the JV team to the JV Championship just two short years ago.
  8. Conner had a nice showing in Georgetown and went 5-3. I don't know their full schedule but their most impressive win was against Perry Central. They played without Hemmerich who is still recovering from a knee injury. Barker and Padgett were very impressive. On a side note, the JV team played well, too, going 6-2.
  9. Coach Garnett resigned and accepted the varsity golf position at Conner. Coach Rowland resigned as well. Coach Padgett remains on staff as a varsity assistant and was with the team last week for the Georgetown camp. Coach Bowman has left the Ryle staff and has accepted the JV position at Conner.
  10. Just felt compelled to state that I do feel Conner is positioned to have a very strong season, and much of that will hinder on the maturity, leadership, and physical tools that IMO Barker demonstrated last year and would think would be even more on display this year. Certainly, there are many other factors involved to having a successful season, but by only concentrating on the on the field issues should hopefully enhance any chances of success.
  11. Apples and oranges. Barker (as a junior) displays way more maturity (on and off the field) than the Dixie QB from last year. That should help to set a positive tone for Conner and also help alleviate any on/off the field distractions, which IMO, was the issue with Dixie last year.
  12. I believe he was planning on attending Shawnee State, but I'm not 100% sure of that. But it is crazy to think of a senior quitting a few days before the Districts start. Props to Arlo for standing his ground.
  13. I was told that he quit, I believe over a dispute about playing time. Apparently, he realized he was making a mistake and asked to come back and join the team but his request was declined. Sad to see a senior go out that way, especially now that Conner is advancing. They could definitely use his arm.
  14. Unfortunately, Nelson is no longer on the team roster.
  15. I was actually referring to the other two teams that were listed as wins by Conner. I do not know the weekend results for Cooper or Boone. Sorry for the confusion.
  16. Conner actually beat Lexington Tates Creek, not Eastern. The other 2 teams are correct, but your points are well taken!
  17. Agree, the 33rd is wide open. Conner has won 7 in a row with wins over NCC, Cov Cath, Brossart, Scott, Tates Creek, Louisville Southern and Powell County. Pretty impressive. They are now winning all the one-run games that were heartbreakers earlier in the year. And they did it this weekend in Lexington without Blake Maines, who is arguably their best all-around player. I think getting senior Jake Williams back from his injury has given them a boost and helped anchor the lineup.
  18. It seems Conner has blown late leads several times this year and has had problems closing out games. I believe they lost to Campbell County when leading 8-0, they lost to Dixie by 1 after giving up 4 runs in the bottom of the 7th, and now lost to Boone after losing several leads including a 4 run lead in the bottom of the 8th. Anyone have any ideas as to why they are struggling to finish?
  19. Actually, Will Garnett is a 7th grader. My mistake.
  20. #44 is Alec Garnett and #17 is Johnny Frommeyer for Conner
  21. I guess your interpretation of what happened is going to be a little biased depending on if you were there as a Conner or Dixie fan. I was at this game and saw everything with my own eyes. In my opinion (and the umpire's) the slide was legal. I know the catcher was in pain and I hope he has fully recovered. And as I stated earlier most of the Dixie kids were not in the dugout when the ball was thrown but there were still a few lingerers in there. I'm not sure it really matters if he was on the mound when the ball was thrown or closer to first base as you state, but the ball was thrown and was thrown hard.
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